Sins of the Past

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Hello Drinor Here, If you like to become a patron and get access to these chapters earlier, head on over to Patreon and search 'Drinor.'

Chapter 13 (Call of Silence), and Chapter 14 (A Song for Love) are already available for Patrons.

The LINK is in my Profile.

"Be Quiet," Jaime instructed Arthur as they slowly walked towards the shop. Jaime had followed his movements every day for a month now; he knew Gier wasn't in the shop right now, which meant the shop was only locked, but Jaime knew all he needed to do was climb on the roof, and jump inside, get one loaf of bread and leave as soon as possible. The mere thought of the bread made his stomach growl from hunger; he felt as if his stomach was empty, like, instead of his belly, there was nothing but a hole.

Ten days, Jaime thought, they hadn't eaten properly for ten days now. Jaime's eyes went to Arthur; his little bro hadn't appropriately eaten for nine days, and all keeping him alive was Jaime's promise that they would eat like Kings.

Soon, very soon, little bro. I promised you, after all.

Jaime cautiously made his way towards the shop, his steps deliberate and careful. It stood before him, a one-story building constructed entirely from sturdy metal plates and complemented by wooden beams. Scanning the facade, Jaime noted how each window was tightly shut. The thought crossed Jaime's mind to smash one of the windows using a rock. However, he quickly dismissed the idea, mindful that the noise generated by such an act could easily attract unwanted attention. The mere prospect of being caught stealing sent chills down his spine, knowing the punishment would be losing the hand he used to steal. Jaime had his little pocket knife secured inside his pants; he didn't want anyone to notice that he had a knife, even if it was a small one.

Jaime finally reached the side of the building that stood tall before him. Despite his small stature, his little hands stretched upwards in a valiant effort to reach the metal plate protruding from the weathered wall of the shop. With an iron grip, his fingers clutched onto the rough surface of the plate. Suddenly, a jolt of intense pain shot through his fingertips as the sharp edge of the metal dug mercilessly into his tender skin, causing Jaime to clench his teeth in response instinctively. With the sensation of the jagged edge cutting into his flesh, Jaime ignored the pain, his mind only on the food they would eat soon; he pushed himself upwards with his arms.

His little legs quickly found small openings between metal plates to use as support as Jaime reached up again; with each step upwards, he got closer to the rooftop; with one final push, he reached the top, a smile of triumph on his little face, Jaime looked around for a brief moment, he had never been so high before, being on top of this simple shop felt like he was on top of the world.

His stomach growled as if reminding him why he was here. Jaime quickly looked around the roof and found the small opening leading to the kitchen's interior. Jaime crawled on all fours, his movement light and slow. Jaime didn't want to see Gier's face; he was scared when he was angry.

The opening was a small square opening like a tiny window; Jaime slowly pushed his legs inside; his legs moved around, trying to find something solid to stand on, but touched nothing but empty air. Jaime slowly sank the rest of his body inside through the small window as he kept moving his legs around, trying to touch a surface somewhere.

Shoulder and up was the only part of Jaime still above the small opening, his arms keeping him from falling down. 'Come on!' Jaime thought as his little legs suddenly touched something. Jaime couldn't tell what it was, but it seemed wide enough for him to stand on. Jaime's arms let go, and his feet fell on the solid surface.

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