Chapter 3- Midnight rain

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3rd person POV:

The empires and fascists began eating once it was served, the food was great, although some empires had different opinions on it, most of them liked it. The dinner was finished quickly as empires were conversing with each other under the moon's soft light. Oh, did the German Empire mention that there was going to be a competition between the empires for who had the best/fastest working maid, the bravest and strongest guards, etc? No? Well now you know!

The German Empire saw the empires gathering around, realizing that the activities were just about ready to start, he took off towards the battle ring ready to assist in the games. Arriving next to his father, Prussia didn't even spare a glance at him as he commanded the guard he had picked to get in the arena.

Austria-Hungary POV

I had been helped by the Russian Empire since we were somewhat close allies and my father -Austrian empire- had a close relationship with the Russian Empire and he trusted him in protecting and helping me while he was out doing some important duties he had to finish. Now, the Russian Empire had left me in some type of seat telling me that there was going to be a few competitions between the empires and I could hear the many empires and fascists whispering and yelling at each other on who their bet was going to be.

I heard footsteps approaching me, I thought it could've been someone passing through but instead, it stopped right next to me. I had no idea who it could be as I tried brainstorming, I hadn't realized the empire/fascist had sat right next to me. I turned my head around in an attempt to 'see' the empire/fascist. "Hallo, I don't think we've met before?" The mysterious empire/fascist said. "Me?" I had no idea if they were talking to me or not. "Of course you, there is no one next to me other than you." There was a pause as I was about to protest until they said, "You're blind?" 'Isn't it obvious?' "Not fully blind..." I answered honestly. "Ok, What's your name? Mine is German Empire." He answered nonchalantly. "A-austria-Hun-hungary" I studered, I hated the fact that I studered, "Cute name." He said almost teasingly, I huff as I heard him shifting. It was silent for a bit until I heard a few empires and fascists scream at each other on who was going to win, win what?

"Looks like the games are starting." German Empire remarked as he shifted more. I simply nod in agreement.

German Empire POV

I take in every aspect of Austria-Hungary as I could care less about the competitions going on. Austria-Hungary had soft features, beautiful seemingly bouncy and soft silky hair. I couldn't stop staring at his soft, plump lips. Shaking my head I couldn't help but give a slight glimpse at the battle field, they were doing a horse race. Looking back at Austria, I could see how bored he looked.

Do you want to do something to pass the time? I asked as he turned his head slightly towards me, "Really?" "Yeah, this shit's borin' anyways." I stated, Austria nodded and I took his hand. He seemed tense but relaxed. I pulled him up with me as he smiled lightly.

I carefully lead Austria away from the arena with me. The sounds became mostly distant and silent. I found the garden once again and quickly led him there. Austria-Hungary followed quickly even if he was blind. "I was wondering." I began, but was quickly cut off. "Why wouldn't you be?" I heard him mutter. It was silent before I snickered lightly, "I also have a few questions." He finished, I nodded. "What do you mean you aren't fully blind?" I asked before he could squeeze another word in. The silence seemed to be taunting me, but I kept my spirits high. "I don't think I'm comfortable with telling you" I heard him whisper as if that was confidential information. "It's alright, I get it." I say reassuringly "How about..." I try stalling time as I begin losing creativity for questions. It suddenly becomes pitch black, I look up to the sky, my sudden silence seemed to have alerted Austria-Hungary since he asked me, "What's wrong?" "seems like it's going to rain." I say plainly looking at the dark rain clouds that began to settle in.

"Then we should go back inside" Austria said, but it came out as more of a question. I shook my head forgetting for a second that Austria was currently blind, "Come." I ordered simply while dragging him by his arm. I spotted a willow tree which could easily cover the both of us from the upcoming rain.

Austria didn't even try freeing himself from my grip, instead he let himself be dragged onwards. A few raindrops landed on my face and I looked up to see that the clouds had covered the moon completely. I hurried towards the tree. Once we arrived under the willow tree's protective branches, I sat down with Austria-Hungary following my lead, his hand still placed firmly in mine.

I look towards the sky and see the rain begin pouring down, only a few minutes having seen each other and we were already hanging out like this. It felt nice, I took in a content breath and stayed put for a bit. It was calm and I was enjoying it, Austria didn't even look like he minded it.

Sorry it's a bit shorter, got really paranoid about the fact that I hadn't posted in a while sooo ya. Hope y'all enjoy :) .

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