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Next morning

Yn pov

I woke up with a great headache, ahh I don't remember anything what happen last night, I only remember taehyung face, Then what happen I don't know, I went to washroom and freshen up . Aish this headache ..

I went to downstairs and told mom "omma my head is aching so much" .
Ofcourse you pass out last night after drinking, omma replied , omma I accidentally drink that, I thought it was apple juice , I said , okay okay I know here drink this you will feel good, omma said.. I drink it and rest my head on the table.

Wait omma , how did I came last night, I don't remember anything..
I said to omma. Ohh taehyung take you home last night said you accidentally drink and pass out , omma replied. Okay I said and went to my room , ready to go for my office.

Time skip---------

Two day later

In two days .. taehyung and.yn did not contact each other,

Yn is going toward the ceo cabin and greeted him, Mr park I complete this file,do you have any other work for me,

He hum " yes can you go to Kim interprises and give this to the ceo because I don't trust anyone and I have urgent work to do"

"Of course Mr park " she said and went out of his office, well she know who is the ceo of Kim enterprise..

She enter into Kim enterprise and went to receptionist and asked where is ceo cabin, receptionist lead the way toward his office and leave her to the door of the cabin.

She knock the door and heard a deep voice " come in " she entered and saw that he didn't looked up and working on his file with concentration ,she didn't speak a word only stare at him..
After sometime when noone speak he lift his head and saw her" what are you doing here" she snapped out of her imagination and speak" oh Mr park give me this file to give you"
He hum take the file and check it " okay I am going " she said and started
But he stop her and said " do you have your lunch"she shook her head "let's go I am hungry" he stood and held her hand, she flinch with a sudden contact , she smile went with him towards the cafeteria " what happen to you? She ask " what will happen to me nothing"he replied " no I mean you are asking me to have lunch with you" he just shrugged and order his meal .

" Well I wanted to ask you something"he hum while eating his meal." What happen last night"she ask " nothing ..you just dance with jisoo and pass out" he replied.. after they having their meal silently.. he look at her and she is eating her food with a pout and looking so cute , he smile and suddenly he look at her lips and started thinking about how he kissed her and blush and averted his eyes toward the meal .

She look up and see that his ear are red, "hey tae, do you have fever?,, she asked , " no why? " He replied " nothing .. you ears are so red that's why I ask?" She said.. he hum and touch his ear.. she giggle and said "are you a fruit " he look up and shook his head.. " because you look like a FINE apple" she giggle and he blushed and looked at her who is giggling... Suddenly she choked on her saliva and started coughing...he abruptly stood and take the glass of water to her mouth, she drink it " are you ok" he asked while she nodded .. he okay her and sit down  on his sit..." Eat slowly " he said with a soft voice..

They finish their meal and left the cafeteria.." let's go there .. I wanna eat ice cream" she said "No... I have some work to do" he replied " please let's go nah. .. you can do that work a little later" she said with pout and he only stare at her without speaking " please please.. let's go nah'" she whine like a child ... He sigh and nodded " let's go"
She happily hold his arm and drag him.. while his heart started beating fast ...

I want chocolate with mint " she ordered " I want a strawberry ice cream .. thanks" he also ordered .

Don't you have work to do " he asked " "no .. I already done my work .. I am going home after this" she replied..
He hum " did you have girlfriend before " she suddenly ask... He chocked on his saliva and shook his head" no .. I only have relationship in college but it didn't last long" he said.
" Did you have any"he asked .. btw he know that she didn't by yesterday incident however he ask.. he wanted to hear from her in her stable state..
" No .... I don't have .. I am not interested in relationship before " she replied .... Then they about their life..

Well they are opening with each other..


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