Chapter 4 - Can't Stop

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*Lisa's POV*

After college, Chaeyoung, Jisoo, and I went to a nearby cafe. We talked for some time so that we could get to know each other more. My first day went well great, thanks to them, well, for the most part. Jennie would appear in my thoughts every once in a while. I don't know why I feel very concerned about it, maybe because she's getting abused, and I believe she's not someone who deserves to get treated like that.

I was returning from my night run. I unconsciously stopped in my tracks when I reached Jennie's door. I wanted to ring the bell and make sure she was okay, but I don't have any right to do so. I sighed and walked past her door to my room. As I was opening my door, the door to Jennie's unit slammed open, making me flinch. I saw the same man who hit her that night walking away. The door wasn't closed yet, so I was able to hear the muffled sobs from inside. He must have hit her again.

I slowly walked towards the door and looked inside. The floor had so many shattered plates, and vases. Books, and papers were thrown across. I walked in carefully to where the sobs were coming from. I saw Jennie sitting on the floor, leaning against the couch, crying. She raised her head, and my eyes met with her red, puffy ones. I noticed the cuts on her neck and hands and the slap mark on her cheeks. The blazer she wore in the morning was torn away. My blood was boiling at the sight. I want to punch him so badly.

Jennie didn't say anything. She wasn't even surprised that someone came inside. She looked at me like she was thankful. I dare not to speak either. She seemed so vulnerable. I walked inside the bathroom and opened the cupboard to get the first-aid box. She had some antidepressants and sleeping pills inside as well.

What is going on with you, Jennie?

She was still on the floor when I walked back to the living room. I placed the box on the couch and helped her to sit up. She kept her eyes on me, sniffling, while my gaze was on her cuts. I gritted my teeth to control this rage I was feeling.

I wiped her tears with my hands and first applied some iodine to her hands. There were only a few cuts — most of them were bruises. I could also see the marks, which seemed like it was made a long time ago. I wonder how many bruises she will have in places where other people won't notice. None of us spoke. Honestly, I was feeling worried. You never know what such situations could do to someone's mind. After I was done with her hand, I moved to her neck. There was a huge cut there, probably because of making contact with shattered glass.

I tried to be as gentle as possible, but the moment the medicine touched the wound, she hissed in pain. Her breath hitched.

"It's okay. It will be fine." I whispered and blew the spot. She seemed to relax a bit. Luckily, the wound wasn't that deep, and there weren't any glass pieces stuck there.

"You should wear a turtle neck or a scarf tomorrow. It's going to be hard to hide otherwise." I said as I put a bandage on her wound. She just nodded. The Jennie I saw in university was different; she had this powerful aura around her that makes you want to listen to every word she says, but this, this Jennie is different; she's vulnerable and defenseless.

"It's done." I whispered again. "Get some rest. I will leave." I said and stood up, but she held my hand.

I looked down at our hands to see her staring at me.

"Can you– can you please– stay?" Her voice trembled.

I don't want to leave her alone either. But I don't want to put her in trouble. What if that jerk comes back and sees us together?

"What about that guy?" I spoke very gently.

"He– he won't come back tonight." Her eyes held hope. "It's okay if you don't want to. I'd understand–" She spoke, taking her hands and eyes off me, but I kneeled down and cut her off.

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