ODM Gear and Singing

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The LINK is in my Profile.

The brilliant blue sky and feel the warm embrace of the sun's rays on his skin. Despite the daunting importance of the test that lay ahead, his spirits lifted, and a wave of cheerfulness washed over him.

The last four years with his mentor had been hell, but it worked in the end. All the times he had failed, all the times he got a punch in the gut, his nose getting broken, it was all worth it in the end. At least, that's how Jaime saw it.

Sets of four wooden poles hold up pairs of cables. At each set, they form lines, having already been dressed in the combat harness.

Jaime stood near ugly freckles and Krista, both of whom were preparing to take the ODM test. As he observed Krista's demeanor, he noticed that she appeared uneasy, her body shifting restlessly as if she were trying to shake off the nerves coursing through her.

"Don't worry, Krista," Jaime said, flashing a reassuring smile toward the blonde girl. "I tried this when I was ten years old, and trust me. It's much easier than it looks. All you have to do is let go of all your thoughts, calm your mind, and you'll be able to do it just fine." He could see the anxiety in Krista's eyes, and he knew exactly how she was feeling. After all, he had been in her shoes before, struggling with the same thing she was struggling with now.

Hearing his words, she nodded. "Thank you, Jaime, but why did you use this when you were ten years old?" Krista, turning to face him, Ymir simply kept a stoic look, but Jaime could tell she was listening to them.

Usually, Jaime didn't really like to talk about the past. It always returned back to that day.

"I'm hungry. Please. Someone."

Jaime's heart raced as he tried to shake off the image of Arthur, hungry and starving. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, filling his lungs with fresh air, hoping to calm his nerves and steady his racing heartbeat. As he exhaled slowly, he opened his eyes and blinked several times.

"I-I. My mentor trained me after he found me. He told me if I wanted to go out there. I needed to be the best to survive. He made sure to train me on how to use ODM Gear." Jaime explained, watching who he remembered to be Annie. He had barely interacted with the girl since the day she told him her name, other than 'Good Morning' and 'Go somewhere else.'

"Your mentor sounds like a good man," Krista commented with a pretty smile, her eyes sparkling with admiration. Jaime had to restrain himself from growling.

Every time he saw his mentor grin at someone, he knew that it was not a friendly gesture but a warning, but his mentor had been the one who trained him, even if his ways weren't always pleasant, he could still feel the weights on his legs as he ran, the chains digging into his skin.

"H-he was the only one who cared," Jaime murmured to himself, but from how Krista looked at him, she had heard him.

"He was good enough. I guess..." he said reluctantly, his voice trailing off. "But he took care of me. He encouraged me to be good at what I liked to do, like singing or painting. And for that, I'm grateful." Ymir and Krista listened intently. One expression was sympathetic, and the other impassive.

"You know how to sing?" Krista asked with a smile.

"Yes. My mentor said I should become a singer, but I could never understand if he was just messing with me."

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