Chapter 5- Temporary good-bye

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I opened the door anticipating what was behind it. It was quiet, I let go of Austria's hand to not draw attention to ourselves, "you can follow my steps right?" I asked as I began walking forward looking around myself warily. I heard him humm, we walked towards the main dinning half and that's when I began hearing some noises. It was faint but there. I shakily opened the door, it became silent, all the attention was on us. I looked around myself, seeing not as many empires were there now, actually, at least 7 empires/fascists/kingdoms were standing in the room; the Japanese Empire was standing on the far left speaking with my father, Prussia. It looked like they were discussing something. The Russian empire was in what looked like a deep conversation with the Ottoman empire, until me and Austria-Hungary came in. The Kachari kingdom was busy eating from what was left of the buffet. The British Empire was having small talk with the Dutch Empire.

It was a deafening silence, I heard some shoes clicking lightly behind me from Austria as he got next to me. silence once again. Now I wish Austria could go back to talking with his sweet slightly German accented voice. I glance at every one once again before I see the Russian Empire and my father walking towards us. The Kachari Kingdom went back to feasting on what was left, the British Empire and the Dutch Empire were back to having small talk once again as they kept glancing at us then back at each other.

"Why are you two soaking wet?" The deeply accented voice of the Russian Empire snapped me out of my thoughts as he stared daggers at us. I stared back at the empire not minding getting myself in trouble. There was some tension until I heard the sound of footsteps approaching us. I ripped my eyes away from the tall empire in front of me to see the British Empire walking towards us, his chest puffed, his chin high with his hand behind his back in some crossed way. "Well I am sorry but I must take my leave now." The other empire said.

My father nodded his head, "And may I ask where the French colonial Empire and thirteen colonies have gone?" I asked quickly. "They have gone back to the castle." The older country said silently eyeing me.

"Well I hope you have a safe trip back to your empire." My father bid goodbye to the other empire. I stared at the British Empire for a hot minute before turning my back to him and looking at Austria who had been standing there with nothing to do for the past few minutes. I took his shoulder and pulled him closer to me in a protective manner. I didn't know why, but something about the Russian Empire being this close to Austria made my stomach turn in a bad way. I felt the need to protect him.

I tensed for a moment before easing up in my arms, butterflies seemed to have begun blooming in my stomach uncontrollably. My heart melted in that moment and something in my mind seemed to begin working again, 'No, it can't be.' I shook my head. "Now you two are going to have some explaining to do." I heard my father say, his arms crossed in front of his chest. The Russian Empire nodded his head in agreement, "We just needed some time away from the crowd." I said, not willing to admit the fact that I just wanted to get to know Austria since he intrigued me, especially not in front of him.

My father raised an eyebrow at me, he knew me the best. I gave him a hard stare which told him that I would tell him later to which Prussia nodded slightly. "We will discuss this later, German Empire." He said using my full name which let me know that he wasn't going to let this slide that easily. I nodded my head, "Austria-Hungary and I are going to be returning to the Austrian Empire so I can give him back." I heard The Russian Empire say. Something in me was weary of letting Austria off on his own, "I'll lead you to the exit." I offered calmly, I began pulling Austria towards the Castles' front exit, not leaving either of them any time to respond to my offer. "Why'd you offer to come with me at the exit?" I heard him ask from behind me, "I don't know." I admitted, I felt like he wanted to say something to me, but held it off. We walked along the many hallways in silence before I finally spoke again, "I feel like you're in some type of trouble with the Russian Empire." I shrugged the feeling off. "How so?" Austria asked, still looking forward blankly. "Mmmh'' I said.

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