Ackerman Power Awakening

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Hello Drinor Here, If you like to become a patron and get access to these chapters earlier, head on over to Patreon and search 'Drinor.'

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This story, while not one of my most famous ones, is still one of my favorite to write. The Canon will change a lot, and I will try to fix a few things from Canon.

I hope you enjoy this Story.

Three Months Later

Another day, another job from their dear Instructor Shadis. After completing all their training for the day, the cadets were told to do jobs throughout the camp. The jobs went from watching duty in two of the two small towers in the camp, which was the easiest one. The cadets that were assigned to that job didn't really need to do anything besides lazing around all day long, and the instructor couldn't really do much about it, but the same wasn't for the other jobs.

One job was cleaning the common room, cleaning the kitchen, and helping the chefs make new dishes, and the worst job was cleaning the bathrooms. Two girls would clean the girls' bathrooms, and two boys would clean the bathrooms for the boys.

Another job was cleaning the camp, especially during autumn. The ground would be covered with leaves, and the job was to clean all of them, but despite being in Spring, there was still a lot to clean around the camp.

Another job was cleaning the weapons they used to train, from knives, rifles, ODM Gear, and everything else. Eren, in particular, liked to do that job with Armin, and sometimes Jaime helped; they would spend time having small talk, and while Jaime enjoyed these; Eren, unfortunately, couldn't go one day without bringing up the Titans and how he would kill all of them.

While his dream was naive, it was still noble in a way, as long as he didn't die trying to achieve that goal, which would probably happen if Eren didn't get his shit together.

"Eren, while your goal is noble and all, you are forgetting to do one important thing," Jaime suddenly said as they were cleaning their ODM Gear with wet towels and napkins; his words caused both Eren and Armin to stop cleaning and look, Jaime.

"Important! What could be more important than killing the Titans?" Eren questioned, not understanding where Jaime was going with this; the latter sighed before pointing at everything around them.

"To live Eren, if all goes well, all three of us will join the Survey Corps. I have already told you how high the mortality rate is, it's possible you might achieve your dream, but you are not allowing yourself to live too. To feel something else besides anger." Jaime explained his point, but it seemed Eren didn't agree with him. He simply shook his head in disagreement.

"The Titans, they ruined everything. I won't stop until I Kill all the Titans." Eren promised with determination in his voice; while his passion to kill all the Titans was admirable, it was also foolish.

"You think you're the first to want that?" Jaime suddenly questioned, a hint of skepticism lacing his words as he meticulously cleaned his ODM Gear with a crumpled napkin. The napkin, once pristine white, now bore the marks of his tireless efforts as it gradually turned pitch black, the accumulated dirt. Jaime's brows furrowed as he painstakingly removed each stubborn speck of grime.


"The Titans has been around for more than a century now, the Survey Corps was founded more than eighty years ago. People have lost loved ones to them for a long while, do you think you are the first to want to kill all the Titans?" Jaime questioned with a sharp voice, looking at Eren, who seemed to be thinking of saying the right words to counter Jaime.

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