Chapter 8- A warning

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Little writers note, it's currently July 15 1870 in the chapter. Also, between the other chapters every time I had mentioned the French Empire pretend it was the second french empire, I made a huge mistake there which I am too lazy to fix right now, plus I'm at school.

It was noon when the second french empire had arrived to speak to my father about the wedding I was going to have with Chile. They greeted each other with fake friendliness as they spoke about life and how things were going for their empires. Now it was the evening and my father was on one of the chairs in the 'living room' which, may I add, was huge. I sat near him on the couch while the second french empire sat on a chair opposite to him. The only reason I was let into this conversation was because my father thought I was old enough to begin tangling myself in political stuff. I may have also pleaded him for a few hours on why I should be let in the conversation with the second french empire, but that wasn't the problem here, the problem was that there was some big tension between the two empires.

I shifted uncomfortably around my seat, it wasn't long ago since I had been sick, I'd count at least 2 days ago. I still felt myself grow warm sometimes during the day, but I was over that and I mostly experienced headaches everyday now. Watching the second french empire closely, I could see how irritated and frustrated she looked, it seemed like there was much she wanted to say. "How about we start like this." She began, "Why do you want to marry one of the spanish empire's colonies? Or should I say, Chile, to be more specific." She asked. I felt as if the question was directed towards me but I thought again once I realized that she didn't spare a glance at me but was looking coldly into Prussia's eyes. I hesitantly took my eyes off her to give a side glance at the much older empire. "What you're telling me is that you were also planning on getting one of your colonies to marry one of the spanish empire colonies?" He asked with a hint of satisfaction in his voice. The second french empire turned blood churning red, "Don't you dare turn him against me. I've known you well enough to know that you will use this at your advantage." she spat back, the fake friendliness and politeness long gone. "Thank you for the idea." My father purred back. She gave out a ferocious yowl in anger, "My colonie was supposed to be the one taking the throne of the Spanish empire, not you" she hissed. "Well, me and the Spanish empire have already agreed on the terms, now we just have to wait." My father mocked back, I felt myself shrinking into the couch with every word being thrown. I heard the sound of hands meeting the large table between the couches at chairs, my head shot up as I saw the rage flash in the SFE/second french empire (don't ask me why I started calling her that). She had her hand in a fist on the table. The table hadn't budged but it definitely made a large and scary sound. "Well, nous allons voir/we will see who will become the heir of the Spanish throne and control his territory once he passes." She hissed menacingly before lifting her hand from the table.

For the first time since SFE had arrived she finally laid her eyes on me, but to my surprise they softened slightly, "We will see between you and one of my colonies which one will be chosen for the marriage." She said sweetly, for a second I thought she had finally calmed down, which was highly unlikely, "But you won't have to worry about the marriage since you won't stand a chance against me." She said in a bittersweet voice. My father stepped in with a low growl as he roughly pulled me away from the fuming empire. I stared at him for a few seconds before turning back to the empire, "I will take my leave, but this isn't the last you've seen of me." She spat before turning around and leaving through the front entrance of the castle. She opened the door, the wind from outside flying in as she slammed the door shut, the noise resonating through the castle's living room.

I growled lowly, 'Why does she have such anger issues? Plus, she won't have to worry, I don't even want to marry Chile. Or anyone other than Austr-' I shook my head, 'What is wrong with me?' I saw my father grit his teeth which worried me slightly but I said nothing as he turned around heading straight for his office. I stared at where the Second French Empire once stood before closing my eyes angrily. I darted towards the back exit of the castle, even if there were multiple exits to the castle, there were two main ones, the back and the front. I pushed the doors open easily, it hadn't been long ago since it had rained so it was still muddy in some places but the rain was long gone now. I didn't bother changing my black dressing shoes for something more fit for the mud still lingering outside. I let my feet drag me without any real thoughts, I had no idea where I was heading but I was going to figure it out very soon.

I was led towards the willow tree which me AH were sitting under during the rain a few days ago. I was quick to sit down under it. I could still clearly see Austria sitting calmly next to me, his head on my shoulder as he fell asleep. What a pity I had to wake him from his cute position. My heart ached of Austria-Hungary not being next to me, his comforting scent near me so I could relax. 'I'm really falling hard for him huh?' I thought to myself, no it can't be. I suddenly jolted at the realization 'I'm going to have to try really hard to get myself out of that damn marriage aren't I?' Gritting my teeth I let my leg come up to my chest, I wasn't crying just trying to get comfortable. I began brainstorming like I had done before, 'I could try and convince the Spanish empire that the marriage isn't necessary. Or I could just tell my father that I like someone else, no that's a stupid idea, 1) that would mean I'm gay and that's just a big NO and 2) I haven't even known Austria for longer than a few hours. 3) I could try helping the SFE by getting one of her colonies to marry Chile for me, but that would mean I'd be against my father and I can't do that.'

My thoughts swirled through my head as I let my wings sprout. I got up and flew towards my balcony. Opening the balcony's glass doors I saw something on my desk which seemed particularly out of place. I sped walked towards it before quickly taking it to my hands the second it got in my reach. There was a golden chain with an oval shaped circle thing, it had a slit on its side which looked like it could open. It opened fairly easily which was a bit of a relief. There was a picture with a note hidden in it. I took the note out and laid it down on my wooden desk before staring at the picture. It was Austria and someone I didn't recognise, the empire had a black and white flag, the golden part of the flag was laid horizontally on the bottom and the black part was laid on the top horizontally. It looked similar to the Russian Empire's except the fact that the Russian Empire had a white horizontal line in the middle.

It suddenly dawned on me, 'This is the pendant I found.' I realized fondly. 'So this is Austria-Hungary's pendant?' I thought, it has to be. I let the pendant fall slowly on the desk before taking the neatly folded paper. I carefully opened the paper. I silently stared at it, my brain forgetting how to read for a few seconds.

The paper read Vienna with a small map folded multiple times for it to fit inside the small pendant. I passed my hand through the thin paper taking out as many wrinkles as I could. The map indicated 'Vienna, capital of Austria-Hungary' . The capital itself was pretty small on the map and there were many roads indicated on it. A small red dot caught my attention, it was on an empty space, big enough for a temple to fit and there was one road leading to it. I refolded the map and placed it back into the pendant along with the Vienna sign. Once it was all back in place, I lifted my head towards my bed. I felt like I could fall asleep all over again but something felt odd. Shrugging it off, I walked out of my room.

Next chap is another time skip on July 19, 1870 because getting ready for war doesn't take 1 day. :3 Remember this book is not completely historically accurate so if I miss any info please let me know and I will do my best to integrate it without ruining the plot line. If I can't, then I will add it as extra info.

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