Chapter 11- Breaking the deal

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"Imperio Alemán./German Empire" A rough Spanish accented voice said behind German Empire. 'When will people stop sneaking up on me?' He thought. GE turned, he heard Austria-Hungary shift slightly next to him. Austria propped his elbows on the table silently listening as the Spanish Empire and the German Empire spoke to each other. He couldn't help but 'eye' the Spanish Empire from where Austria thought he was. A lot of empires, fascist colonies, etc always thought he was blind at first glance, but the truth was, AH wasn't completely blind. He had a blurry vision from when he was a child and it only kept on getting worse until his right side of his eyes lost its sight, it was just a matter of time until his left eye also became blind.

small AN; Austria-Hungary's right eye is Hungary and his left eye is Austria which in the future affects both Austria's and Hungary's eyesight. As in, Hungary is half blind and Austria has half blurry vision.

Austria felt a small ball of jealousy begin forming in his chest. 'Why am I jealous? German Empire's just a friend. A friend with a really hot voice-' Austria-Hungary shook his head. 'Why-? I'll just ignore it.' He finally thought as he ended up glaring at where he heard the Spanish Empire's voice even if no one would see. "You know the arranged marriage? I've decided to cancel it, I'm sorry-" The Spanish Empire began explaining but was quickly cut off by the German Empire. "I was hoping you'd cancel, the wedding was just for Prussia to get me to marry someone before he passed on the crown." GE explained. "Well then, that settles things. I just need you to sign this document to make sure you're okay with this arranged marriage being canceled." The Spanish Empire explained as he handed the German Empire the document and a pen. GE took them without hesitation and signed where he was supposed to sign. "Thank you, I'll be on my way now." The Spanish Empire ended, carefully taking the paper in his hands as if it was his child. He folded it while walking away, his head high and back straight.

"What did he mean by arranged marriage?" AH asked, looking at where he assumed German Empire was. "Oh, my father and the Spanish Empire had planned an arranged marriage with one of his colonies, Chile I think, and it ended up getting canceled." German Empire shrugged. Austria-Hungary felt this sudden relief as Germany mentioned the marriage was now canceled. Something in him gave him some type of hope, but AH didn't know why. German Empire was in a similar situation, instead he was somewhat confused. Germany didn't know why he almost instantly agreed to canceling the wedding, but his thoughts kept bringing him back to Austria. German Empire shook his head before looking back at the said person. "Where were we again?" German Empire asked, placing his elbows on the table once again. "Oh ya! So I tried this new dish which I really liked. It tasted like-" That was how the two empires spent most of their time at the celebration, talking about anything that came to mind. Meanwhile, the Spanish Empire watched the two silently with the Ottoman Empire, the Spanish Empire, the British Empire and the Russian Empire at his sides. "You know, me and Austria-Hungary's father might be enemies now, but I think they would make a great couple." Russian Empire hummed, with a hint of playfulness in his voice. "You think? I know so." The Ottoman Empire said with a wicked smile on his face. "Pfft- have you seen the look Austria-Hungría/Austria-Hungary looked at me when I spoke to el Empirio Alamán/the German Empire?" the spaniard joked. "I saw! He looked like he wanted to tear you to shreds for taking his German Empire from him!" the British Empire bumped in, his words making loud laughing echo through the castle walls. German Empire and Austria-Hungary turned to the sound but both shrugged and continued their conversation.

"Everyone, gather around the big table for dinner!" A very French accented voice yelled into the ballroom. Empires all around Europe and some other big empires made a beeline for the door leading to the dining room, others took their time. German Empire just followed Austria, occasionally having to stop him from running into a wall or letting a portrait fall. It was pretty funny and cute, but it sent Germany into overprotective mode wanting to make sure AH didn't get hurt in any way. German Empire shouldered his way through the crowd of Empires making sure that Austria-Hungary didn't bump into any of them. Germany got a good look at the corridor's portraits, they were huge and stunning.

*A/N; the Spanish Empire, in my AU is actually female :3, I changed it to male in this book and I don't know why. Oh well

It wouldn't have taken so long to get to the dining room if it wasn't for the fact that there were many empires bumping into each other and blocking the way. Even though the German Empire was between some of the tallest and most powerful empires in the celebration, Austria-Hungary had yet to begin ruling Austrian Empire's land. Meanwhile, Austrian Empire stared from further away at his son and the German Empire. The Austrian Empire had picked up on the fact that both of them liked each other's presence, so as long as German Empire protects Austria-Hungary from any harm or from losing himself in the crowd, he was mostly fine with them being friends. Even if there were a few rumors that both the empires were in love, the Austrian Empire didn't believe that since he knew his son wasn't gay of all things, or was he wrong?

Austria and Germany had managed to get to the dining room without any big complications. AH only bumped into one wall, which was already amazing. German Empire led Austria-Hungary to his seat which by some miracle was right next to his own, as well as Austrian Empire.

Edit: I realised halfway through that Austria-Hungary was formed before the German Empire, so let's just say that Austrian Empire is still alive but is too weak to rule an empire now. Just roll with it please :,) I'll fix it some day, if someone reminds me... If you have any questions about it, you can ask any time, it was my fault I didn't notice before.

I'll leave it there for now since I don't seem to have the motivation to keep writing this, but I'll try my hardest. I've been questioning myself a lot lately, this book was created for fun and I had no intentions on continuing it, but seeing how far I've gotten, I really want to keep going but I have much much less motivation than when I started Hidden Perceptions. Like I've said before, I have no schedule so if I upload in a month, then so be it. The finals are coming up in 2 weeks which I do not care about if I'm being honest but I want to get it over with, plus I have many many school projects, self doubt, pessimistic that are also sucking up my time and is driving me insane little by little so if you could just be patient with me, even tho' I'm not patient.

ALSO, does anyone know the meaning of school and life? If so, please do tell me.

Questions about my personal life, myself, the book, etc. Are allowed and greatly appreciated, so is criticism. 


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