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Wei Wuxian woke to find an arm wrapped around his chest and a leg entwined with his. He was laying on his side, a blue ribbon pinned under his shoulder and wound around his hand. He shifted slightly, then he felt the person hug him tighter and their head come up to rest in the hollow where his neck met his shoulder. "Wei Ying?" a voice said with concern and then they rolled him onto his back and looked down at him. Eyes searched his face for signs of distress or discomfort. "Lan Zhan..." the words came out hoarse but full of emotion. Lan Zhan's eyes blazed with joy. "Wei Ying!" he cried out his name and then crushed his full weight down on top of him. "Oof! Lan Zhan.. what?!" He was caught off guard by the sudden move and was being properly smooshed now. Wei Wuxian wrapped his arms around him and held him tightly, "Lan Zhan, what's wrong?" With his head still buried in his shoulder Lan Zhan said, "It's been a week since you returned to your body." Wei Wuxian stopped breathing momentarily, "I thought, I thought I dreamed it... here, help me up, is there a mirror?" Lan Zhan moved off him and he gently helped him up, "first we need to go and see Baoshan Sanren and Wen Qing. We've all been waiting for you to wake." Wei Wuxian sighed, "I suppose... but ... is Shifu still angry with me?" Lan Zhan paused a moment, "Baoshan Sanren hasn't expressed anything to me about being upset with you." Wei Wuxian laughed, "She's going to be upset with me for causing trouble again, just you watch Lan Zhan." Lan Zhan raised an eyebrow, "She's been quite concerned for you, we all have. Even Jiang Cheng has been pestering me about whether or not you've woken up yet." Wei Wuxian felt a pang of guilt at the mention of Jiang Cheng and asked cautiously, "How is he? Jiang Cheng, I mean. Is he okay?" Lan Zhan wasn't fooled by his tone, "Jiang Cheng is fine now. You're still connected to him spiritually but neither of you are in danger if one of you dies now." Wei Wuxian let out the breath he'd been holding. Lan Zhan came up to him and held his shoulders, "Wei Ying, he's alright." Wei Wuxian felt a weight lift from his heart and was about to change the subject when he noticed how he was standing with Lan Zhan Wei Wuxian and exclaimed, "I'm tall again!" Lan Zhan response was, "-.-" Wei Wuxian laughed, "What!? I am taller," he smiled sheepishly and moved his arms around while walking in a circle, doing a little jump and squat. Lan Zhan watched him move, he still felt a little fearful and without Wen Qing and Baoshan Sanren making sure he was alright first he didn't want Wei Ying to over tax himself, "Wei Ying, come here." He held out his hand to him and he came over and took them. Lan Zhan helped him get dressed and then they went out to find Baoshan Sanren and Wen Qing. They walked to the alcove that had the lotus pond, both Baoshan Sanren and Wen Qing were there talking with Jiang Cheng. They looked up as they entered and Baoshan Sanren said, "Wei Wuxian, one of these days you'll have to visit me when you're not trying to die on my doorstep." Wei Wuxian gave a weak smile and bowed his head, "Shifu, this lowly disciple humbly asks your forgiveness for trying to die again without your permission." Baoshan Sanren made a scoffing sound as she stood up and walked over to him. She laid a hand on his chest, and he felt her Qi flow into him, down his meridians and to the gate of his golden core. With his new strength he pushed the Qi from his golden core to meet hers and her eyes widen slightly feeling the push back. "Good, everything is flowing properly and there are no blockages. Wen Qing has made up some herbs for you, you will take them for the next ten days." Wei Wuxian nodded his head respectfully, "Yes Shifu." Baoshan Sanren sat back down and invited them to do so as well. Wei Wuxian looked at Jiang Cheng, "how are feeling?" Jiang Cheng punched him on the shoulder, "I fine now and looking forward to kicking your ass." Wei Wuxian felt no energetic drain at the contact and barked out a laugh, "HA! Jiang Cheng, name the time and I will be there!" Wen Qing shook her head and scolded them, "Wei Wuxian, Jiang Cheng, there will be no fighting between you for at least 3 months." Their heads bowed in mock obedience, and then whined together, "Lady Wennnn!" She whipped out her hand holding 3 needles and glared at them. Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian jumped back, "Okay! Okay! No fighting for three months, got it. Now put those devils away!" Wen Qing only smiled at them then and they shuddered, then she put her needles away. Hearing more voices approach then turned to see Jin Ling, Lan Sizhui and Wen Ning coming towards them. The three of them looked content and even Jin Ling looked happy. When they saw that Wei Wuxian was awake, they all came running up to him and embraced him. "Wei-gongzi, Wei-qianbei! You're awake!" Jiang Cheng and Lan Zhan moved back a bit to make room for them. After a few minutes Wen Qing shooed them away and Wei Wuxian promised to talk with them later. Baoshan Sanren watched it all and when it quieted down she spoke, "Wei Wuxian, tomorrow we will begin training with your new golden core." She got a far off look in her eyes and they turned silver, and in a monotone voice she said, "The Lord of Ghosts has risen, but no armies will he command, and no earth will he scorch for the Lord of Light accompanies him. They bring balance, Yin and Yang, Sun and Moon. They stand with justice, curb the violent and assist the weak, and live with no regrets." Baoshan Sanren's eyes returned to normal and looked at them intently, "The vows you both made long ago have been witnessed and accepted. They bind you together, they give you strength and knowledge. But it's your trust and love for each other that allows you to do accomplish the impossible. Never forget that." She stood up and moved her hand indicating that they should follow her, "Hanguang-Jun, Wei Wuxian, come with me. Everyone else may go about their own business." They bowed to her and took their leave, Wei Wuxian and Lan Zhan followed her through the temple. She led them outside, and down a path that wound downwards and eventually to a cave opening. It reminded Wei Wuxian of his cave in the burial grounds, but inside this one was a hot spring. The air was warm, the scent of minerals and steam filling the air. There was a small alter where Baoshan Sanren lit incense, candles and bowed respectfully. Following her lead, they did the same. Baoshan Sanren gestured to the water, "Hanguang-Jun, this hot spring is like your cold pool, it has healing properties that will restore the body. Also, Bichen, Suibian and Chenqing have been brought here so you can reconnect with them. Wei Wuxian your spirit and body are adjusting nicely so you may use your sword." Lan Zhan looked relieved to have his sword back, but Wei Wuxian looked cautiously at Suibian. Baoshan Sanren notice his hesitation and said,  Suibian is still yours Wei Wuxian, and will not drain your energy now. All you have to do is allow it adjust to your new core and you will be able to use it again." Giving a slight bow to them she excused herself and left the cave. Wei Wuxian walked over to Chenqing and picked it up. Placing it to his lips he played several notes. Nothing in particular, just following his mood. When he was done he put it back down and looked at Suibian, slowly he reached down and picked it up. It felt good, he focused his golden core's energy and let his Qi flow from it to his hand and then into the sword. Suibian glowed ruby red and shivered, the vibrations of energy pulsed back through Wei Wuxian's hand, arm and back into his core. He received the swords energy and let it flow through his core, then flexed his Qi again and sent it back to the Suibian.  He moved his sword in an arc motion and then a thrust, he smiled broadly as he felt Suibian's power swell. He had missed this feeling so much, he closed his eyes and let the sword move him. Then abruptly it met another force, the sound clashing like lightning! Lan Zhan had watched transfixed as Wei Ying had moved with his sword. It was like watching lovers dance and suddenly he wanted to join. He unsheathed Bichen and stepped into the dance. Bichen and Suibian met and sang out together, Wei Ying was surprised only for a second, then he jumped into the air spinning and coming back down behind Lan Zhan. Lan Zhan spun in turn and flew to meet him, their swords ringing and their breaths coming faster. Wei Wuxian felt exhilarated, he saw the same heat in Lan Zhan's eyes and decided to change up his next move. He feinted right, ducked under Lan Zhan's sword and with his free hand, reached out and grabbed Lan Zhan's ass, then spun away again. Lan Zhan looked confused, perturbed, then hungry. Wei Wuxian laughed, "Why Lan Zhan, such a ferocious look, men and women would throw themselves at you without a second thought." Lan Zhan scowled at him and then moved so fast that Wei Wuxian was a beat too late in dodging the attack. He landed flat on his back, Lan Zhan pinning him to the ground, Bichen and Suibian crossed between them. Lan Zhan growled and said the word that always made his heart studder, "Mine." Wei Wuxian held his gaze and then freeing his hands slammed them both down onto the ground pushing them both upwards off the ground. He grabbed hold of Lan Zhan and spun them around, the action removing the robes from Lan Zhan's body. Now down to his under clothes and breathing heavily Lan Zhan put Bichen down. Slowly he reached up and undid his shirt, letting it fall to the floor. Wei Wuxian swelled as he watched Lan Zhan's shirt fall to the ground. Lan Zhan's chest was damp with perspiration, and it made brand on his breast glisten. Wei Wuxian sauntered slowly towards him and then touched the brand mark gently. He realized then that they had the same mark now. He stepped back and undid his robe, but Lan Zhan stopped him before he took off his under shirt. "Wait, let me do it" he said quietly. His slender fingers undid the ties of his shirt, leaving it hanging loosely around him. His hands slid over his bare skin and moved the cloth over his shoulders, it fell to the ground effortlessly. Lan Zhan reached out and touched the brand mark on his chest, Wei Wuxian did the same to him. The stood there, breathing together, "Mine" Lan Zhan said looking up from the brand mark into Wei Wuxian's eyes. "Mine" Wei Wuxian said back to him and then his hands drifted down to his waist slowly pushing Lan Zhan's pants off. Lan Zhan stepped out of them and before Wei Wuxian could stop him, he fell to his knees in front of him. He had never done this before, "Lan Zhan! What are you doing, get up!" He struggled to move him, to pick him back up but Lan Zhan grabbed him by the waist and buried his face into his stomach. Wei Wuxian froze, he was standing shirtless with Lan Zhan naked and kneeling before him. "Please..." came Lan Zhan's plea.  Wei Wuxian understood then, it didn't happen very often but when it did it was because Lan Zhan had been done too much, too much work or in this case had burned the candle at both ends keeping him alive. "I'm here Lan Zhan..." he whispered and Lan Zhan's response was to kiss his stomach. Wei Wuxian rested his hands on Lan Zhan's head and then fisted his hair. "I'm alive..." he said as Lan Zhan's hands moved from his waits and started pulling down his pants. Free from his clothes Wei Wuxian's cock arched towards his navel and right next to Lan Zhan's face. Lan Zhan gripped his waist once more and then he rubbed his cheek against Wei Wuxian's cock. Lan Zhan felt the veins like cords against his face and its velvety texture. He lifted his face and dragged it across to the other side, the movement causing Wei Ying's cock to pulse upwards and a pearl of cum forming on the tip. Wei Wuxian gripped Lan Zhan's hair tighter and felt his body quiver, waiting, waiting for Lan Zhan to... "Gahhhhhh fuuuuuck.." he growled as Lan Zhan took him into his mouth. He pushed his hips forward, looking down he watched his cock disappearing inch by inch into Lan Zhan's mouth. Lan Zhan face was peaceful and serene as took him all the way in, then his mouth closed tightly around him. Wei Wuxian held him there and then with his hands fisted in his hair he pushed Lan Zhan away and gently rotated his head so that his mouth slightly rotated around his cock. Lan Zhan allowing his head to be moved tightened his lips adding more friction and then he sucked. Wei Wuxian bucked back into his mouth, "fuck!" he cried and did the move again. Lan Zhan accepted Wei Ying's control, he craved to be taken. Normally he was the one who liked to control and dominate but he had used so much energy keeping Wei Ying alive that he had nothing left. He needed to be filled, to give up control and allow himself to receive. He let out a sound that sounded like a whimper, but it was his signal to Wei Ying. Wei Wuxian heard Lan Zhan and with his hands still holding his hair moved Lan Zhan's head back and forth, pumping his hips. He was careful not to overwhelm Lan Zha but aggressive enough to give him what he needed.  Hands fisted in Lan Zhan's hair, hips bucking, he found the rhythm that took him over the edge. Lan Zhan held Wei Ying's cock in his mouth as he released. Slowly sliding his cock from his mouth he swallowed and then nuzzled his face on Wei Ying's belly. Wei Wuxian let go his hair and stroked his head, then leaning into his new strength he scooped Lan Zhan up into his arms and carried him to the hot springs. "Wei Ying!" Lan Zhan said with some alarm but Wei Wuxian ignored him and they slowly descended into the warm waters. He held Lan Zhan close and kissed the top of his head. His hand on Lan Zhan's back moved in small circles. He found that the pool wasn't too deep and there was a bench he could sit on, so he positioned Lan Zhan in front of him, his back towards him, "Lan Zhan, I have you" Lan Zhan's head fell back, resting on Wei Wuxian's shoulder. His eyes closed feeling Wei Wuxian's hands massage his shoulders and chest. "That's it, let go Lan Zhan" Wei Wuxian's mouth made its way to Lan Zhan's ear lobe, then down his neck. A moan groaned from his lips as Wei Ying's mouth kissed, bit and sucked him. He let go, and felt Wei Ying knead and open his ass, rubbing and widening the entrance with his fingers. "Mine" Wei Ying hissed in his ear. "Yours, please" he whimpered once more. He felt the burn of Wei Ying's cock press against his opening and then the shock of pleasure as Wei Ying took his ass. "Mine!" Wei Wuxian grunted as he levered Lan Zhan's ass up and down on his cock. Waves spilled out over the edge of the pool, Wei Wuxian withdrew from Lan Zhan and turned him around so that he was now bent over the rim of the pool. Then he again buried himself deep into Lan Zhan. "Ahhhgh" Lan Zhan cried out, pressing back fully into Wei Ying, giving everything to Wei Ying. His mind calmed and he opened all his Qi channels. Connected Wei Ying like this he was flooded with energy, his and Wei Ying's.  Wei Wuxian angled his body so he could reach one hand around and grab Lan Zhan's erection.  He stroked Lan Zhan up and down. Lan Zhan ground his ass into Wei Ying feeling eclectic currents of pleasure run through his body as his cock slid through Wei Ying's hand. "Wei Ying!" he cried out. Wei Wuxian pumped him, filled him and he gave into the oblivion of pleasure. The release that came for both created such a shock wave that it felt like the water temperature rose 10 degrees. Wei Wuxian lay over the top of Lan Zhan, still buried inside him he began kissing the scares on his back. Then he gently pulled out and turned him around. He held Lan Zhan and kissed his cheeks, forehead, nose and then lips. He savored those lips leaving Lan Zhan breathless and satiated. Lan Zhan was floating on a cloud and could barely move. Wei Wuxian noticed a pile of bedding near the back of the cave and again picked Lan Zhan up and carried him over to it. Lan Zhan didn't even protest, he laid him down and covered them both with blankets. Quietly Wei Wuxian said, "I'm here Lan Zhan, rest now." Lan Zhan nodded his head, his body was blissfully wrung out, his mind was at peace and his heart was full. Wrapped in Wei Ying's arms he fell asleep. Wei Wuxian waited until Lan Zhan had finally given into rest before he too drifted off. Whatever tomorrow held could wait, right now the only thing that mattered was in his arms. 


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