Chapter 10- 'So, you have a crush?'

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I know people didn't call Europe, Europe until the mid 19s, but just roll with it. Also the school lost the internet while I was writing this so I wasn't able to translate things in different languages. Most of this story is inspired by Austria-Hungary x German Empire pictures, so some of this might look familiar to some of y'all


-A lot of mentions of death

-Swearing (not that much)

-1 mention of the Third Reich

-Mention of lime and smut, but mostly lime and shit, these are only mentions.


3rd POV

German Empire stared blankly at the invitation sent from the Third Republic of France/ FRF. It had been a month since the official end of the French-Prussian war and German Empire couldn't help but feel a large grin appear on his face everytime people spoke of the Third Republic of France. To GE, it reminded him of the end of the Second French Empire, but another side of him remembered the death of his father Prussia. It felt like only yesterday when one of the Prussian soldiers had come to him to announce the death of his father. The death had shattered him and the newly made empire would keep denying his father's death. With some coaching from Claus, one of the butler's German Empire knew the most, he'd finally accept the death and begin ruling the empire with longing expectations from the people living in the said empire. The death was described as mysterious and questionable, his father had had the upper hand severely injuring the younger empire. The Second French Empire had somehow managed to land a few hits making the older empire slower. The Second French Empire had taken that as an advantage and managed to severely injure Prussia. They both retreated knowing that there would be no end if they continued. Prussia had disappeared from the camp for a few days before being found dead in the woods. No blood or weapons someone could've used to kill him in sight. There were many theories going with the death of his father, but one thing was certain, he carried his secret to his grave, no one would know why, how or when it happened. That was what frustrated German Empire the most, the fact that he would never know the reason.

German Empire's grip tightened on the invitational letter as he ripped his gaze away from it towards the soldier who had delivered the letter in record time. It enraged German Empire that only after a month after the war, the whole of Europe was celebrating the end of it. "Who is going?" German Empire asked, raising an eyebrow. "The main countries of Europe." The man said fidgeting with his fingers. "And they are?" GE urged, giving the man a questionable look. "Well, umm-" The man was lost for words, he was being confronted by the representation of an empire. Who wouldn't be? "France-" He began. Of course she would be there, she hosted the whole party! "The British Empire, Austrian Empire along with Austria-Hungary." GE zoned out while he listed more empire/fascists like the Portuguese Empire and more. 'I haven't heard from Austria since like, forever!' German Empire thought with delight"Tell the Third Republic of France that I'm coming." He cut the soldier from listing off the empires coming to the celebration. He hesitated before nodding, "y-yes sir." He said before turning around and leaving through the front door. "Claus! Tell the maids to get my suit ready!" German Empire yelled as he began walking in the direction of my room. Once the black winged empire reached the room, he opened the door. His heart was racing like never before. He gently closed the door before taking a deep breath. "Austria's going to be there huh? I'll get to see him." the empire wanted to bounce around the room, but he recollected himself. The letter had said that the celebration was going to be on June 12, it was currently June 10th. He looked up at the ceiling. "It's been a while." the empire muttered to himself before walking towards the wooden desk and quickly snatching the pendant on it. "And you probably want this back." GE finished as he stared dazed at the pendant. The pendant still held Austria's smell, even after a year.

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