Hand-to-Hand Combat

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Three Months Later

It has been three months and a week since they entered the Training Corps, and almost everyone was trying very hard to get to the Top 10, some more than others. Many didn't really care since they wanted to join the Garrison just to get away from the Titans. To join them, someone didn't need to be top 10. But the likes of Jean, Marco, Eren, Mikasa, and a few others were trying very hard to get to the top 10.

After Eren had passed the ODM Gear test, Jaime had wondered if that would make him grow up a bit, perhaps be a bit more mature, but instead, his rivalry with Jean had only increased instead not one single day didn't pass when they would start insulting each other out of nowhere. At first, it had been funny, but now it had gotten boring. Some of the cadets would make bets on how long it would take this time for them to start a fight.

Eren because Jean wanted to join the Military Police; Jean was mainly jealous of Eren since Mikasa followed him around and would often break his fights with Eren before they could escalate.

Jaime found Mikasa to have incredible skills and was very good at fighting, but he found her obsession with Eren a bit odd.

Jaime hadn't told anyone yet, but he had seen the nasty looks he got from some of the cadets. Everyone knew he was from Wall Sina and thought of him as a son of a noble or something. Many had thrown insults behind his back, trying to get him angry, Jaime mainly ignored them, but if they decided to take it a step further, he would do what his mentor always told him to do in this type of situation.

Just fuck up one of them. You don't need to fight with all of them. If they're cowards, the moment you break an arm or leg of one, the others will run away. As Jaime's eyes briefly glanced at the sharp, glinting blade of the knife his mentor had given him, he couldn't help but feel a rush of nostalgia wash over him as he remembered the words of his mentor.

His friendship with Krista and Ymir had strengthened up, well, mostly with Krista. Ugly freckles still growled at him the moment Jaime was anywhere near Krista or making her laugh.

Armin, bowl head seemed the quiet but the smart of the three, he was mostly quiet and didn't talk as often, but Jaime had seen him talking with Mina quite often. He wondered if that would go anywhere.

Jaime escaped his thoughts when he heard the sound of footsteps, which broke through the silence and pulled him back to reality. With each step, the sound grew louder and closer until it was right outside the door of the boy's domain. Everyone else was soundly sleeping; Connie, for some reason, couldn't find solace in slumber. His body twisted and turned restlessly, and he shifted around in his sleep, unable to find a comfortable position.

Suddenly, a loud, thunderous sound pierced the peaceful silence of the night - Connie had released yet another loud fart! It was the fifth time he had done so that night, and it seemed like there was no end to this pungent symphony.

Jaime wasn't sure how Connie could fart so often. His eyes turned to Reiner and Bert. Bertholdt had perhaps the strangest sleeping position he had ever seen. With his upper body comfortably nestled on the bed and his legs stretched out and leaning against the nearby wall, Jaime felt as though Bert was suspended in mid-air, defying gravity and the laws of physics. Connie had said that it was a work of art.

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