Chapter 17 - Need You

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*Lisa's POV*

It's been almost a month; since Jennie and I started dating. I have never felt this happy before. With each passing day, I am falling in love with her even more. Every morning, I wake up to her sleepy face and I fall asleep to her warmth. The only thing I look forward to in a day now is the time I get to spend with her. It's easy to talk to her about everything. We talk about anything and everything and listen to each other without any judgment. I could listen to her voice all the time. She's amazing in every way. I just want to see her smiling always and be the reason for it.

However, there's one problem in our relationship. As I said, Jennie is perfect and that includes everything about her. I don't know if she's doing it on purpose, but she's one hell of a tease. I mean sexually.

Don't get me wrong. I am her girlfriend which grants me the right to admire her anytime without making her feel uncomfortable. But the thing is Jennie has this effect on me where she could get me easily turned on. For instance, just the other day, I woke up in the morning to find her sleeping peacefully on her back with her head turned to the other side. Her neck was exposed to me and with the thoughts, I had at that time, I will be definitely going to hell. And I think she knows the effect she has on me because of some things she does. Nowadays, she either sits on my lap or between my legs when we are watching a movie, and when cuddling, she puts one of her legs above me and snuggles really close to my neck. I have to hold on to the last ounce of my sanity to stop myself from hovering over her.

It's not that I don't want to make love to her. I do, I mean, really, really do. But two things worry me. First, I don't want her to feel rushed or anything. She has had many terrible memories from her past relationship regarding sex so, I don't want to make her uncomfortable with anything. The second is, this is going to be my first time. Jennie may not be my first girlfriend, but I have never done it with anyone else. I am a baby when it comes to sex. Well, okay, maybe not that much innocent, but still. Then again, it's not about me, it's about her. What if I won't do good in bed? What if I am terrible that she won't want to do it with me again? What if I won't be able to satisfy her? These are the thoughts that trouble me even more.

Jennie had been open with me about her sexual fantasies and desires and of course, physical intimacy does play a crucial role in relationships. So, I am kind of lost now. What should I do?

I could openly ask her if she wants to do it with me. She will be honest about it, but the second problem is really troubling me.

"LALISAA!!" Jisoo yelled in my ear. I think I am deaf now.

"Bro!!!! What?"

"The hell are you dreaming about? The food is getting cold." She nagged. Though we are the same age, she's like my Unnie.

Oh sorry, I forgot to mention, we were sitting for lunch when I spotted Jennie with her colleague. Her smiles are very addictive and to top it off, she was wearing a red blouse with a black blazer and skirt. My girlfriend, everyone, is hella sexy in red and all I wanted was to rip those clothes off of her and...

There goes me spacing out again.

"So, Lisa. We have something to tell you." Chaeyoung said and I looked at them. Jisoo and Chaeng were sitting opposite me and Today it was just us.

"Huh!? What is it?"

"We..." She said, looking at Jisoo. "...we are dating."

"WHAT!!!" I practically yelled.

"Yah, tone it down." Jisoo whisper yelled.

"Sorry! I was excited." I feel so happy. They do make a very cute couple and I just want to jump around now. "Guys, I am so happy for you. Can I hug you?"

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