Chapter 3 - Not Your Concern

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*Lisa's POV*

I slightly knocked on Jennie's, I mean, Prof. Kim's office door.

"Come in." I heard her muffled voice from the other side.

As I opened the door, I saw her standing, looking outside the window. She seemed to be in a lot of thought. I stood near her table and cleared my throat.

"You asked to see me, Prof. Kim?"

She nodded. "I had something to tell you." She said as she turned around and approached me. I had to turn my gaze from her. She had this authoritarian aura around her. Maybe it's the office, but her look seemed so burning.

"What is it, Prof. Kim?"

"I need you to refrain from saying anything about what you saw that night to anyone." She stated, and I slowly looked at her. "It's better if you forget about it." Now, it was she who looked away from me.

I took a deep breath. "You don't have to worry, Jennie. I won't say anything to anyone."

She nodded again. "Thanks! But it's Prof. Kim for you."

Ouch. That hurt. Nevertheless, I hummed.

"I understand, Prof. Kim."

"You may leave." Jennie said, going back to the window.

"Can I ask you one thing, though?"

"What?" She looked at me over her shoulders.

"Why are you with him? I can see you are suffering." I can sense my voice cracking a bit, but why? Why do I feel bad when she seems to be hurting?

"That's none of your business, Lisa."

Fuck! That hurt again.

"You are right, Prof. Kim. I will take my leave now." I said, bowed, and walked out of her room. I don't know why I feel offended as if I was denied my right.

Jennie is your professor and nothing more. Get that shit inside your head, Lisa. I mentally yelled before joining Jisoo for my next lecture.

*Jennie's POV*

I never expected Lisa to be my student. Fuck! Why is God playing with me? Is he not happy making me suffer enough?

I feel like I hurt Lisa. I don't know why I am feeling that way. Maybe it was because of how her voice cracked and how she looked at me. Her eyes are so deep — it holds a lot of emotions. The look of concern in her eyes that night; I don't think I will be able to forget it. No one has ever looked at me like that in years — not even my boyfriend, Tae-oh.

Our relationship was okay at first, but then, I told him something about me, and that completely changed him. He acted as if he understood me, but he was misinterpreting everything, and before I even realized it, he was abusing me. I want to leave him, I really do, but I don't have enough courage to fight him alone. And I don't want to burden anyone with my shits as well. I have never told anyone about how Tae-oh treats me — not even my family or friends. I was snapped from my thoughts when someone knocked on my door again.

"Prof. Kim, the principal, is asking for you." One of our office ladies said, opening the door slightly.

I nodded. "I will be there shortly." I said, smiling, and she slightly bowed before going back.

I wonder what she has got to talk about.

I knocked on the wooden door and opened it a bit. Seemed like the principal was talking on the phone and didn't seem to see me. I could only see the back of her chair and hear her smooth voice. I let myself in and stood before her desk. I cleared my throat, letting her know my presence. The chair turned around, revealing my best friend.

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