A Song for Love

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Note: This is how Jaime is supposed to look, except he should have a slash scar on his right eyebrow. This was made by AI.

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' "Who is there?" Jaime asked as he ran and slammed the door open, his tiny hands holding a knife bigger than his hand; his eyes saw someone he didn't recognize; he seemed even younger than him, his tiny hands around the bread Jaime had stolen from the kitchen, he had saved it for himself.

"That bread is mine!" Jaime watched as his eyes turned red, tears streaming down his face, and his tiny body started trembling as if he was freezing.

"Please, don't cut my hand!" The boy begged, the bread falling from his hands; Jaime looked at him in confusion.

"Why would I cut your hand?"

"Gier, he said he would cut my hand if he caught me stealing," the boy said with more tears streaming down his face, his voice cracking. Jaime lowered his knife down and looked at the boy from up close; his ribs were quite visible, and the oversized coat he was wearing had many cuts, but Jaime knew he was starving.

Like me, Jaime thought, before grasping the bread he had saved that fell to the ground; using his knife, he cut it into two pieces before handing it to the boy, who looked at him with confusion, his stomach growling from hunger.

"You won't cut my hand?" He asked with a tiny voice. Jaime figured he was maybe three years old.

"No. Now eat," Jaime said; the moment those words left his mouth, the boy grasped half of the bread and started eating it way too fast.

"Slow down, you might chock on the bread," Jaime told him strictly; the boy listened to him and started eating much slower; his face brightened as if he had just tasted the most delicious thing in the world. Jaime gave him a glass of water to help it down.

As they ate silently, Jaime remembered that he had forgotten to ask. "What's your name?"

The boy swallowed the piece of bread he had been chewing on before answering. "I don't really have one, but those that used to take care of me called me Arthur." The kid answered with a smile.

"Arthur, well, my name is Jaime. You can stay here until tomorrow if you want." Jaime said with a friendly smile; his words made Arthur's small face brighten up like a star.

The following morning, Jaime heard someone walking around his house; without thinking twice, he was on his feet right away, his hand reaching for his knife, only to see that it was...Arthur.

'Oh right,' Jaime thought, only now remembering that he had invited him to stay with him until today. Arthur looked terrified, his eyes showing fear as he eyed Jaime's hand close to the knife's handle.

"I'm sorry, I scared you. I just forgot you were here." Jaime apologized, feeling a little embarrassed, his hand moving away from the handle; Arthur looked relieved, lowering his hands.

"No need. I will leave right now." That didn't sit well with the older boy. Arthur was still very young, and he was sure he was hungry, and as if to reaffirm that, the younger boy's stomach growled in hunger.

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