A glimpse

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The morning mist filtered into the room where Wei Ying and Lan Zhan slept. Lan Zhan was holding Wei Ying in such a way that if you saw them you would think it was a mother holding her child. As Lan Zhan tenderly cradled Wei Ying's body he noticed that once again his clan's head ribbon was wound around Wei Ying's fingers. He smiled and slowly moved his hand to Wei Ying's to see if he could free it. But the moment of gently pulling at the ribbon caused Wei Ying to stir and he began muttering in his sleep. Lan Zhan watched as Wei Ying's brow furrowed and his body shudder as if he was in great pain. His breathing became faster and his face contorted. Wei Ying's hand reflexively held the ribbon tighter and in a small raspy voice he said, "I will not let go..."

Lan Zhan's hand, poised above Wei Ying's slowly came down and settled gently upon it. He then saw that the ribbon was wound so tightly around Wei Ying's fingers that it was starting to indent the flesh. He gazed at Wei Ying with concern, it had been a while since he had had one of these episodes. Lan Zhan closed his eyes and channeled a small amount of Qi into Wei Ying's hand. The serene blue energy flowed from his hand into Wei Ying's. He used his other arm to reach under Wei Ying and bring him closer to him, cradling his head, hand and the ribbon to his chest. He bent his head down to Wei Ying's ear and whispered, "Wei Ying... I am here".

The calmness of his voice, his warmth and closeness of his body had the effect he wanted. Wei Ying relaxed and the pain left his face. He took in slow steady breaths, then his head bent down and burrowed into Lan Zhan's lap. Wei Ying's hands, twined with the pale blue ribbon grabbed at Lan Zhan's waist. "Lan Zhan?" he said in a barely audible voice. Lan Zhan heard the question he was asking, is this real? Softly Lan Zhan replied, "Wei Ying".  Wei Ying held tightly onto Lan Zhan, he slowly began going through the metal exercises he used to center his mind. The ones he used to make sure everything he was sensing was real. He focused on Lan Zhan's body, he felt his hands on his waist, felt the silkiness of the shirt Lan Zhan was wearing.
Head nestled in Lan Zhan's lap he fisted a handful of the smooth shirt. The movement caused the ribbon to completely slip from Lan Zhan's forehead. It pooled around Wei Ying's body, encircling it. It wove through his hair and fingers. Lan Zhan's breath stopped, he stared at the sight of the ribbon intertwined around Wei Ying. The hands on his waist fisting his shirt, the face buried his lap.  Lan Zhan's breath sucked in and he felt his chest tighten. His heart beat with such a force of emotion. It was so strong and deep he wasn't sure he could contain it. He closed his eyes and held Wei Ying as memories of longing, fear, friendship ... love swirled in his heart. Tears slipped from his eyes and down his cheeks. Their wetness falling onto Wei Ying. He took in breath and calmed his heart and mind. He bent his head again towards Wei Ying and said in his quiet voice, a voice full of all strength and emotion he felt and said, "Wei Ying, I am here".

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