Call of Silence

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Chapter 14 (A Song for Love), and Chapter 15 (The End of The Training Corps) are already available for Patrons.

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One Week Later

"Listen up, Maggots." Keith shouted to the rows of cadets in front of him; it was still early in the morning, and the sun had just peeked over the horizon as if saying 'Good Morning' to everyone. The cadets looked exhausted, but Shadis could see some of them seemed more exhausted than the others, the dark bags under their eyes were a clear sign.

Shadis quickly told them about all the training they would do today. First, they would do pushups, sit-ups, and run laps around the place. Once that was done, they would train with their ODM Gear; once Shadis was done giving orders, he expected the cadets to groan or maybe even complain, but it was mostly silent; their eyes didn't have the same brightness they used to have. Shadis knew and hoped they all would return back to normal soon.

Once the orders were given, Jaime wasted no time; he started doing push-ups and then sit-ups; near him were the boys since boys and girls would split up into two groups before they started doing push-ups.

Jaime occasionally looked at the others; even someone like Marco wasn't as joyful as he used to be; they only smiled now when Connie made a dumb comment.

"Armin, are you tired?" Jaime heard Eren near him as he kept doing sit-ups. Jaime looked from the corner of his eyes; it seemed Armin was having trouble doing his push-ups. Jaime looked back forward and soon was the first to complete his push-ups and sit-ups. The Instructor said nothing since Jaime had the right to rest for a few minutes, but he wasn't in the mood to rest.

Jaime grabbed a skin bottle filled with water as he walked amongst the cadets still doing push-ups; many of them were struggling. Jaime was there to help; he occasionally told them to move their arms or legs to make it easier. Eventually, he reached Armin; he was still struggling more than all the others. Jaime could almost see a younger version of himself in an identical position when his mentor had first started training him.

"Armin." "I don't need help." He interrupted before Jaime could say anything; his purple eyes briefly flickered at Shadis; the man was busy yelling at a cadet who apparently needed to pee. The one watching over the girls doing their push ups was a female helper of Instructor Shadis.

"I never said you do," Jaime said, taking the bowl head by surprise, causing him to stop doing push-ups momentarily, looking up at him.

"Armin, we have been here for more than just twenty months. If you were already at the point where you still needed help, then you would have fallen from the Training Corps long ago." Jaime said, causing Armin to try harder to do his pushups, his head almost drowning from the sweat.

"B-But I saw you helping cadets."

"All I did was tell them to move their arms a little, they still would have made it," Jaime said dismissively before looking down straight at Armin's eyes.

"You can do it, your muscles might burn, but I know that from all the cadets, you are one of the few with the biggest talents." Jaime's words made Armin look at him with appreciation before trying to do push-ups again.

"So clench your teeth, strengthen your arms, and complete your training."

Armin didn't need help again; he was the seventh boy cadet who completed his push-ups, followed by Connie, Marco, and Samuel. Eren appreciated Jaime's help, and the same for the bowl head. After they completed their training, they ran laps around the place.

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