Captain Shorty

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I am Sorry

I am Sorry

I am Sorry

His hands trembling uncontrollably, he couldn't help but let out a gut-wrenching sob as the pungent scent of blood and rot enveloped his nose, leaving him feeling nauseous and dizzy. His eyes fixated on the blood that had dried and caked around his fingers. As he tried to compose himself and fight back the urge to vomit, he couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt deep in his gut. He knew he should be repulsed by the sight of his own hands, but all he could think about was the growling of his empty stomach, reminding him of his own hunger. As he tried to catch his breath, gasping and wheezing, the weight of his emotions became too much to bear, and tears streamed down his face in torrents, blurring his vision and soaking his cheeks. He continued to sob uncontrollably. His body was wracked with deep, shuddering sobs that shook him to the core. His throat felt raw and scratchy, his eyes burning with the salt of his tears. He couldn't stop.

"I am Sorry. I'm Sorry." Jaime spoke with a hoarse voice. He picked up the piece of meat, feeling the warm flesh against his fingers as they tightened around it. Drawing it closer to his face, he opened his jaw wide, savoring the anticipation of the flavors to come. As he bit down, he felt the rush of juices and blood flowing over his tongue, the taste of the raw meat exploding in his mouth with each chew. He closed his eyes as the meat slid down his throat.

His cheeks, now hollow and sunken, resembled those of a skull, while his arms hung limply at his sides, thin as sticks. The outline of his ribs were fully visible, covered by a thin layer of skin that seemed to cling to his emaciated frame. Every movement he made felt like a struggle, as if an invisible force weighed his body down. His tongue felt dry and heavy, like a piece of brick in his mouth, and his stomach growled in protest, threatening to fall off at any moment. It had been so long since he had eaten anything that he had lost count of the days - was it three weeks? A month? Jaime couldn't say for sure. He knew what he was eating, but he couldn't stop. He was Too HUNGRY...

Jaime was jolted awake from his slumber. His body was drenched in a cold sweat that left him gasping for air. As he slowly opened his eyes, he realized he was surrounded by darkness, and his heart began to race with anxiety. Looking around the barely lit room, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease wash over him as the shadows played tricks on his mind, almost reminding him of his old home. However, as he listened to the loud snoring of his fellow companions, he breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he wasn't back in that place of torment and despair. The feeling of safety and security washed over him as if a huge weight was lifted from his shoulders as he rubbed his forehead, trying to get rid of his dreams.

Suddenly what he had dreamed returned back to him in full force. Jaime's stomach churned and twisted unpleasantly, signaling to him that his food was about to make a reappearance. He quickly realized it, and without hesitation, he darted outside, his feet slamming against the wooded floor as he ran. The cool night air hit his face, providing a sense of relief as he tried to keep nausea at bay. He could feel his insides convulsing as he tried to hold it in, but it was no use - everything he had consumed the previous night was coming back up, and it was coming up fast. Jaime's eyes bulged, his face turning a shade of green as he hurled his guts onto the grass outside.

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