Chapter 7 - Coffee and Fight

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*Jennie's POV*

My whole body hurts. He didn't let me sleep all night. I don't think I can even walk properly. It was torture. There was a time I enjoyed making love with him, but now it's no longer love. He just does what he wants with my body. I am sick of it. I wish I could fight back, but I can't seem to do so. I used to hope that one day, Tae-oh will change, but how long has it been already?

I don't really know why I am staying in this shitty relationship with him. I have already reached a point where I am feeling sympathetic toward him for being so pitiful. None of his actions scared me, but his words did.

If you dare to leave me for someone else, I will kill him in front of you. That's what he said.

I am worried about Lisa. It's one of the reasons she and I should never get close. I won't forgive myself if something happened to her.

I dragged myself out of the house to the college. I wanted to grab a coffee on my way, but I was already late so I couldn't. However, I was welcomed by a cup of iced coffee on my table with a note.

Thanks for taking care of me last night.
This is a token of gratitude.
And I hope the dinner is still on.
~ L. M.

The note read.

Before I even realized it, I was smiling. I shouldn't, but every time I think about Lisa, I get this warm comfort that I have never felt from anyone, ever. A dinner won't hurt, right? I will have just one dinner with her and go back to keeping my distance.

*Third Person's POV*

Meanwhile, Lisa got famous around the department in just a night. How fast word travels! Some admired her while some others felt utterly jealous. Lisa was sitting around with her friends when the same girls from last night approached them.

"Hi, Lisa." Tzuyu called shyly.

Lisa returned an awkward smile. "Hey."

"You know, the seniors from last night apologized to us." Chaeyoung said enthusiastically.

"Really?" Jisoo asked.

"Yeah. All thanks to you, Lis." Lisa was surprised to hear a nickname but still nodded along. "Um, I was wondering if we could grab a cup of coffee together." Tzuyu asked, and the group fell into a loud and lengthy 'O'.

"Ah– that, um–" Lisa was struggling to answer, but luckily, a teacher came in, so everyone went to their seats to settle down. Lisa knew she couldn't avoid that question forever, but she didn't want to answer it. Because though Tzuyu was a really nice girl, she wasn't the one Lisa wanted to take out for coffee.

However, some things were bound to change that day.

During Jennie's lecture, it didn't go unnoticed by Lisa; the eyebags, and slightly bruised lips. She knew what or who must have caused it. All Lisa wanted to do was to put that guy's head through a wall. She followed Jennie to her office, not caring if she was going to be late for her third lecture again.

"Oh, you are here?" Jennie was surprised to find the tall girl, considering she didn't call for her Today. "But I wanted to thank you for the–"

Lisa's next action made Jennie cut off her words. She approached the short girl, held her hand, and pulled up her sleeve. As she expected, Jennie's hand was bruised.

"What are you doing? Let go, Lisa." Jennie said, pulling her hand away.

Lisa's stare was piercing enough for Jennie to take a step back. The tall girl slowly placed her hand on Jennie's cheek. The latter immediately melted under her touch but had to fight herself to not give up, and fall into Lisa's arms.

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