Sacred Space

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At the fierce impact of Wei Wuxian's kiss, a moan escaped from Lan Zhan's lips. "Wei Ying..." was all he got out before hands were all over his body, effectively silencing him now. Wei Wuxian felt like he was on fire. His body craved to touch Lan Zhan but they were too out in the open. Breaking off his kiss he grabbed Lan Zhan, pulled him up and took them further off the road. Soon he felt an energetic pull of energy leading off towards a slight hill. It didn't feel evil or had ill intentions, just a flow of energy that seemed to call to him. He navigated through the forest and undergrowth, following the pull. "Lan Zhan, do you feel that?" he said as he tugged him along. Lan Zhan said cautiously, "I sense old power but nothing demonic". Wei Wuxian patted his core, "I feel it pulling here." Lan Zhan looked worried but said nothing as Wei Wuxian continued to drag him further into the forest, following the pull of energy. Eventually it brought them to a small clearing where a large tree with long branches stood at the center. It's limbs and branches swept the ground, creating a dome like canopy. "Here..." Wei Wuxian said, pulling Lan Zhan under the tree's curtain of branches, away from the hot sun and prying eyes. The ground was covered in dry moss and a large stone stood near the trunk. The energy of this place felt familiar somehow, but it was also amplifying his desire. His mind became solely fixed on the man who stood before him. Lan Zhan took off his sword and laid it near the trunk of the tree. Wei Wuxian took chenqing out and placed it near the Bichen. Neither of them saw the strange markings on the stone.

Power flowed all around, old magic that enveloped them in a soft cocoon.
Lan Zhan felt the power pulse through him. It went against his training to let this energy influence him. But he felt no evil, he was sure of that. In another life he would never have entered into a place like this, but he wasn't who he had been. He closed his eyes and opened himself up to the energy. Then he knew what he wanted, and he was tired of being dragged through the forest.
He grabbed Wei Wuxian and pinned him to the tree. Wei Wuxian smiled a cocky smile, "careful now Lan Zhan, you wouldn't want to break this delicate body of mine". But Lan Zhan wasn't having any of his chatter. He was hard, the ache of it was making him want to dominate and control. He reached up and slipped the ribbon off his forehead and wound it around Wei Wuxian's wrists. "Mine" he growled into his ear. Wei Wuxian let out a whimper as his body responded to that voice. "Say it" Lan Zhan whispered, sending shivers down Wei Wuxian's spine. "Yours..." came his throaty reply. He knew what Lan Zhan needed and he gave himself freely to him. "Mine" Lan Zhan said biting Wei Wuxian on the neck and sucking. Ecstasy exploded in Wei Wuxian's core, need overriding his senses, his pelvis thrusted into Lan Zhan. Lan Zhan grunted and bit again, harder this time. Wei Wuxian cried out, "Ahhhh, Lan Zhan please!" Lan Zhan took his hands and slowly started parting layers of his clothing, finally touching Wei Wuxian's bare skin. His body felt like a taut bow string and he was slick with sweat. He lifted his bound hands up over his head, and then took his mouth with his. Tongues caressed each other, teeth scraped. Wei Wuxian had never felt anything like this. They had slept together and pleasured each other, but nothing like this. It felt like his body was breathing in life with every suck, every caress, and then, Lan Zhan's hand found him. His hips bucked and his entire body quivered.  A surge of energy engulf them. Wei Wuxian felt wild almost crazy as he pumped himself in Lan Zhan's hand. Each thrust increasing the energy he felt all around them. Lan Zhan noticed the change in energy too and instinctively reached behind his head and undid the ribbon binding Wei Wuxian. Hands free now, he pulled Lan Zhan to the ground. Clothes disappeared. Wei Wuxian and Lan Zhan so absorbed in each other didn't notice that the tree, stone, sword and flute were all emanating a soft glow.

Wei Wuxian straddled Lan Zhan, his hands caressing his stomach and chest. He almost felt like his old self again. "This place is special," he whispered. "I feel different here". Lan Zhan's response was to again take him in his hand and stroke up and down. Moaning, Wei Wuxian slid through Lan Zhan's fingers.
Then Lan Zhan suddenly pushed up so that he no longer straddled him. They were on their knees facing one another, hands pumping and thrusting. Mouths devouring each other, their rhythm becoming faster and faster, until all at once, they cried out each other's names.
"Lan Zhan!" "Wei Ying!"
Hot ribbons of cum covered their bodies as they released together. Savoring every last thrust, they collapsed, spent, and clinging to one other on the soft bed moss.
The glow surrounding them grew brighter.
Wei Wuxian suddenly felt tears sliding down his face. His chest felt tight and he couldn't breathe! Lan Zhan seeing his distress pick him up and began kissing his eye lids, taking away his tears. Wei Wuxian let out a sob as emotions crashed through him. He clung to Lan Zhan as all the sadness, fear and anger poured out of him. Lan Zhan held him gently, his own tears mixing with Wei Wuxian's.

When his tears finally slowed Lan Zhan laid him down gently and pillowed his head on his chest. Wei Wuxian felt wrung out, but he also felt lighter somehow. He lay there on Lan Zhan's chest listening to his steady heartbeat and thought, " I could listen to this sound forever. "
The wind blew softly and the branches of the tree swayed gently. Peaceful energy filled him as he lay there in Lan Zhan's arm, listening to his heartbeat. After a while he whispered, "Lan Zhan, I'm sorry... and thank you." He lifted up his face and kissed him. Lan Zhan held him closer, a smile on his lips and said, "Wei Ying, I whatever you." Wei Wuxian let out a laugh, "HA!" this man, how did he get so lucky. Smiling, and feeling more happy than he'd had in a long time he said, "Lan Zhan, I love you too." Then the glow that had been surrounding them suddenly became as bright as the sun. From underneath the moss on which they lay a hidden array lit up and started swirling. Completely taken by surprised they sat up and tried to move out of it but it was too late. The array flashed!
Wei Wuxian and Lan Zhan vanished.

The wind blew softly and the tree gave a sigh. The glowing stone by the tree's trunk slowly sank into the moss, taking Bichen and Chenqing with it. Its job was done. Now it was in the hands of the one who had set all of this in motion so many years ago.

The wind blew softly and in the distance a donkey brayed.

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