The Ice Queen

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Nine Months After Starting The Training Corps

As the night grew darker and the moon reached its zenith, the boy's barrack was filled with the soft sound of cadets breathing as they all lay sleeping soundly in their bunks. Exhausted from the rigorous training they had endured throughout the day, the cadets had eagerly anticipated the blissful escape that sleep provided. With their muscles aching and their minds racing with memories of the day, they had eagerly slipped beneath their blankets, welcoming the chance to rest and recharge for the challenges that lay ahead. In the peaceful sanctuary of slumber, they could finally let down their guard and allow their bodies to heal from the strains of the day, safe in the knowledge that they would awaken refreshed. Still, the darkness of the night was the perfect time for the thieves and murderers to thrive.

As the moon cast a dim light on the wooden floor, someone took each step cautiously and precisely, ensuring that the floorboards would not betray him with a creak or groan.

The moon was shining brightly outside Jaime's window as he lay in his bed, deep in slumber. Suddenly, a hand abruptly closed his mouth, causing him to jolt awake in alarm. Without thinking, Jaime grabbed the wrist of the person closing his mouth, giving it a little twist, making the person groan in pain. Jaime's survival instinct kicked in, and with his other hand, he quickly grabbed his trusty bowie knife, which he always kept under his bed. He opened his eyes and stopped his knife just mere inches away from... Reiner's right eye.

Reiner's heart was racing with fear as he felt the cold metal of the knife hovering dangerously close to his right eye, causing beads of sweat to trickle down his face. His mind was clouded with panic, his thoughts racing as he struggled to comprehend what just happened.

Suddenly, he heard Jaime's voice, cutting through the haze of terror, as he yelled out in shock and disbelief, "R-Reiner, what the hell are you doing?" Jaime's quick reflexes had stopped him from stabbing Reiner through the eye as he swiftly moved the knife away from his eye, leaving Reiner shaken and grateful to be alive. But Jaime's body was still tense as he tried to understand why Reiner woke him up like this.

Jaime's violet eyes squinted as they attempted to adjust to the darkness around him, the only source of light coming from the faint moonlight that managed to seep through the window curtains. As he regained his vision, he came to the realization that Reiner wasn't the only one awake in the room. To his surprise, Bertholdt, Armin, Eren, Jean, Marco, and Connie were all up, their eyes wide open and alert, despite the late hour. Though he could tell they were tired, he couldn't blame them, knowing it was 2 am.

Reiner's heart was pounding in his chest as he carefully massaged his sore wrist, which Jaime had twisted with such force that it was still throbbing with pain. "Damn, man," he muttered uneasily, looking up at Jaime with a mixture of fear and anger in his eyes. "Calm down a little. You almost killed me back there."

"Why did you wake me like that?" he questioned, his voice muffled with grogginess, a little annoyed, and he wasn't trying to hide it. He hadn't been attacked in his sleep since his days of living in the underground city, where every night was a battle for survival, and every sound was a potential threat. Memories of those days flooded his mind, and he felt a shiver run down his spine as he tried to shake off the remnants of the nightmare that still lingered in his thoughts.

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