An Ackerman's Anger

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A moan of excruciating pain escaped from Eren's lips as he found himself helplessly tossed to the dire for the fourth time by Annie. Despite the intense agony coursing through his body, he managed to catch a glimpse of Annie swiftly enclosing her arms around his throat and arms, locking him in a suffocating chokehold. With each passing second, Eren's struggle to draw in a breath grew increasingly arduous, his chest constricting mercilessly as time slipped away. Meanwhile, Jaime, positioned at a safe distance, observed the brutal brawl unfold before his eyes while fervently engrossed in his art book, seamlessly capturing the chaotic scene with every stroke of his pencil.

Usually, Jaime would be the only one to train with Annie every time they had to train in hand-to-hand combat. It had been like that for over a year now, and no one else was brave enough to throw hands with Annie; many people even questioned Jaime why he spent so much time with Annie, saying she was as cold as ice. Many avoided her for that reason, but Jaime was never afraid of her; sure, she could get quite brutal in her training. Jaime had been on the receiving end of her fists and kicks quite a few times, but the same went for Annie; Jaime quite often was the one who threw fists instead of her.

Jaime knew Annie could be quite cold sometimes, but he had seen how soft she could sometimes be; while she had a taught skin, Jaime believed her heart was warm and soft.

Jaime was very happy to spend time with Annie. He had tried to train with Mikasa Ackerman since she was the other one who could give both Jaime and Annie a run for their money, but for some reason, Mikasa often ignored Jaime; he didn't know what her problem was, since to his knowledge, he had never insulted her, or done anything to earn her ire. Jaime had asked both Eren and Armin if he had done something wrong, but neither knew how to answer him.

Today, when Mister Corpse-looking Shadis had ordered them to train in Hand to Hand combat, Jaime had been looking forward to fighting with Annie again, but Jean had wanted Jaime to train him first; the latter had agreed with him since Jean wanted to join the Military Police, Jaime knew how important it was for Jean to know hand to hand combat.

Personally, Jaime didn't understand why Jean would want to go to the Military Police; Jean didn't strike Jaime as lazy or as someone who could turn a blind eye to certain things that Military Police tend to do. Some of the military police were even worse than some might even realize; Jaime really wished that the day would never come when he saw Jean amongst them, not amongst the military police, but amongst the officers who let slide certain evil things, like giving information to kidnappers on the location of valuable people, so they could kidnap and sell them as slaves.

The mere thought of these monsters made his blood boil; Jaime clenched his teeth. Those monsters weren't people; they were worse than the Titans. He could almost feel the pain, the ropes on his arms and legs.

Jaime escaped his thoughts once he heard Mikasa yell out 'Eren' for the tenth time just today. Jaime arched an eyebrow; he didn't understand why she was so fixated on him. Sure, she was his sister or something. Jaime wasn't sure what their relationship was since Mikasa didn't look similar to Eren, not even slightly, but it wasn't hard to understand that she valued his life more than she valued her own life.

While Jaime didn't understand why Mikasa was so fixated on Eren, he couldn't help but envy him, the way Mikasa looked at him, a look of love and caring. Jaime didn't understand how deep Mikasa's feelings went for Eren, but her eyes reminded Jaime of his own mentor in a way.

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