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Many voices called out all at once, "Wei Wuxian! Wei-gongzi! Wei-qianbei! Wei Ying! But who was he? It seemed that he'd been floating here forever, had always been here. Just waiting... waiting for what? Who was he? .... There were so many voices, he couldn't block them out and they kept pulling at him when all he wanted to do was float away. He was tired, so tired... Then a deep vibration shook him and he saw a brightness above. The voices faded as the golden brightness came closer. Closer, closer, then the voices fell silent... He felt warmth flow through him and from the shadows outside of the golden light 2 figures floated into the light. One figure was tall, lean, he looked very familiar, why did he look familiar? The other was more transparent and was shorter. He looked questioning down at his hands, these weren't his hands... then he saw the three healed scars on his forearm. A memory of another man, he wanted something... what did he want? He touched the scars and heard, "Avenge Me!" He pulled his hand away quickly, avenge me? Wait! Mo... Xuanyu? Was that his name? He looked at the shorter of the two people, maybe that one was Mo Xuanyu. But then who was he? He went closer and tied to touch the floating form but was stopped abruptly because a hand grabbed him. "Don't touch him yet" a voice said. He turned around and saw the most beautiful man he'd ever seen who said, "First you must return to your own body, then Mo Xuanyu can be released." He felt confused, this place always made him feel confused, "I don't understand... who are you? Return to my body?" The man seemed shocked these statements, "Wei Ying, you must return to your body." Why was everything so confusing! His mind hurt, he took hold of his head but the man's hands gently cupped either side of his cheeks. Such beautiful eyes held his own and very slowly the man's face came closer. Then his lips pressed against his and he felt the man say that name again, "Wei Ying." ... Wei Ying... was that who he was. The man pulled him towards the tall figure who floated with closed eyes. The golden energy was brighter here, as he got closer to the figure the vibrations shook again. The man's form shifted to a young boy, then a youth, then back to a man. The image of the boy tickled a memory... a young boy, a memory from long ago... a woman and a man smiling, a small boy riding on strong shoulders. The golden energy flashed, and then he saw that man and woman! They came towards him, he took their outstretched hands and felt his mind start to remember. "My handsome man, my brave boy" the woman said. He felt their arms wrap around him and the man said, "Wei Ying, we're so sorry, so very very sorry. If there had been any other way..." They bent their foreheads in and touched his own with theirs and when they did his mind cleared suddenly, and he remembered! "Ahhh, Bàba! Māmā!" He grabbed hold of them, and they held him as he cried. He remembered everything then, "I couldn't save them!" he sobbed, the feeling of despair threatened to drag him under. His mother shook him gently, "you saved the ones you could, and many are still alive because you." He felt her palm against his cheek and the despair began to wash away. His father squeezed his shoulder, "Wei Ying, we have watched you grow into a strong and compassionate man. We also couldn't be prouder of who you have chosen to have by your side." His father smiled at him but at that mention of, 'have by your side' Wei Wuxian exclaimed, "Lan Zhan!" He released his mother and father and whipped around. Lan Zhan stood calmly waiting, surrounded by gold and blue energy. "Lan Zhan!" He flung himself towards Lan Zhan who gracefully caught him in his arms, "Wei Ying, I am here." Wei Changze and Cangse Sanren held each other close as they watched their son embrace his beloved, but they felt time slipping away, "Wei Ying, bring Lan Wangji here." Wei Wuxian and Lan Zhan came to where his mother and father stood. Above his sleeping body a golden sun of Qi shone brilliantly. Cangse Sanren and Wei Changze reached up their hands to the golden orb and it floated down to them. His mother looked at him with sad eyes, "Wei Ying, the day we left you nearly destroyed your father and I. We searched and searchd for another way but in the end..." tears streamed down her face and Wei Changze held her closer and finished for her, "in the end, we had to die to save you." Wei Wuxian shook his head, but through the connection to him in this place he saw the prophecy and their plan. He saw the mysterious Spirit that had given them hope, even when that hope meant their deaths. "Apple! The donkey?" He exclaimed, "I always thought there was something more going on with that stubborn ass." The energy around them swirled and a voice answered, "Humph! It takes one to know one." They all turned to see a Spirit shimmer into view, power flowed around him as he approached. The golden engery pulsed and sent out rays of light that connected each of them to it. The Spirit smiled, "my beloved is impatient to be released. Wei Wuxian come stand before me." Wei Wuxian felt a pull of energy from the golden orb, like he was being drawn into it. The Spirit stood between him and his sleeping form, the golden Qi in front of him. "I will create a bridge for you to return to your body and a conduit for the Golden qi to renew your core" the Spirit said solemnly. "Hanguang-Jun, you are his anchor to this world, his link to the present. Do Not let go of him or else his soul won't return to his body and will be lost." Lan Zhan nodded and moved to Wei Wuxian's sleeping body, taking his hand in his own. "Cangse Sanren, Wei Changze, as his mother and father you will place Wei Wuxian's new Golden Core into his body." They bowed and gently held the golden orb between them. The Spirit lastly looked at Wei Wuxian, "long ago my beloved also gave their life to save the innocent." Wei Wuxian saw this person in his mind, they were fair of face, tall and strong in body, full of light and laughter. They carried themselves with grace and conviction, loved deeply and fought for those who couldn't defend themselves.  Wei Wuxian felt their soul in the Golden orb, it had fused together the Qi given by his mother, father, their love for him. He felt Jiang Cheng's and Jin Ling's spirit of determination, Wen Qing and Wen Ning's heart and compassion. He felt A-Yuan's joyfulness and love, and he felt Lan Zhan. It was Lan Zhan Qi that he felt the most. His spirit, his heart, his unwavering love. When all had turned from him, when he was alone, Lan Zhan was always there, fighting for him, believing him. He looked at Lan Zhan, their eyes met and he felt his soul start to loosen. He could just make out hearing words, or a chant? It didn't matter, he kept looking into Lan Zhan's eyes. Closer and closer he came to his sleeping body, he looked down briefly and saw his hands were transparent. It shocked him and he felt himself stumble. "Wei Ying! Look at me!" he heard Lan Zhan say and found his eyes again. "Wei Ying, come to me" Lan Zhan said still holding onto his sleeping body, and held out his other hand to him. He felt the pull of his sleeping body and found he wanted to return to it. He reached for Lan Zhan and took his hand, his transparent soul slowly being absorbed into his body. Then all the light went out and he felt his body thrash as his soul tried reclaimed his body. "Breathe son, breathe" he heard his father and mother say distantly. Then as quickly as the lights went out everything was on fire, and he was burning. He thrashed and tried to escape the pain but it kept getting brighter and hotter. The Spirit's voice cut through the pain and said, "Wei Ying if you don't accept your new golden core your body will reject it and you'll die!" Everything hurt, somehow it was more painful than when he had it cut out of him. He felt a hand on his chest, it was cool in comparison, but everything was still so bright he couldn't open his eyes. A voice he had never heard before started speaking softly, their words were spoken with such eloquence that it had a calming effect, "Wei Wuxian, I have seen when you will depart this world and today is not that day. Breathe in all our love for you, breathe it deeply into your core." Wei Wuxian took in rough breaths in and slowly the pain lessened. "Lan Zhan is here with you Wei Wuxian, he is holding onto you and will not let you go. He is offering you something beyond all the most precious things in the world. Go to him." Wei Wuxian shifted his consciousness and started to go deep within his mind. "That's it, now open the door to your core, allow the light to come inside you." Wei Wuxian felt a tug in his lower abdomen, he mentally saw the gate to his dantian, it was closed, dark and scared. He focused his thoughts on the Golden Qi, he thought of when he and Lan Zhan had made love under the willow tree. Their love wasn't raging, burning lava, it was like golden flowing honey. A slow steady burn that didn't consume, it stoked the passion they felt for each other. In his mind he transformed the burning, raging lava into that liquid gold. He directed the flow around the door and through the cracks, it eased the hinges and with a crack the door to his dantian burst opened. He arched up as his body filled with so much light. It raced down his spiritual channels, connecting the power pathways of his body. This golden core was so different from the one he'd had, and there would never be another like it. Power flowed in him and he felt all the Qi from his parents, from Jiang Cheng, Jin Ling, Wen Qing, Wen Ning, A-Yuan and Lan Zhan. Each of them had somehow donated a spark of their own golden core to rebuild his. His rusty voice tried to speak for the first time, "How is this possible? I feel all them!" Wei Wuxian felt his body becoming more solid and heavy. He opened his eyes and saw the being who had been speaking to him. They smiled and he felt their strength pour into him. The Spirit who had been in Apple came up beside them and they embraced with such passion that Wei Wuxian blushed. Both Spirits then turned and looked at him, "Well done Wei Wuxian, you have not only saved yourself, but you have set us free. We can now be reborn and find each other again." Slowly they bowed to him, them the light around them shimmered and then they faded away. Wei Wuxian's mother and father came to him next, "Live well and love fully Wei Ying. We've been honored to have you as our son in this life and we would honored to have you as our son again in our next." As they kissed his brow, they too shimmered and then faded away. He didn't want them to go and tried to reach out to them, "Bàba, Māmā, I've been honored to be your son in this life and will be honored to be your son again in the next..." He closed his eyes then and let healing sleep take him. Lan Zhan still holding onto Wei Ying bent over and picked him up. As he held Wei Ying in his arms, he saw out of the corner of his eye the faintest outline of Mo Xuanyu spirit. He heard faintly, "Thank you... for everything..." then Mo Xuanyu faded away.  It was done, he hugged Wei Ying close to his breast and looked upwards. A ribbon of blue and ruby energy floated downwards to them. He felt Bichen and Chenqing's energy wrap around them like a lifeline, slowly pulling them home.

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