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Author pov.

Yn woke up and saw him sleep like a prince he is . But she felt guilty seeing his legs. She went to freshen and went downstairs.

Here , taehyung woke up and slowly went to bathroom , his leg is cover a bit .

After sometime she came with a tray on her hand but halted seeing taehyung on the bed try to put lotion his leg. She hurriedly place on the tray on the table and went to him.
" Let me put it on your leg " she said and down on her one knee and place his leg on her lap . She carefully put the lotion his leg while he stare at her with his loving gaze , she bandage it after putting the lotion . "Done " she exclaimed . " How's your leg now" yn asked him ,.

"Good " he said while she hum and bring his breakfast to him. They do their breakfast.

Time skip---------

It's been four days , taehyung leg is fine now , he can walk . He is working from home because of his leg . Yn take care of him and keep checking him if he need something while Sia is trying her hard to hurt yn . Noone know who put the oil on stair .. everyone shrugged it and think someone might accidentally drop the oil and didn't notice it.

Here yn is sitting with jisoo in the garden , talking with each other.

"How are your life going " yn asked jisoo . "Fine ... I am trying to do my best in my art ... One day .. I will be a great artist " jisoo replied . Jisoo is an art students , she is working on her talent lately.

"How's your life ...you propose my brother or not ?". Jisoo asked yn.

" How can I propose him ....if he don't love me " yn said to her in a sad tone.

"Yah ...you fool...I can see him that he love you ....when you are laying on sofa ...the way he is concerning like his life depends on you ...I am sure ..he will accept you with his heart "jisoo explained .

" But why he didn't propose me "yn said to jisoo . " So you want my brother to propose you " jisoo asked while she humm in response.

" Well I have a idea..it a famous trick for everyone ...if the person love ...he will react to it " jisoo said.

" And what is it " yn asked with a raised eyebrows.

" Jealousy....noone in the world want his lover to interact with other person and want to act lovely. " Jisoo said .

" But how can I make him jealous " yn said with a pout . " I have a plan listen " she said in her ear and then they high five each other.

Time skip---------

Yn is getting ready . While taehyung is working ,sitting on the sofa . He notice her dress which is short and showing her legs . "Where are you going ?" He asked her while she is combing her hair .

"I am going out with jisoo and her friend Sihu "she said keeping the comb on the table and facing him.

Hearing the boy name ,he stand up and came infront of her "you are not wearing this ...go and change " he said with a strict tone ." No ...I am not changing ..it's looking good on me...and I don't have time for this"she looking at her phone . But before he stop her ,she went away .he sigh and started doing his work.

Time skip---------

Yn ,jisoo and Sihu having fun in amusement park ,,they  roam around the Seoul ,eat a lot of food and click lot of pic .

They do alot of things and  finally in the evening they came in the mansion with a lot of bags in their hands .

While here taehyung is coming downstairs for checking ,she came or not. He came and saw that yn is sitting close to Sihu and jisoo is sitting in front of them . They are chatting with each other. He become so jealous. And went back to the room.

While here jisoo and yn talking about the plan "so yn ...I introduce to him ..now you don't have any problems to do acting like a couple " jisoo asked yn while she nodded .

" So Sihu ...are you also ready ?" Jisoo asked him ." Yes ofcourse ...I don't have any problem" he said . Then they talk and go to their room and Sihu went to his house.

Sihu pov .

He went out of the Kim and sat in his car " well Mr Kim taehyung ....now you will face the consequences to mess up with kangs and I will ruined your whole life  ....and your little fool sister and your wife ...how fool of them to believe me " he said and laugh like maniac and went away.


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