Chapter 10 - Protection

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*Third Person's POV*

Lisa rang the doorbell twice. Though she didn't have the faintest idea what'd have been happening on the other side, she could guess it won't be something she could tolerate. She waited for a few seconds before ringing it again but still received no response. Lisa was starting to lose patience, so she started banging on the door. Still nothing. She knew they were inside; she saw him dragging her. So she tried to break the door down. Though it was a useless attempt, she still wanted to give it a try. Fortunately or unfortunately, the two other families who lived along with them on the floor weren't present there.

After several attempts to kick down the metal door, Lisa heard the knob turn. The door opened slightly and she saw a portion of his face peeking out through the small gap. He was sweaty and looked agitated. When he saw it was Lisa, he tried to close the door, but Lisa was quick to stick her foot in the gap, preventing him from doing so, and forcefully opened the door some more.

"What the hell do you want?" He growled.

"I need to see Je–" Her eyes were scanning the inside through the gap, and they fell to the vulnerable girl on the ground.

Tae-oh knew the tall girl saw Jennie, so he took a brief second to look back at her. Using the opportunity, Lisa shoved the man in a swift move, which resulted in him hitting the floor, and she rushed to Jennie.

"Jennie!" She kneeled, took the girl in her arms, and removed the tie from her neck. She could see the red mark it made.

Jennie fell into Lisa's arms and cried. She was scared. He was still there, but being in Lisa's arms gave her hope. Her breath was hitching, and her whole body was trembling.

"Lisa..." Jennie whispered against her chest. Her voice was shaking, and she had so many emotions that Lisa couldn't even understand. Hope, happiness, contentment, sadness, and fear. Lisa felt her eyes sting. She held the short girl closer and looked at the man, who got up from the floor, with so much hatred.

"The hell do you want, Bitch? Get the fuck out of my house now." He yelled and put his hands forward to pull Jennie.

Lisa blocked his hand and held it tightly. He did try to loosen her grip, but boy she was strong. With the years she spent on training and self-defense, you don't want to mess with Lisa Manoban. Tae-oh tried his best to pull his hand back, but it only tightened her grip, but she suddenly let go which again made him fall back. She used this opportunity to gently let go of Jennie and give that guy a taste of his own medicine.

"You, Bastard!" Lisa yelled. She was on top of him, hitting his face continuously. With every hit, she felt even more rage to trash him. When she saw Jennie on the floor, coughing, close to losing her life, Lisa felt her world crashing down. She had never felt this angry towards anyone and she couldn't even imagine what she would do if something had indeed happened to Jennie.

Tae-oh did try to defend himself and block her punches, but his efforts were in vain. Both of them fought like dogs. Well, the guy shouldn't even be considered one, with his actions. They rolled on the floor, threw and blocked punches, and defended themselves.

Jennie was watching. She wanted to get in between them. The last thing she wanted was for Lisa to get hurt.

"Lisa..." She called again, but her voice was very low that both of them didn't hear her. Her vision was blurring again, but this time due to tears. The next few moments were a mirage to Jennie. Lisa had the guy tied up to the foot of the table and there were cops all around. Before Jennie even knew it, she was in the police station; a blanket was thrown around her and Lisa's hand was over her shoulders, protectively wrapping her.

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