Chapter 1- Fake smiles

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Most translations come from google translate, correct me if you want but just don't attack meh!

The sun begins to hurt my shut eyes as I grumble slightly. It was morning and all I wanted to do was stay in bed unbothered, but of course, my dad decided to throw a 'ball'/party to celebrate the end of the year. Of course, my dad being Prussia went ahead and without my consent made the ball take place in his/my soon to be kingdom.

Now, here I am, hearing the rapid footsteps of the many servants working for me and my father, running around like headless chickens trying to get everything ready for tonight. A knock was heard from my bedroom door which interrupted my train of thoughts. Somehow or another, I managed to hear from the racket of noises the servants were making. I mean they're trying their best but I still give them a 2/10.

The knock was heard again, but this time louder and more desperate. "Come in!" I yell. The person seemed to have been scared by the sudden change of voice since they hesitated at the other end. In one clean move they opened the door in which it revealed to be my father, "Vater." I say coldly knowing he was the reason behind the racket of noise. "Son." He said simply and sternly, not making eye contact with my sleepy yet unhappy eyes, "Get yourself ready und/and hurry up, the guest will be coming soon, it's already dinner and you still haven't gotten up! Ich/I expected more from mein/my son." Rolling my eyes, I push the covers off myself as I stretch my arms and legs. My father huffed before turning away and slamming the door shut.

I roll out of bed landing on my knees. I heard another knock on my door, this one sounded less urgent than my fathers but was still quite loud. I got up and didn't bother dusting the none existing dust off my pants. I walked over to the door and lazily opened it. I was greeted by a maid holding a suit which looked like it would fit me... 'wait... ugh my dad!'. "Dein Vater hat gesagt, ich soll dir das für den 'Ball' geben.'./Your father told me to give this to you for the 'ball'. " I grunt slightly, " Leg es da drüben hin./put it over there." I said as I closed my eyes, stepping aside and pointing to a chair near my closet. I heard the footsteps of the women running towards the chair and leaving without a word.

Sighing I get up and move over to the chair as I pick up my clothing and make a beeline for my bathroom door.

.:¨:.Time skip after getting ready.:¨:.

Third person POV:

German Empire came out of the bathroom adjusting his tie as he quickly walked to the door without any thought. He opened the door and walked out as he just gave up on his tie and left it hanging on his neck.

German Empire walked calmly down the stairs not bothering a 'hello' at any one. I made my way down the unnecessarily huge hallways as he saw the entrance of the dining room. German Empire took a deep breath before taking both of the massive door handles in his hand.

German Empire POV:

I open the door and am immediately greeted by my father sitting on the dining table waiting for dinner to be served. I walk towards the table and my father looks up from his lap and looks at me. I could've sworn he was trying to look into my soul. I stare at him before arriving at my place at the other end of the table as I sit down. Prussia finally looks away from me as I mentally sigh in relief, I don't know how long I would have handled that tension

The food arrives as servants swarm into the dining room giving out the food. A butler arrives at my dads side and begins talking to him in a hushed tone, it seemed urgent. My father simply nods as he tells orders to the butler. The butler left as quickly as he came to go give out the orders. "What did he say?" I ask out loud leaning closer as I keep eating my food, "Some of the guests are going to come in early." Prussia answered with a slight grin on his face, there was something he was planning, that was no mistake. I sigh before leaning back on my chair, "What are you planning?" I muttered out loud in an annoyed tone, "My time here is almost over and I can feel it, you need to find yourself a wife, because sooner or later I will be gone." He said sternly, his voice holding no regret, "Wh-!" I was abruptly cut off by my father who hadn't finished, "you have promised me over and over you would find some lady, but you still haven't, this ball will help you with finding a good looking lady. And if you don't find one by the end of the ball, I will have to choose for myself, understood?" He finished his food quickly before leaving, not saying a word.

I snort and look at my food suddenly not hungry anymore as I push myself away from the table and leave without another word. I was silent during my walk to my room until I heard the castle's main door bell ring loudly across the halls. I turn my feet around in direction for the main entrance. I see my father and the butler I saw during dinner already greeting the early guests. My father was the one doing the talking while the butler stood obediently by his side. I walk up next to my father and cross my arms in front of my chest, there stood the British Empire, the French Empire and their son The 13 colonies (if I get any of the empires and imperialists names wrong, don't hesitate to tell me!). I looked at them and nodded politely as my father and The British Empire talked for a bit as I began getting bored. I finished adjusting the tie I had been playing with at last as I sigh in relief and wait for anything interesting to happen.

"Why don't we go to the courtyard and discuss this when all of the guests get here?" My father asked as I saw the forced smile on both of their faces. The French Empire, on the other hand, held a dull poker face as she walked along the halls towards the courtyard. 13 colonies didn't look amused whatsoever, and I wasn't any better.

Still working on the 2nd chapter, I have no idea when the chapter will be posted so don't attack me (again)

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