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Author pov.

Here , yn is in his parents embrace ,
"Omma .. now Don't cry hmm ... See I came home safely "she said while mrs Lee look at her " how can you say that .. look at yourself ,how weak you are looking... And the stitches .."Mrs song said while her tear started flowing from her eyes ." Don't worry omma ... It heal soon " yn said while her mother nodded " Appa.... I will make someone
Food for y'all ."yn said while Mr song shook his head " No you are still weak , I will order the food"mr Lee said " okay then .. I will go to my room .. take rest hmm " yn said and hug him and left.

While jungwoo take Yeonjun to his room for freshen up .

While jungwoo is in kitchen ,making tea for everyone . Soon the doorbell ring .jungwoo open the door and saw him .

"Hyung" jungwoo said and open the door wide for him , "where is yn ?" Taehyung said while jungwoo see his condition and told him , taehyung immediately ran into her room.

While yn is ready to lay on her bed but she flinch when her bedroom door open , she look at the door and saw him , he immediately ran toward her and hug her like his life depends on her ,well it is.

He snuggle into her neck ,taking her scent , while she also taking his warmth and feeling relax "I miss u " she said and snuggle into him .

"Are you okay ?" He ask her while she hum ,he sat on her bed while she is in his lap ,they broke the hug while he cup his cheek and kiss her whole face while she close her eyes , feeling him. He join his forehead with her "I am sorry ,I could not save you ,I am sorry " he said while his tear started flowing from his eyes while she move and look at him and wipe his tear "No .... it's not your fault ..hmm ...all fault is that Sihu, who kidnapped me ."she said and notice him . " And look at yourself ..how are you looking...hair messy , dark circle under your eyes "she said while touching his hair and eyes . " But you are looking hot " she said looking into his eyes while he raise an eyebrow looking at her " And again you start your cheesy lines huh " he said ,taesing her ,while she circle her hand around his neck " only for you "She replied and hide her face on his neck . "Let sleep ...I am tired " she mumble and then they lay on the bed and sleep in each other embrace.

Taehyung pov

I came in her room and look at her ,she is looking pale ,her hand ,her head are coverd with bandage, I swear I will not leave that bastard ,I went toward her and hug her tightly, from now ,I will not let anyone harm her , I will protect her from everyone .
She is my world ,my life ,if anyone dare to lay a finger on her , I will make his/her life a living hell .

I say sorry to her ,but like always she forgave me , she is just gorgeous,I don't have word to describe her ,she is my everything,

She have bewitched by my body and soul and I love and only love her. And wish from this day forth never to be parted from her.


Hey , sorry for the short chapter,

I will update soon ....

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Ohhh... I almost forgot.... Hey

My clumsy girl have now 600 view .... I am so happy.... Thank you y'all for your love....

Bye .... Take care and eat properly.🙂🎉

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