The End of The Training Corps

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"You are lying, toddler. I never thought of you as a liar."

"And I'm telling you, ugly freckles. They say that when the full moon comes, you can still hear her cries from the well—still calling for help to this day. When you get close, she calls your name, wanting you to join in the well with her. They say she still wears the red dress." Jaime finished his little scary story. Ymir didn't look impressed, but Krista was hugging her legs tightly.

"That wasn't that scary," Eren commented, but from the way he looked around, it seemed the story had gotten into him. Armin looked a little terrified, while Mikasa looked indifferent. Reiner started laughing while Bertholdt, who seemed a little spooked, the bonfire cracked, embers dancing in the wind. Jean didn't seem as scared, and the same was true for Marco, but Connie and Sasha seemed the most terrified out of all of them.

"What happened next?" Annie asked with a hidden smirk behind her arm; she enjoyed the way almost everyone else was afraid of the scary story.

When Jaime first told them to gather around a fire to tell stories, she thought it was silly, but then Jaime started his story, 'The Dancer in the Well. '

"Do you really want to know that badly, Annie?" Connie asked with a shaking voice as he looked around the darkness, almost expecting someone to jump on them.

"He's right, w-what if someone jumps on us. What if Instructor Shadis comes here." Sasha agreed right away, looking around terrified, trying to see if someone was nearby.

"Well, the story isn't finished; the ending is as important as the beginning and the end." Armin said wisely. Despite his fear, he seemed to want to know the ending.

"Pfff, only you can say something so corny, Armin." Ymir said with an eye roll, getting a playful punch from Krista.

"I thought it was smart, and he's right. The ending is important. So, this man heard her calling his name, and when he looked at her, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, but unknown the the man. This dancer lady appeared differently to everyone, she would always appear as the most beautiful woman or man depending on who is looking at her-" Jaime kept telling the story until he reached the end.

"Then the story ends with the dancer lady dancing in a pile of bones, calling out more names to dance with her." After he finished the story, Sasha looked absolutely terrified, while Connie seemed on the verge of running away to the safety of his bed,

"Jeez, if that's the case. Perhaps Krista is that dancer." Reiner commented in a teasing voice; Ymir glared at him before giving her precious Krista a side hug as if trying to hide her from his eyes.

"You might be onto something, Reiner. Krista is beautiful." Jaime ran his mouth more than he should have, and he realized that immediately when Annie gave him a glare, and Krista turned bright red.

"H-How about another story? But this time more cheerful." Armin asked with a shaky voice. Unlike Connie, he seemed to be handling himself quite well.

Jaime put his finger on his chin and seemed to be thinking deeply about something. "Well, I can always tell the story of the old lady who controlled the blood of the people of a village and forced them to walk to a mountain, where she would consume their blood to live longer." Everyone looked at him as if he had gone mad. Even Mikasa seemed a little uncomfortable.

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