Chapter 9- The war for control

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warnings (Cause I never do them):

-mention of deaths

"Son" I heard my father say, it was July 16 and France wanted war. I didn't even know why, my father hadn't told me why. "Me and my soldiers will be leaving for Saarbrücken, you will be in charge of the castle while I am gone." He finishes. I stared at him for a few seconds. My father had gone over the war and escape strategies with me and taught me how to deal with many problems in the empire while he was gone. It was the first time I was given most control over the empire, so I was both excited yet nervous. My father could die, then I would be the one that will have to take full control of the empire. I gulped with a shaky nod, "Yes father." I said strongly, he had no time to lose. The soldiers had spotted French soldiers moving towards Saarbrücken and getting ready for a big fight.

If Prussia was to go there, he had no time to waste. "You ought to be going now, you have no time to lose." He nodded, without another word, Prussia turned and walked towards the carriage waiting for him. He hopped on and without another second of delay, the carriage ran off.

I closed the doors, before turning around, I didn't want to think about that anymore. My father would return, victorious or not.

So hear me out, this is going to be a really big time skip because waiting for someone to come back from war isn't exactly short. So the time skip is going to be on January 18, 1871. If you know what this date is then you have a pretty good idea how the rest of this chapter is going to be. Obviously I'm going to skip a lot of historical stuff, like when Prussia sieges in Paris and all. I suggest you do a bit of research on the Franco-prussian war so that you understand better. This is where the war ends, and no more gunfire is exchanged, but the official end date is 4 months later sooo, there will be no more gunfire exchanged. Also, German Empire has zero idea of what is happening in the war and has not seen or spoken to Austria-Hungary.

It had been pretty stressful and boring days in the castle, I hadn't heard of anything about the war, it had been at least a year and I'm getting more and more anxious. So when one of my father's soldiers had arrived breathless in the dining room my heart quite literally stopped working. Once I had taken control of myself, I got up staring at the soldier with my eyes arrowed. "S-sir." The soldier began. "I have some news for you." He said. The soldier kneeled forward bowing at me. I waited for a few seconds trying to sink it in. "Well then, what are you waiting for? Go on." I said in an almost threatening way. I could see the soldier shake in fear after my words as he visibly gulped. "We have won the war and the Second French Empire has been defeated." He began, I could see he was having difficulty saying everything but I couldn't care less. I couldn't stop the smile that creeped onto my face. "That is very gut\good" I said, doing my best to keep my calm.

"But I am afraid we had some severe losses-"


-and one of them was your father"

Remind me not to stress too much and rush the ending of chapter will ya? I'm sorry this was a sudden death and an unholy amount of information jumbled up in a chapter but like, I wanted to get over it. So, I had to do some research, but if I got anything historically wrong, or there are things that I missed please tell me because I got far too lazy to deal with it.

Anyone know Hermitcraft? I'm on season 8 with Grian and it has been sucking up a lot of my time, as well as the hell that people call school. I will try and remind myself to only write in this book when I don't feel drunk (am not drunk) or feel stressed or have 0 inspiration. I won't waste anymore time and imma end this here.

Also, if you have any questions for anyone in this book (including me) like a Q\N, feel free to drop 'em here. 'cause I love answering questions, whether it's of my personal life or of characters or things that happen in the book. :D

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