A Devil in Paradise

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"Next," A voice shouted that belonged to a middle age man. In front of him stood a long line of new recruits for the training corps. The man had worked this job for over a decade now, but never before had he seen a longer line than this one.

He figured the appearance of the Colossal Titan two years ago had convinced more people to try their luck in becoming part of the military, whatever that was, to fight the Titans or simply hide behind the walls that weren't the safe haven it once was.

Poor fools, the man thought, seeing many kids chatting and smiling with each other. No one knew when the Colossal Titan would strike again, but many people knew for certain that day would one day come, and the smiling faces would turn to tears of horror and despair.

As soon as he said, 'Next,' a young guy walked up in front of him, holding a barrel bag over his shoulder, wearing a brown coat with a dark shirt under it. A pair of dark-brown boots, his pants looked a bit used, a pale blue color, his face was long and sharp, his nose was medium size, just above his right eyebrow was a small cut made by a sharp weapon, the man working noticed a holster on his waist, but instead of being a holster for a gun, it was a holster for a knife. From the shape, he could tell it was a bowie knife with a handle made of wood covered in oil. His eyes were an interesting dark violet, which he found pretty surprising; he had seen all kinds of eye colors on people, green, brown, scarlet, and even lavender, but this one was a first for him. His hair was dark like a crow, average height but a bit shorter than the others.

"What's your name, where are you from, and everything else, recruit?" The man asked, opening a large notebook on his desk.

"Jaime, from Wall Sina, and I'm thirteen years old," the one identified as Jaime replied; hearing he was from Wall Sina caused many behind Jaime to glare at him, some amazed and some simply not caring. Jaime didn't really mind them; he knew the reputation of those from Wall Sina, and he might have done the same if the roles were reversed. The man working there found the letter 'J' on the notebook and wrote his name down; he noted no last name but didn't ask for it, it wasn't really necessary.

Writing his name, he grabbed another book from his shelves; opening to page four, he found an empty column for him to write at the end of the page, sliding the book to him and giving him a pencil.

"Anyone who arrives here with weapons of their own need to write their names on this book," the man working there said to the boy, who nodded before writing his name down.

Giving the book back to the man, the worker closed it before putting it back on the shelf, turning to look at the kid.

"I'm obligated to inform the Instructor of your knife, but as long as we don't find that knife at the back of someone's skull, we are good," he informed him; his words caused some to flinch at the thought. The man signed a few letters more before putting the sign of the training corps on top of it.

Handing it to Jaime, who grabbed them and putting them in his bag. "Leave your bag in the cabin on the right side of the watchtower. That's where's boy's domain is, but I wouldn't rush to unpack. Many tend to fall off the first day," the man warned him, pointing in the direction he needed to go.

"Thank you, sir," Jaime replied with a smile as the man simply signaled for him to walk away and let the others continue.

"Next," Jaime heard the man shout as he walked away, his eyes taking on the scenery in front of him, the sun kissing his skin; despite not being the first time, he enjoyed the feeling of the sunlight on his skin as if it was the first time all over again.

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