Chapter 6- Under the lake

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"I'm the German Empire as you probably already guessed." I began trying to spike up a conversation to pull myself away from the weird tension which was completely nonexistent when I was with Austria. My mind began to wander to Austria but was quickly stopped when Chile spoke up.

"I'm Chile, as you know." She said, It was silent for a little bit until Chile sighed, "I don't want to marry you, and by the face you made when you saw me, you probably don't want to either." She retorted before I could muster a single word, 'Guess she's perceptive.' I thought to myself before nodding slowly at her statement.

"The only question now is how we get ourselves out of this wedding arrangement." She snapped her head at me, "What do you mean? We can't get out of this forced marriage, it's our colonizers!" She snapped worriedly at me. "Calm down, they're going to hear us!" I yelled while holding my gloved hand in front of her, "Also, I've done it before and it's my father, not my colonizer." I concluded, she nodded her head. We were silent once again until Chile perked up, "I have an ide-" But before she could finish, the doors gently opened revealing the Spanish Empire standing next to my father. Chile stopped talking immediately as I gave out a slight fake smile, she seemingly did the same, 'Give out the effect that we had a good time, I see.' I thought to myself.

"Looks like you two had a good time." Prussia said, not catching on to the fact that we were faking it. Chile and I stayed quiet as the two empires spoke, "Chile, we must get going now, the wedding is in a few months, got it?" He asked, directing his speech to Prussia. My father nodded his head before turning back to me, or was it Chile? I didn't know, but I also didn't care. I was too busy trying to think of a plan for me to be able to escape the arranged wedding which was presumably in a few months.

A hand flew in front of my face waving itself around my eyes, "You have been more in your head for the past few hours." Prussia said placing his hand back where it was, behind his back. It took me a while to come back from my planning as I saw my father looking at me with a disappointed look.

I took a quick glance around myself, noticing that both the Spanish Empire and Chile had disappeared. "You have been out of it ever since the beginning of the ball, what is bothering you Germany? He asked, giving me his signature cold stare. "Nothing." I retorted quickly not wanting to stay on that subject. "I know that there is something on your mind and as your father, I have the right to know what it is." He stated firmly, "You have that right but it doesn't mean I'll tell you." I spat back.

He seemed to grow red in furry, "That is no way to speak to your father-" He began but I quickly cut him off, "It's the way I speak to you. I don't even want to marry that colony!" I snapped back.


The sound of one hand clapping resonated throughout the whole dining room. It had suddenly become quiet. Furry ran through my veins as my face darkened, "You will learn to respect your father." He began, I barely listened tho', all types of scenarios were running through my head as I balled my hands into fists. "You will be marrying the colony whether you like it or not." He growled. My face was probably becoming red from where Prussia's hand had landed, the tingling sensation beginning to appear.

I said nothing as I turned around furiously, cutting his speech short which I had no intentions of sitting- or standing- through. I heard my father scoff as I abruptly opened the doors and let them close behind me with a loud thud. I felt like I wanted to cry, just let it all out, so many things had happened in one night. I just wanted to go back to Austria and smell his hair, which I had managed to catch the scent of, it was vanilla and burnt wood. Tho' I wasn't the biggest fan of vanilla, when it came to AH, it smelled like heaven.

I practically ran through the endless corridors and up the stairs, bumping into a few maids and butlers in the process, but I couldn't bother excusing myself, 'It's their fault for being in the way.' I thought to myself as I kept my eyes on the ground in front of me. It wasn't long until I reached my room which could be easily confused with a living room. I slammed the door shut once I had entered and let myself fall onto my bed.

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