When in doubt, follow the Donkey

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Jiang Cheng was feeling strange, and it annoyed him. He'd actually been feeling poorly for a while now but then a few days ago he thought he was going to die. The docters couldn't find any reason for his collapse and the fatigue that followed.  It also didn't help that he didn't know where Jin Ling gone off to this time. He swore to himself, "Damn that boy!" he shouted. People ducked back into doors and averted their eyes. "You!" he yelled at a guard, "when was the last time you saw Jin Ling?" The guard's face paled and he said stutteringly, "I.. I don't know Clan Leader. I saw him around noon time, I think? He... he kept saying he heard a donkey braying, and he was going to do something about it so it wouldn't disturb your rest." Jiang Cheng looked to the heavens and shook his head and said, "Did you see which way he went?" The guard shook his head and bowed deeply, "No Clan Leader, I'm sorry". Great, just great Jiang Cheng thought as he stormed off. That boy was becoming just as troublesome as Wei Wuxian. He knew it wasn't fair to think that way, he loved Jin Ling fiercely and if it hadn't been for Wei Wuxian and Lan Wanji, Jin Ling and the rest of his young friends would probably have died. But Damn It! Was it so much to ask for him to just stay where he told him to!? Not that he ever stayed mad at Jin Ling for long. All the boy had to do was look at him with those eyes, Yanli's eyes and he would relent. He clutched his chest as he thought of Jiejie. If she were here, she would know what to do. Sometimes he would dream of her, in them she would hug him and whispered words of encouragement and love. He would wake up still feeling her presence and it helped him get through the day. His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the far-off sound of a dog barking, a child yelling and a donkey braying. It was coming from the pier, and he rushed towards the sound. When he arrived the scene before him was, hell he didn't know what was going on, but what it looked like, as impossible as it seemed, was a donkey had kidnapped Jin Ling's dog. Jiang Cheng shouted, "A-Ling! "What is going on!" Jin Ling who was red in the face and sopping wet turned to face his Uncle. "Jiujiu, help! He's taking Fairy!" Jiang Cheng was very confused, "Stop who? And why are you all wet!?" Jin Ling pointed towards the small barge that was slowly floating away and yelled, "That Donkey took Fairy!" By is time a crowd was starting to gather on the pier, everyone wondering what the commotion was all about. Jiang Cheng pulled in every ounce of patience he had. He would not lose his temper in front of his clan, he would Not, lose his temper in front of his clan. He called in Zidian, it's energy crackling loudly and the people around him backed away.  With a fluid motion he whipped Zidian towards the barge and it caught its edge. He pulled hard and slowly the barge started coming back towards them. The donkey, who had a hold of Fairy by the collar, let go and let out a loud bray. Fairy, finally free, jumped out of the barge and started swimming back to the pier. Unfortunately, the action of Fairy jumping out of the barge caused an unexpected surge and Jiang Cheng caught off guard by the sudden weight displacement lost his balance and fell into the lake. The silent "Oh Shit" from the crowd could be heard for miles. Mouths gaped and people slowly started backing away. Several of the guards jumped to helped Jiang Cheng, while others helped Jin Ling grab Fairy. As man and Dog were hauled out of the lake the barge gently bumped back into the pier and the donkey brayed his displeasure. Jiang Cheng, wet and covered in lotus stems looked up and finally got a good look at the donkey. His eyes bulged, his face started turning a molten of red colors. Jin Ling took one look at his Uncle and scooted back, oh no, he knew that look. He had just enough time to cover his ears before Jiang Cheng bellowed, "WEI WUXIAN!!!!"

The evening breeze danced through the lotus flowers. It was quiet now, the surprise events of the afternoon had left people feeling a little dazed. Alone in his private room, Jiang Cheng was pacing back and forth. Something was off and once he dried off and cooled down it occurred to him that Wei Wuxian and Lan Wanji were supposed to have arrived a few days ago. As if to agree with his thoughts the sound of a donkey's bray echoed through the Lotus Pier. They had managed to get the damn beast off the barge but in doing so it had tossed a few more guards into the lake. It also wouldn't stop braying!   How did Wei Wuxian put up with it?! Which brought his thoughts back to him, where was Wei Ying? A sense of urgency hit him in his core. Not his core, he thought sourly. But the sourness suddenly changed into awareness. He froze, the strange feelings he'd been having lately, his collapse, the fatigue and the fact the Wei Ying and Lan Wangi hadn't arrived yet. Realization hit squarely in the chest, Wei Ying was in trouble and the damn donkey knew it. He rushed out and ran over to Jin Ling's room. He burst through the door yelling, "A-Ling!" Jin Ling who had just finished brushing out Fairy and was covered in fur looked up at his uncle with alarm. "Juijui what's wrong? You shouldn't be running around, the doctor said you needed to take it easy!" Jiang Cheng waved his hands in dismissal, "never mind that right now, when was Wei Wuxian and Lan Wanji supposed to arrive?" Jin Ling cocked his head thinking, "they were supposed to have arrive a couple days ago, why?" Jin Ling's eyes got big as he understood why his uncle was asking him the question. "The donkey is here by itself!" Jin Ling exclaimed. "Yes, it is" said Jiang Cheng "Something is wrong" he reflexively touched his core and Jin Ling saw the action. "JiuJiu are you alright, should I call the doctor?" He had been so scared when his Uncle had collapsed without warning and was trying his best not to cause him more stress. But his thoughts were agitated, if something happened to his Uncle he would truly be all alone, and that terrified him. But Jiang Cheng brushed the concern aside again, "No I don't need to see the doctor, what we need to do is find Wei Wuxian, Now." 

Things seemed to happen all at once, Jin Ling wasn't sure what was going on, but his uncle was on a tear. In a matter of hours, they were packed up and out the door with a very grumpy donkey in tow. The trip across the lake and down the river was thankfully uneventful. The donkey had quieted down now that he had got them doing what he wanted. When they finally pulled ashore Jin Ling asked, "Where are we going Jiujiu?" Jiang Cheng looked tired but determined and said, "Ask the donkey." Jin Ling was very confused, "you want me to ask... the donkey?" Yup his uncle was completely losing his mind. Jiang Cheng glared at him with 'the look' and Jin Ling cringed. "Okay, okay, sheesh!" he said, and he and Fairy walked over the donkey who was standing. The donkey brayed and stomped his hooves as he approached. Jin Ling raised his hands in surrender and said, "Okay, Okay sheesh! Your just as bad as my uncle you know." The donkey glared at him and started walking away down the path. Okay then, "I guess we go that way?" he said mostly to himself, but the donkey gave a bray that sounded a lot like, "Yes, this way you idiots, we're wasting time, lets go!" Jin Ling shook his head, did he just imagine he heard the donkey talking? "Hey, wait up!" he cried and jogged after the donkey. Jiang Cheng followed behind them deep in thought. He was doing the right thing, right? After he'd found out what Wei Wuxian had done for him and then the events and truths that came to light about what had really happened sixteen years ago, he had been wrestling with the facts that he never really knew Wei Ying. He had blindly followed the clans opinions of Wei Wuxian, even when he knew it wasn't right. But he couldn't ever find the words or actions to stand up to them. The Lotus Pier had been burned, his parents and sister had died. Wei Wuxian couldn't and wouldn't be reasoned with, had disappeared not once but twice and finally had died, only to be resurrected. It always seemed that chaos and death flowed in his wake. And yet, he thought darkly, here he was again, something was wrong, and it had to do with Wei Wuxian. His heart gave a little ache in response to his dark thoughts. Those sixteen years when Wei Wuxian had been dead had nearly driven him to insanity. If it hadn't been for Jin Ling he was sure he would have. He was trying to change but damnit, but the man made him so furious sometimes! He brushed the dark thoughts away, the reality of the situation was clear. Yes, something was happening and it had to do Wei Wuxian. The truth, as aggravating as it was, was that if anything happened to Wei Wuxian, if he was missing or Heaven's forbid died again, he would never be able to face his family in the afterlife. He pulled out a piece of rolled cloth from his sleeve and opened it. His father had given this to him before everything gone horribly wrong. He remembered his father's voice, "A-Cheng, I need you to keep this safe for me and when the time comes, give it to Wei Ying. You'll know when to give it to him because it will glow and become warm."  That had been over 20 years ago and throughout all the ordeals they'd gone through he would bring it out and check it. Nothing, it remained ice cold and dark until the day of his collapse. He'd been lying in bed feeling like he was being ripped apart, in a delirious state he'd gotten up and crawled to where he kept the stone and pulled it out. It was hot to the touch and glowing a brilliant golden color. He held onto the stone and cried, cried for his parents, for Yanli, for everyone he'd lost. Then he cried for Wei Ying, for not standing with him, for all the hurt and pain he caused him. He curled himself around the bright, warm stone and had fallen into a dreamless sleep. When he woke up the stone was still glowing, still warm and he kept it close to his heart. He'd been going give it to Wei Ying when he got to the Lotus Pier. Now, here he was on the road to somewhere following... a donkey. He shook his head, only Wei Wuxian could make his life so impossible. He suddenly laughed, but wasn't that his clan's moto? Attempt the Impossible. So down the road he went, following a donkey and somehow feeling a bit lighter in his heart. 


Wei Wuxian opened his eyes, he felt so very tired. He tried to move but had no strength to do so. "Here, let me help you" said a voice and then the face appeared. Wei Wuxian was confused and alarmed, no it couldn't be. He tried to move but gentle hands rested on his shoulders holding him in place. "Wei Ying, it's okay, it's okay, shhh" said the woman softly. He shook his head, "No, you're not real, I'm dreaming again" his voice was rough and sore. The woman looked at him with compassion in her eyes and quietly said, "Wei Ying you're not dreaming, I'm here." Wei Wuxian didn't understand what was happening. He reached a hand up and touched her cheek, he was afraid that if he said her name she would disappear. He closed his eyes, and barely breathing he whispered, "Shijie?" Then he felt a hand on his cheek, "Wei Wuxian, look at me." He opened his eyes, he didn't know how it could be, but it was her. He burst into tears, his heart felt like it was going to stop again, and he couldn't breathe. "Yanli..." he tried to talk but spark of warm energy touched his forehead and he fell unconscious.

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