A light in the darkness

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Wei Wuxian was screaming but no sound came out of his mouth. He was drowning at sea of blood, waves of energy kept pounding him. No matter how hard he tried to beat back the force it, it kept trying to rip him from this body. He hurt so much, and he could feel his life slipping away. "NO!" his soundless scream cried, and he pushed back the sea of blood red energy. It surged away briefly only to flood back in, tearing and biting at his soul. "NO!" taking one last breath he used the last of his strength and flung his energy outward pushing the sea of blood one last time. So much pain, he arched up and felt his soul start to leave his body, "I'm sorry..." he said to the nothingness.  He couldn't hold on anymore, he let go and let the pain engulf him. "Lan Zhan, I'm sorry..." Out of the corner of his eye a bright light flashed. Blue lightning struck the sea of red, the force of it shoving him back into his body.  Wave after wave of blue energy pulsed, pushing back the red. He breathed in deep breath after deep breath, then he heard... music?... He did! Tears began to fall from his eyes. His song, he heard his song!  He grabbed onto the music like a lifeline. "Lan Zhan!" he called out to him "Lan Zhan!" The music and the blue energy wove through him, around him. He felt Lan Zhan's healing energy pour into him and then a soft voice said, "Wei Ying... I am here."

Lan Zhan felt Wei Ying's pulse, it was weak but he was out of danger for the moment and he was resting peacefully now. Wen Qing came up on the other side of him and put a hand on Wei Ying's core. Then checked his meridian lines and life force. Quietly she said, "he's stable, thank you Hanguang-Jun." She bowed towards him, and he nodded his head in acknowledgement. He turned to face Baoshan Sanren, his voice stern and to the point, "how do we save him." Baoshan Sanren had carefully watched him, her eyes missed nothing, she had seen the connection Wei Wuxian and Lan Zhan had. That's what had been missing, she thought, an unbreakable connection to a living person. "Lan Wanji, may I speak with you for a moment, Wen Qing will watch over Wei Wuxian until you come back." She motioned for Lan Zhan to follow her and walked out of the room. Lan Zhan looked at Wen Qing, concern filling his features, but Wen Qing said calmly, "it's okay, go. I'll let you know if anything changes." She held his gaze and he nodded. He put his hand on Wei Ying's shoulder again and said again, "Wei Ying, I am here." Wei Wuxian reflexively took in a deep breath, and his exhale sounding like a soft breeze he said, "Lan Zhan..." Wen Qing had tears in her eyes and said softly, "Lan-gongzi, I promise I won't let anything happen to him." Lan Zhan nodded and went to find Baoshan Sanren.

Baoshan Sanren was waiting for him just outside the door. They walked together in silence, through corridors and down passages. The few disciples they passed would pause and bow respectfully to them. Finally, Baoshan Sanren ducked into an alcove, beautiful lilies bloomed in a small pool and there was a table set with food and tea. She motioned for him to sit down. Lan Zhan folded his hand and waited for her to pour the tea. It was the same tea that Wen Qing had given him. Taking a sip he asked, "what is this tea?" Baoshan Sanren smiled, "the contents of this tea are of course, secret." He inclined his head towards her, "of course."  She laughed and said, "My sanctuary is hundreds of years old and is guarded by things you can't even imagine. This tea allows my guests to physically be here, otherwise you would be crushed by the weight of the mountain's wards." She waved her hand and dismissed further explanations, looking pointed at him she said, "you are aptly named, Hanguang-Jun. You are a light in the darkness" Lan Zhan cocked his head, "that is one way of interpreting it." Baoshan Sanren closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Hanguang-Jun, you are the key to saving Wei Wuxian. I had thought it was going to be Jiang Yanli but fate decide otherwise." Lan Zhan was confused but said nothing. Baoshan Sanren took a sip of tea and said, "let me tell you a story." 

Wen Qing sat quietly with Wei Wuxian and hummed part of the melody she had heard Lan Zhan play. She was still processing what she had witnessed and for the first time in over 16 years she felt hopeful. She knew without a doubt that they were going to be able to save him now and she would finally be able to repay him for everything he'd done for her and her clan.

Lan Zhan listened to the story Baoshan Sanren told. His mind finally receiving the answers to the questions he had asked himself over and over. "His fate has been changed, you're sure?" he said quietly. Baoshan Sanren's eyes became unfocused and opaque, then she said, "The Lord of Ghosts shall return to the world and follow the Lord of Light. They will stand with justice, curb the violent and assist the weak..." Lan Zhan shocked at her words finished what she was about to say, "and live with no regrets..." they said together. Baoshan Sanren's eyes pierced him and he felt chills over his body and she said with a grin, "What do you say Hanguang-Jun, shall we go save our Lord of Ghosts?"

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