Visions from the past

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Cangse Sanren cried out in her sleep, "WEI YING!" She bolted upright reaching for a man who was still a child. Shaking off the blankets she got up and walked out into the night air. She covered her face with her hands and screamed. She couldn't save him, no matter what she did he always ended up dying. Strong arms wrapped around her. Wei Changze held her gently and waited for her to speak. "There has to be another way! We can't do this!" she cried, her voice breaking. Wei Changze didn't want to accept it either, he had searched and searched for an alternative, but found nothing. He felt the helplessness weigh down on him, and he hugged her closer. Baoshan Sanren had warned them not to marry, had begged them not to marry. But they had eloped anyway, certain that the vision Baoshan Sanren had seen of the future couldn't happen. Their son wouldn't raze the world, burning it to ash. No, it wasn't possible, he refused to believe that his tiny son would grow up to be a monster. But a small part of his heart could still hear Baoshan Sanren's trance like voice, "The Slayer of men, Emperor of Demons, Lord of Ghost will raze the world, becoming like a God of the undead. His blood lust never to be quenched until all of mankind are his puppets, and the world is nothing but ash."

He remembered how stunned, confused and angry they'd been. They'd come to receive her blessing on their marriage only to have her vehemently oppose it. She had begged Cangse Sanren to reconsider. Hell, Baoshan Sanren had even went so far as to make his best friend Jiang Fengmian fall in love with her. It was only divine luck that they had discovered her Master's tampering with Jiang Fengmian heart. He had started acting strangely hostile towards him, constantly picking fights. He kept trying to give Cangse Sanren little gifts and wrote her dozens of love notes. She had been beside herself, and tried to get him to stop but he wouldn't leave her alone. Then out of the blue Jiang Fengmian had invited him on a night hunt. He'd thought it was an effort to reconcile but in fact it was to lure him away and kill him. They had been tracking an incredibly vicious ghost. When they had finally caught up with it, it became single minded and only attached him. The ghost was too strong for him alone and he pleaded with Jiang Fengmian to help him. But he only watched with a cruel smile on his face. Blow after blow he was pommeled by the ghost. If it hadn't been for Cangse Sanren he would have died. She had rushed after them and had been trying every technique she knew to stop the ghost, but nothing worked. Finally, she screamed Jiang Fengmian name. Her cry pierced whatever spell had been placed on him and he snapped out of it. He looked horrified and confused at where he was and what he'd almost done. He flew over and jumped in front of the ghost, taking the blow that was meant to kill him. The ghost was momentarily confused and Cangse Sanren took advantage of the confusion and killed it. He barely remembered how they got back to the city.  He only remembered Jiang Fengmian's anguish and confusion at what he had done. He had told them that the last thing he remembered was he'd met a woman and she had given him a special talisman to would help him win the love of his life. He thought it was to help him win over Yu Ziyuan, not his best friends' lover. As he described the events Cangse Sanren got more and more angry, and she stormed out. Confused by her actions Jiang Fengmian looked questionly at Wei Changze who was also looking furious. Wei Changze had also pieced together what had happened and told him what Baoshan Sanren had most likely done to him because of the vision she had seen. Jiang Fengmian had been speechless and had vowed then and there to help them in whatever way he could.

So he and Cangse Sanren had secretly eloped, and the first three years of their marriage had been wonderful. Then a month after Wei Ying had been born Cangse Sanren started having terrible visions of Wei Ying. She woke up screaming and rushed to where he slept, cradled him in her arms and cried. They search for answers, sought out shaman and priests but no one could help them. They were told over and over that there was no hope. Finally, Cangse Sanren and he went up the mountain to beg Baoshan Sanren for help. Wei Ying had cried the entire way, his tears a reflection of how they were all feeling. Baoshan Sanren had surprised them by greeting them with open arms. She held Cangse Sanren as she cried and hugged him gently. Then she asked to see Wei Ying. She took him in her arms and closed her eyes. At first a red glow surrounded them but then gradually it faded to a beautiful blue hue. She opened her eyes and looked at him in wonder. Wei Ying let out laugh and then farted, laughing a small laugh she handed him back to them. Cangse Sanren changed and fed him while they waited to hear what her Master had seen. "There might be a way to change his fate" Baoshan Sanren said calmly. "Not completely, but there might be a way to temper it".  Cangse Sanren and Wei Changze held their breath. "What?! What is it?! Anything!! Please, we'll do anything!!" they cried out together. Baoshan Sanren looked years older and very sad. "Because you didn't heed the vision, the price you'll have to pay to change his fate is ... your death." The rest of her words were a blur, she told them what would happen, how it would happen. They were silent all the way back home, everything Baoshan Sanren had relayed to them from the vision playing in the minds.

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