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Taehyung soon reach at the hospital and ask the nurse and he make his way toward ICU .he came and saw his parents and his in laws sitting on the chair and Ara ,jin,jungwoo and jisoo are consoling them.

He hurriedly ran toward jin ask him "hyung where is yn?...what happen to her " he said while shaking jin .

" She got into car accident tae,she is bleeding very badly." He ran toward the ICU and see her face while wire attached and doctor are doing their work .he got numb and sit on his knee. Jin came toward him and hug him.

" She is fine ,happy ..i saw her smiling with my own eyes...no no it can't. ..you can't leave me like this ..no ..I will not let you leave me like this "taehyung thought and silently crying in jin embrace.

After 5hr doctor came ,he hurriedly went toward him and ask
"How is she ...she is fine" the doctor sigh and answered " yes ..she is stable now...but her arm are cut by the glasses so she can't move her hand until it heel". Taehyung relax and ask " can I meet her " the doctor nodded and tell " but please only one at a time ..she need rest.." taehyung nodded and looked toward his family for confirmation,they all nodded allow him to go.

He came toward the bed and saw your hand and head are bandage and oxygen mask on your face ...you look pale .he came and sit beside the bed.
"Yn... How can you be so careless huh..why are you so clumsy..my heart is beating so fast when I know you got into an accident...please don't do this.."he cried holding your hand " "please open your eyes yn "he put his head on your hand and silently sobbing.

After sometime yn finger move ..you slowly open your eyes,taehyung see and called the doctor ,the doctor came check up and told that you are fine..
You smile at him seeing him all worried about you.he went out and told everyone that you are awake .yn parents went to meet you and taehyung was outside with jin.
"Tae ..I don't think it is an accident.. someone try to kill yn"jin said ." What are you saying Hyung ?"taehyung asked " someone try to kill yn...when I reach their ..noone is there I mean their is not any car beside yn car and I am sure that it is planned...the area is totally deserted and we can't even know that yn got into accident because when the accident happened jisoo is talking with yn .. that's why we know ..she got into accident"jin explained , taehyung got angry and told " whoever done this...I am sure that I don't leave him alive' he said angrily.

Time skip---------

You got discharge after 2 days .. in two everyone take care of you but taehyung , he came only two times a day to meet you and ask "are you fine or not ?" Then went away.

While taehyung is busy searching the person who try to kill you .. so he didn't get the time for you beside your and his family always take care of you so he didn't need to worried about you.

You are sitting on your bed in Kim mansion, looking outside the window.
Soon taehyung came and see you and asked " what are you thinking?" you don't reply so he came and sit beside and cup your chick and asked "what happen?"

"Nothing"you replied not looking at him " aish tell me nah ..what happen..are you hungry?"he asked and you look at him seeing him worried you decided to speak.

"You didn't came to see me at hospital properly,you only ask i am fine or not..you didn't even spend time with me"taehyung sigh and tell you" yn I am busy ...I have to go and report about it ..sorry ...I just don't get enough time to spend with you," he reason ,she was about to speak but a knock disturb them , a maid came "sir dinner ".

"Place it on the table " he said ,maid place the food and went out.

She is staring at him with a pout ,"let's eat ..okay " he asked with a soft tone ,she hummed and they both eat and sleep.

Yn pov.

I eat my dinner and went to sleep but don't worry ,I wil take my revenge from you mr kim for ignoring me.jsut wait untill I will be alright.

Time skip---------

After a week

Yn is now health and can move her hand freely. Also taehyung still can't find the person who plan it .

Yn is sitting in the garden with jisoo.
Complaining about taehyung .

"Jisoo...your brother is a jerk ... can't he spend sometime with me..always work ,work and work huh"she said angrily.

" I know my brother ..he is very punctual and always focus on his work ....but what are you gonna do about it....he is always like this "jisoo said playing with grass.

" I don't but I am planning something and I know it will work "she said while smiling like a creep .

" What are you planning?" Jisoo asked
But yn didn't tell her and said just wait and watch .


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