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Jisoo and yn run when they saw Ara , falling on the floor , they took her in her room and lay her on the bed .

"Omg ... What happen to her " Mrs Kim ask worringly, sitting beside her , caressing her hair , "I am calling the doctor" jisoo said and call their family doctor ," We should inform jin oppa "yn said , mrs kim nodded and yn call him and tell about the incident.

After sometime, doctor came and checking her ,then jin enter in the room worriedly , he saw the doctor checking her ,so he remained silent, afterward ,the doctor say "don't worry ... nothing happens to her ," she said looking at Mrs Kim ," Actually she is two week pregnant" she said ,Mrs Kim gasp and then smile widely, and went towar jin who was standing frozen,"son...you are going to be a father " Mrs Kim said , jin hug her and started crying. Jisoo and yn also hug each other.

Time skip---------

It's been five days , yn and taehyung didn't contact each other , yn asked jin why she couldn't able to contact him ,he told her that their have some network issue.

While here taehyung is on Seoul airport, already arrived , he didn't inform anyone about it , it's 11 pm right now ,he went to his office first and take his car and started to going toward Kim mansion, he call his wife ....

"Amour " he said with his deep voice ,

"Tae "she said softly " why didn't you call me earlier"she complaint to his husband.

" Sorry armour...I got busy in my work " he said with a sigh and smile..

"It's okay ...when are you coming" she asked ,as she is laying on the bed and talking with him...

" Soon ... did you eat your dinner" he asked ,

"No ....I don't have appetite." She said while he sigh and hum ...

"Tae ....you know ...Ara unie is pregnant .." she said excitedly while he smile hearing it ...

" What " he said , surprised

"Yes ...she is two week pregnant....I am so excited ...you know I also want to be a mother "she said with a flow but soon gasp when she realised what she said...

"So you want to be a mother.." he said , teasing her ...

She blush but then hum , rolling on the bed ... " Don't worry Amour ...I will sure make you pregnant next time "he said ...

" I am not talking to you "she said blushing hard ...

" Why "he said ...

"Because you are a pervert ....I am sure when I knew about it first ...I am not going to marry you "she said ...

" What did I do "he said , innocently..

"Yah ... don't act innocent ... you literally started throwing dirty pickup lines on me "she said ...

" Oh my innocent wife "he said , smiling widely ,he literally learn it for her , he also wanted to tease her and make her flustered,like she always did with him ,also he love teasing her and love her face when she flustered .

"I miss u " she suddenly said ...

"When are you coming ... please come fast " she said ...

"Soon ..Amour ...you will be in my arms..."he said ...

" Now go to sleep ... I am sure you have work to do "she said while he hum ...

" I love you "she said ...

" I love you too Amour " he said while she cut the call ...

She went toward the balcony , looking at the moon and started remembering the moment of taehyung and her ...
She always come and stand in the balcony, looking at the moon when she misses him ... She close her , feeling the breeze ...

While he park his car silently,taking his bag and enter in Kim mansion with the help of key...

He slowly went toward his room and open the door quietly, he look her and there but can't find her ,he put the bag on the table without making noise,he slowly went towards the balcony and saw her leaning on the railing , he went toward her , sliding his hand on her waist,he back hugged her ...

She flinch when she feel the touch ,
"Shh its me " he wishper in her ear, she fastly turn around and look at him "when did--" her word cut ,when he put his lip on her and kissing her ,she didn't moved back , quickly kissed him back ,sliding her hand around his neck ,pulling him closer to her while him hugging her waist ,they both kissing each other passionatly, telling each other through kiss ,how they missed each other .

When they feel their breath shorten ,they break the kissed ,resting forehead on each other , breathing heavily. "I miss u " she said while he didn't said but put his lip on her again', kissing her softly, broking the kiss ,he snuggle his face on her neck ,while she rub his back .

After like 15 min , he look at her ...
"What are you doing in the balcony" he asked ,"I was looking at the moon .."she said ,"And can I ask why ?" He said .." just missing you ... finding you on your favorite things "she said ... " But you forget that my most favourite in the world is you ...I am within you ...just look at yourself ....you will find me in you "he said ,she smile .

" Go and freshen up"she said while he shook his head ," No ...let me hug you " he said,putting his head on her shoulder ..."Aish ... don't act like a child " she siad ..." Okay bath me then" he said whíle she stop for a sec ," what are you saying...now you actually acting like a child "she said ," it just you who made me like this ...that I can act like a child freely infront of you "he said ,taking her hand , pulling her in the bathroom,she didn't stop him , "Open my shirt " he said while she sigh and started to opening his shirt, after that she went toward the bathtub , preparing for him ,"take off your pant and come sit in the bathtub" she said ,her back facing him while he strip ,went into the bathtub.

She then take the shampoo in her hand ,washing his hair ,he relax ,feeling so overwhelming, he close his eyes while she message his head .

"Done " she said , then stood up and face him,kissing his forehead ,"just freshen up ...I am waiting" she said while he nodded.

After he done with bath ,he came outside and saw her sitting on sofa and bag infront of her .

She look at him ,"why did you buy these noodles " she asked , while he shrugged , sitting beside her ,"you didn't ate your dinner and also I wanted to eat with you so " he said,while she smile hearing him , she stood up " let's eat this in the balcony " she said ,taking noodles with her .

They both sat on the sofa , while she prepares the noodles,giving it to him and then for her , they both eat in silence, sitting under the sky ,full with stars and the light of the moon,they both enjoy their moment with each other .

After they done with eating ,yn came and hug him by side,while he also hug her back taking her in his lap, she yawned in his embrace , snuggling in his chest ,while he cares her hair .

After sometime, yn fall sleep in his embrace,he smile looking at her cute face ,he get up,taking her in bridal style and went toward the bed,he softly place her and then sleep beside her ,hugging her close to him and they sleep in each other embrace peacefully .


Just one more chapter....

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