A Dream Come True (Wanda Wilson, aka Lady Deadpool)

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Hey guys! Deadpool here and every single one of you must be wondering why it is I, the Merc with a Mouth, writing this beautiful and eventful story? Well, I decided to take matters into my own hands, already tired of the fucking author cuckholding me left and right. Yeah, fuck of Zeckromizder!

In any case, I was madly knocking on a door in the Philippines. My hand hurt like hell, and my hands movements were as if I was masturbating the doorknob. But that was not here nor there. My sole reason for being in the Philippines was because of one very specific and very rarely talked hero.

"Open up, Wishing Man replacement!" Yes, I was visiting the Wishing Man. The second one actually, since the first one is now with my lovely Lady Death. Or I would say this if Spidey hadn't stolen her from me in that One-Shot. It was like twenty five One-Shots back, but who's counting?



Ok! I am counting, alright? It has been twenty-eight One-Shots since he had cuckold me for like the fourth time! One time was alright and the second was just an insult. But the other two... Those were the salt scaring the injury. I swear that if I see that motherfucker, I will-

"Si?" Oh, well it seems that the cape wearing dude did answer his call. He was thankful that the hero had answered quickly, unlike an moronic author that just ignores me left and right. I am talking about you, Zeck! Bitch, so help me or I will delete this piece of- "Can I help you, Deadpool?"

"My man! I need you to pull a Genie and grant me three wishes!" I raised my hand up to the sky, really enjoying fucking with the One-Shot that was supposed to be written by that second grade author. Oh, and let me tell you something. The bitch who has been molesting the bitchy author about Jen-Jen... I will stab you! I read this story too and I read the comments as well, and let me tell ya something here. It gets tiring to hear you groan and moan! "Can you do that, please? With a little whipped cream and sprinkles on top?"

"Eh... sure?" Yes! Take that Zeckromizder! Spiderpool for the win! I rule shit around here, not you! Though, I think I should calm myself. I wouldn't want to pop up a boner now in front of everyone here watching, right? So I took a big breath, placing my hand on my chest to calm down. "So... What do you want?"

"I want Wanda Wilson to be brought back to life!" I yelled happily! Though it was then that my eyes opened comically wide. "No... You son of a bitch! Zeck! Stop controlling me!" I yelled loudly, my eyes catching just how the Wishing Man's powers activated. No! It was supposed to be me! Fucking author is controlling my voice! "I want my beautiful and erotic female version to end up with Spidey!" No! The fucking author is not allowing me to have my happy fucking ending! He is trying to cuckold me again! Come on people, help me out here! "And lastly, I want the two of them to have a very beautiful life together"

"As you wish?" The man stated, making me groan loudly. Everything was for naught, my plan crumbling to ruins right before my eyes. I didn't have the strength to stand upright. I was going to heal my skin and enjoy a dance with my Spidey. But the fucking author ruined everything! I hope you have the worst birthday-

With Peter Parker

"So... care to tell me more about yourself, Wanda?" Peter Parker, the man who was the Amazing Spider-Man, was in bed with the beautiful blond haired woman calling herself Wanda Wilson. For a moment, Peter thought that it was the sister of Deadpool. But hearing that she was in fact a female version of Wade, made him a bit weirded out.

But the weirdness quickly went away as he got to know her. She was very funny, actually enjoying his jokes and smiling at him every second of their conversation. It was also good to see that her skin was not fucked up as Wade's skin. So, he could honestly say that she had a very beautiful face.

"Well, apart from suddenly finding myself alive and talking with the best hero in the world... I have nothing else to say" She giggled, her hand softly caressing his own. She was looking straight at his hazel eyes, enjoying the way it made her feel as if time didn't matter any longer. She felt her soul leave and just enter a state of Nirvana. "Anything about you? I really want to know a handsome man like you, Peter~"

"Well, I have been on the lowest of lows as of late, but it has been getting better" He smiled a bit, enjoying the smile of the female across from him. Her smile was beautiful, a feeling he had forgotten because of all his bad luck. But remembering just how it felt was amazing. It was as if he never had really forgotten about just how it felt. "Especially since I met you..."

"My, oh my! What I way with words, Peter" She grinned at the man. She felt as if she belonged with him. She couldn't even remember her previous feelings for Charles Randolph. What she was currently feeling was greater than what she felt back then. It was like comparing a small ember to a large bonfire. "Trying to win a date, are you?"

"Maybe... Who knows?" He grinned back at her, standing up from his seat and extending his hand at Wanda. She gracefully grabbed his hand, their fingers intertwining between each other. He was happy that she was reciprocating the interest he felt for her. Which made him know that what they could have was very much possible. He just hoped that he does not fuck everything up and ruin this strange but amazing relationship he wanted to have with Wanda Wilson.

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