Chapter 6 - Repaying Kindness

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*Lisa's POV*

After lunch, we left to fill in the details for club activities. Chaeyoung in the music club, Jisoo in the drama club, and me, obviously, in the dance club. But I'd have definitely thought about drama club if I knew Jennie was in charge of it. Jisoo was like all hyped up to tell me about it.

In the evening we all went to a nearby restaurant for our freshers' party. Our seniors said the place was known for its pork belly. Of course, the three of us sat down on the same bench, along with seven others. There was Jungkook, Taehyung, Seok-jin, Jimin, Sorn, Minnie, and Hye-ri. They were all fun to talk with.

Jungkook and Taehyung were classmates since middle school. Sorn and Minnie were also from Thailand. Jimin's and Chaeyoung's parents are family friends. In a way, we all clicked very well.

As the dinner was progressing, one of our seniors suggested that we do something fun. We were all a bit tipsy, but he seemed to be drunk. He picked a girl from our class who was sitting on another bench. She had a small face and brown hair with gentle waves. The guy asked her to dance and put his hand over her shoulders. I am guessing it was her friend — another girl, with short hair, who sat next to her was about to get up when another senior stopped her by her wrist, so she had to sit back. The girl was clearly getting uncomfortable by his skin-ship, and I was reminded of a certain cat-eyed woman.

I got up from my seat, pushed his hand away, and pulled the girl to me. Murmurs erupted around us.

"Yah, who the hell are you?" He asked, clearly drunk.

"Sunbae [Korean for Senior], can't you see she's uncomfortable? Why are you making yourself look so pitiful?"

"What!? Who do you think you are talking to?" The guy asked, coming at me. The other senior who was sitting next to the short-haired girl stood up to back him up.

"Hey, girl. Don't you know how to talk to your seniors?" He growled.

"Not when my seniors are being jerks." I snapped back.

"You–" He was about to grab my collar when someone yelled.

"What's going on there?" It was our senior who was the student representative. He was the one who organized everything.

Everyone explained what happened to him, and he had an apologetic look on his face.

"I am really sorry. They tend to go a little overboard when drunk. I should have paid more attention. Sorry about that." He spoke to the girl next to me.

"It's okay, Sunbae. Thank you for understanding." She assured him. She seemed to be a nice girl.

He nodded and moved the two guys to another table. I smiled at the girls and went back to my table.

"Woah!!! Yah, Lalisa, that was so cool." Chaeyoung spoke, and I smiled.

"True girl! Everyone was watching you. I am sure half the class got a crush on you already." Jungkook added.

"No doubt. You seemed really angry. We thought you were going to hit him."

I chuckled and took a sip from my drink. "I was reminded of someone." I whispered, and thankfully, everyone was immersed in some conversation that no one noticed.

"Excuse me? Do you mind if we join you?" A voice called, and we turned our heads to see the girls from earlier standing behind me.

"Why not? The more the merrier." Seok-jin said, and we all adjusted ourselves to give them space. The brown-haired girl sat next to me while the other girl sat next to Jimin.

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