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Now , it's been a month , they got news about Ara pregnancy , Right now ,All the family member are sitting in living room....

"Ara ....eat this " Mrs Kim said , taking a bowl of soup . "No ..mom ..it's doesn't taste good " she said , didn't want to eat it , " but it's good in pregnancy...eat this now " Mrs Kim said strictly , Ara sigh and eat it ,making a disgust face .

Jin chuckled ,seeing her face ,Ara looked at him "yah ...why are you laughing" she said , hitting his hand .
" Yah ... Don't laugh at my daughter"Mrs Kim said , giving a glare to his son .

Jisoo and yn are watching something in their phone , while taehyung is working on his laptop. Mr Kim is sitting , sipping on his tea .

Yn stood up , but stumble and fell back on the couch,  "Are you fine?" Jisoo asked ,yn nodded then again stood up but she passed out ,"Yn " jisoo called , everyone look at her, taehyung hurriedly came toward yn,
"Call the doctor" he said ,jisoo called the doctor." What happened to her "Mrs Kim said worriedly, came and sit beside her . Taehyung made her lay on the couch.

After sometime doctor came , she check her ,after checking she look up ,
"What happened" Mrs Kim asked ,
"Congratulations once again Mrs Kim ...she is pregnant " the doctor said , taehyung froze on his spot ,Mrs Kim gasp ,look at yn "omg ....this is best day in my life " she said , caressing yn hair . " Taehyung ....take her in your room" Mrs Kim said, taehyung came out of his thinking, smiling widely ,he take her in bridal style . "Omg ...I am going to be an aunt" Ara said , smiling , "Aish ... don't forget...you are also going to be a mother" jin said ,and hug her from side .

"I am going to be grandfather again" mr Kim said , "and I am going to Aunt"jisoo said hugging her father .

"Today ..I am so happy ....I am going made sweets for everyone" Mrs Kim ,wiping her tears and went to the kitchen.


Yn wake up , "ouch ...my head is hurting" she said and notice she is in her room , taehyung enter in room and saw her ,he smile widely and quickly went to her , cupping her face ,he kissed her whole face , she giggle "what happen" she said ,seeing him smiling "thank you so much yn ... thanks for coming in my life .. I am so happy today "he said ,yn confusingly staring at him " but why so suddenly you are thanking me " she asked ,he smile at her ,kissing her forehead ,"yn ...you are going to be mother" he said ,yn stop for a while , looking at him while he nodded " you are pregnant"he said ,yn hug him, started crying ,he made her face him,wiping her tears ,"why are you crying" he asked ,"I am just so happy" she said , sniffing , he smile and attach his lip to her ,kissing her softly .

Time skip---------

It's been four months , yn and Ara sitting in living room ,eating sour mango , both are enjoying each other company .

Jin came in living room ,seeing his wife and yn , he quickly came towards them , "let's go ...it's your medicine time ...and you too yn " he said ,then he saw taehyung and quickly call him , " taehyung " he called him ,"make her eat this medicine..." He said and look at his wife , who is slowly walking away from him ,he quickly went to her and lift her in his arm and take to their room.

Taehyung look at yn ,who is making weird face ,seeing the medicine . She look up and gave him a cute pouty face ,"don't give me that look ...eat it " he said , giving her the glass of water and medicines. She shook her head ,he sat beside her ,'Amour ...take it "he said strictly," but it taste so bad "she said , making disgust face,he sigh."I know ... please eat it for our baby hmm" he said ,she sigh and gulping down the medicine , then look at him "it's taste so weird" she said ,he smile at her and pecking her lip,he softly pat her heaf,"good girl...now let's go it's your nap time " he said ,she nodded smiling.he lift her and take her in their room.

Taehyung lay her down , and lay besides her , hugging her softly.

Time skip---------

After 7 year....

Both yn and taehyung are sleeping in their bed, they both woke up when they feel under their bedsheet ,then they saw a head popping out from the blanket between them ,they smile when they see their little daughter ,Taehi .

"Appa ..omma " she said ,look at them with her doe eyes, taehyung smile ,taking her ,laying her in his chest , hugging her , "princess...you woke up early" taehyung said , she cutely nodded ,then both look at yn ,who is smiling ,"Amour ...come here" he said ,yn slide toward and hug them.

"Good morning ...princess" yn said ,
"Goooood morrnnning ...omma..Appa" Taehi said ,they both chuckled at her cuteness.

" Let's go ...I am sure ...you are hungry" yn said ,Taehi nodded ,look at her appa ," Appa ..I want choco"she said ,with her puppy eyes, taehyung laugh at her , whenever she want anything ,Taehi always make puppy eyes and made him saying ok to her .
"Ofcourse ...my princess get what she want " he said , sitting up and take her to her room .

Time skip---------

"Wooyung ....eat this " Ara said to her son , who is not eating his vegetables,
He look at his appa ," Appa ... please say to omma ...I don't want to eat " he said "but Wooyung ...it's good for your health "jin said , wooyung pouted, don't want to eat ,jin came close to him and whispered in his ear ,"eat it ...I will buy you ice cream" jin said ,hearing this Wooyung grin and happily eat it , Ara look at them suspiciously,"what did you say to him " she asked ,"nothing " jin said , avoiding making eye contact with his wife ,"omma ...appa say that he will paly with me later " he said ,Ara nodded ,taking the bowl to kitchen ,they both high figh each other .

Time skip---------

"Aigoo ...come here " Mrs Kim said to both her grandson and granddaughter, Mrs Kim take Taehi in her lap while Wooyung sat beside her , "how your school" she asked both them ,"it's good grandma ...I enjoy a lot " Taehi said happily ,"yeah..grandma ...it's good "Wooyung said ,then mr Kim came ," what are you three talking about "he asked , Wooyung run toward him, making him laugh,mr Kim let him sat on his lap ."Nothing...grandma asking us about our school" Wooyung said ,mr Kim nodded .

Soon , yn , taehyung and jin, Ara joined them , they talk, laugh , tease each other . Such a happy family (wiping the tear from my eyes ....and I know you all didn't vote and end this FF smoothly ...go and vote)

The End...

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I am so grateful for this ...

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Thank everyone , and the one who keep company me in the journey of this FF special thanks to them

I will make sure to write FF  more beautifully..

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