The ties between us

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The sound of the guqin flowed and wove through the chamber Wei Wuxian slept in. Bichen and Chenqing hovered above the room creating a barrier that kept the darkness away. Sporadically the red energy would try to sneak in once again to try and pull at Wei Ying and Lan Zhan would send out a chord to disperse it. The first time this had happened was when he was on his way back after talking with Baoshan Sanren. Wen Qing had practically collided into him crying out, "Hanguang-Jun! Wei Ying needs you!" He grabbed her by the arm, and they ran back to the room. The slimmest of red energy had found its way onto Wei Ying. His breathing was heavy again, and his heart was beating fast. He reached for Bichen and thankfully it came to him. With a swift stroke he cut the slender red line of energy. At once Wei Ying's body relaxed and became calm again. He looked at Wen Qing, "What happened?" Wen Qing was shaken but firmly said, "he woke and opened his eyes, but when I tried to help him, he didn't see Me and became agitated. "Who did he see?" Lan Zhan asked cautiously. Wen Qing took in a breath and said, "Jiang Yanli" Lan Zhan took a step back, "What?!" Wen Qing added hurriedly, "I thought he was shocked to see me at first but when he spoke her name, I knew he didn't, and something wasn't right. So, I put him back under, hopefully he won't remember." Baoshan Sanren, who had followed them spoke up from the door. "The energy is trying to deceive Wei Wuxian and trick him into leaving this body." Lan Zhan turned to face the immortal, "So what do we do" he said angrily. Baoshan Sanren held up a hand asking for peace and said, "I have already sent Song Lan out to gather what we need, he will return in two days." Baoshan Sanren looked at Wei Wuxian then back at Lan Zhan and said, "Hanguang-Jun, you must stay by his side and keep the energy away until Song Lan returns." Then she looked at Wen Qing, "A-Qing, have you finished the formula?" Wen Qing shook her head, "No Shifu, but if Hanguang-Jun can watch over Wei Wuxian I will finish it tonight." Baoshan Sanren nodded her head, "Go then" she said and left the room with Wen Qing right behind her. Lan Zhan sat down at the foot of Wei Wuxian's bed and called in his guqin. Music Qi flowed and wove around the room, Bichen hovering above with Chenqing again, effectively blocking out the red energy. With determination he calmed his mind and heart and allowed the healing music to do its work. He would save Wei Ying, he wouldn't lose him again.

It was late in the evening when Wen Qing finished the formula that she had spent so many years refining. She had worked tirelessly, scoured the thousands of books and scrolls here in the temple. She had almost given up hope, no that wasn't true, she had given up hope once. When she and her brother had turned themselves over to the Jin clan, she had made peace with the fact that they were going to die. They were brought before the clan leader Jin Guangshanin, and in a deep underground chamber they were beaten until unconscious. Her memories of that time were fuzzy. The one clear memory she had was of Jin Guangyao pleading for her life to his father. He convinced Jin Guangshanin that she had magical healing abilities and what a waste it would be to kill her. So, they dragged her away and locked her up. She never saw what they did her brother, but the walls shook with his rage until one day it suddenly stopped. The silence took her breath away, crushed her heart and any hope she had left died. So she did what she was told, numb to everything. They would force her to eat and sleep, they told her to reattach severed limbs and tried to have her revive the dead. They asked dozens of questions about how to disrupt Qi flow, to which she answered only in partial truths. Then one day it didn't matter what they did, she wouldn't get up, she wouldn't eat and she prayed that they would just kill her and she blackout. The next thing she remembered was waking to the smell of medicinal incense. The scent was sharp and clear, reviving her mind and bringing her back to consciousness. She was no longer in the underground chamber, she was lying on a bed and sitting beside her was a person she'd never had any contact with, Nie Huaisang. She only knew him by reputation but gone was the no nothing oblivious youth, before her sat a man who had been pushed over the edge. He didn't apologize or coddle her. He only stated the facts about what had happened, that her brother was alive but controlled by skull piercing nails.  Wei wuxian, Clan Leader Jin Guangshanin, Jin Zixuan, Wei Wuxian's sister, his own Brother and countless others had died, and it was all because of Jin Guangyao. Jin Guangyao, he spat the name, had destroyed everything and everyone they'd ever loved. Cold, calculating anger filled his voice as he told her his plan and how it was going to play out and she was shocked beyond words. Now here she was years and years later, he'd done everything that he'd said he would do. She looked down at the finished formula and smiled, now all that was left was put Wei Wuxian soul back into his original body.

Baoshan Sanren opened a secret door and walked inside the dark room. In the center surrounded by four large stones, a pool of silver energy swirled. On the wall on either side of the pool were two very tall crystal panels. She went to each panel, bowed before them and lit candles and incense. The room glowed, the candlelight danced and the incense smoke curled around each panel. Ghost like figures became visible in the crystal, the spirits opened their eyes and bowed to Baoshan Sanren. She looked at each one and said, "Wei Changze, Cangse Sanren, It Is Time." The spirits bowed again and began performing a series of hand gestures. Slowly golden energy started gathering between their palms. It would take two nights and a day but soon they would each hold a small sun of golden Qi. The room was getting brighter and brighter, the stones awoke and the sacred writing on them cast beams of energy into the pool. The Silver energy that had been swirling slowly calmed and became still. Below the surface, suspended in the silver energy rested the true body of Wei Wuxian. She bowed to him, and for one flicker of a moment she felt fear. No, she thought, what was done was done. She focused her mind on her first impressions of him, he had been afraid and so very lost but somehow, he never let it take over his mind. He had been thrown into the burial mounds, which was the doorstep to her mountain temple. The protection wards around her mountain had been activated and she sent several of her disciples to investigate the cause. They returned to her saying that she needed to come down right away. A strange young man had been cast down and his reaction with the wards was interesting as they were neither harming him or helping him. So, she had gone down to seen for herself what was happening. The burial ground energy was surrounded by a hurricane of yin energy and it was all focused on the man and the man was trying pushing to back. Invisible, she walked cautiously towards him, the yin energy parting before her. She watched him struggle, watched how he tried to use the yin energy, to make it to stop. She knew then who this young man was, it was Wei Wuxian. She was about to leave him and allow fate to do its work when she saw heard what the Yin energy was offering him. "REVENGE! LET US HELP YOU KILL THEM ALL!" it screamed. She froze and saw the last thing she'd ever expected to see. The cursed Yin Sword of Xue Chonghai floated in front of Wei Wuxian. She couldn't allow him to have it, it would turn him into the monster she'd seen and he'd destroy everything!  The Yin Sword told him it would grant him power and revenge, all he had to do was take hold of it. She watched as he struggled and fought and noticed how he was trying to control and harness the energy. Yes, he wanted all those things that the sword promised but she saw how he was trying to achieve them on His terms. He grabbed hold of the sword and fought with all his strength to bend it to his will. Then, he slammed the point of the sword down into the ground. As the sword pierced the earth the Yin energy screamed and fell silent. She was shocked, he subdued the yin energy the same way Xue Chonghai had done to control the Xuanwu of Slaughter! The yin energy cyclone eased and dissipated making it eerily calm. Still invisible to him she watched as he collapsed into unconsciousness onto the ground. He had spent everything he'd had and the backlash from using that much energy was coming. Plus, he was already bleeding from wounds he'd suffered elsewhere and if she didn't do something he would most likely die on her doorstep. So, she called in one of her spiritual tools and began to play. The flute's sound pierced the remaining yin energy that clung to Wei Wuxian and she commanded it to lift him. Spirals of energy picked him up and gently floated him in the air as she walked back to the cave at the base of her mountain. She laid him down and took his pulse, then checked his spiritual core and froze. Nothing, she felt nothing! She looked at him and knew then that his fate was already changing. His eyes fluttered open and with his last breath he whispered into the nothingness, "I'm sorry... thank you." She made up her mind then. She placed a hand on his chest and Qi pulsed from her hand into his heart and he started breathing again. Firmly she said, "Wei Wuxian, wake up."

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