Chapter 2- A few seats away

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It was noon when the rest of the guests had arrived for the ball, people were storming me asking me questions and some morons even tried flirting with me. 'These idiots, already getting all drunk.' I thought to myself. I look over to my father who was busy rambling about political stuff with some other empires.

I look at where my dad was standing one last time before slipping away from the crowd into the balcony. Arriving at the entrance, I creak the doors open before slipping inside. It was good to get out of the crowded area in the huge courtyard in which the ball was being held. I walked around to the stairs where some of the empires and fascists were hanging out, most of them looked at me and I nodded at them without a word before climbing up the stairs which I was already so familiar with. The dull gray colors that they held were still somehow majestic looking with the many patterns and shades of gray it had, I took my time admiring them not realizing I had stopped until I started falling backwards slightly from being dazed. I took a sharp breath looking at the faint light that one of the windows above me was. It looked majestic, almost unrealistic. I finally snap out of my dozing off and begin jumping on the stairs to entertain myself while climbing the stairs. While walking I noticed the dusty torches which were for a long time turned off since barely anybody ever came, I have to admit it was kind of creepy.

I reach the end of the stairwell and look forward. The stars were already appearing from their hidden form in the sky as I looked up at them in awe, it was slowly becoming more and more dark. I hadn't realized how much time had gone by with me just stargazing. The sun had finally fully hid itself from the earth's face as I hadn't even realized his eyes were hurting from staring at the sun. He shook his head and looked down where people were talking and sometimes arguing.

I looked to my left and saw one of the countries separating themselves from the rest. They looked like some guy from where I was, I could see some red on their flag. It also looked like they had some white and green? The figure looked to all sides and behind themselves for an excessive amount of time. They seemed to be doing something bad? I couldn't see what they were doing, but once they turned forward the figure was walking towards the garden that was barely looked at, sometimes during night, it looked deserted.

I began losing track of the figure as it blended slightly in the colorful endless beds of all kinds of flowers. I heard the door creak open, I turned around quickly expecting some type of country which was looking around trying to learn the castle's main weaknesses -which are very well hidden and there are barely none- but I was surprised to see my father instead. "I thought Ich/I saw you here." Prussia commented, not really making full eye contact with me, "I saw you looking around, what were you looking at?" he asked me while stalking forward silently towards my side. I shifted in slight discomfort before answering, "Nothing in particular." his eyebrow shoots up from my answer, but he doesn't push the subject any more.

I subtly look back at the figure that I was watching before being 'rudely' interrupted. It was silent for a bit until I heard the distant bell which meant that dinner was going to be served soon. The figure shot up and looked around, it seemed to have been dreaming or dazed. It jogged towards the exit of the garden following its own steps, it had calmed down slightly and walked calmly to where the rest of the countries were beginning to gather around. My dad nudges me on the shoulder before pointing to the exit of the balcony, 'He wanted me to go too." I sigh and walk down the seemingly endless stairwell.

Once we had reached the end of the stairwell, I turned towards the patio and looked at where the massive dining table was. Many of the countries were silent, some of them were engaging in conversations with their allies and others were looking at me and my father as we entered the large room. I sucked in a strangled breath before marching towards my seat.

I looked around the half filled room and spotted the empire I saw in the garden earlier in the patio entrance door. They had a red horizontal line at the top of their head, they also had a half red horizontal line in the right bottom corner of their face and a green horizontal line next to the red one. They had two eye patches, the left eye patch had two red horizontal lines which where on the top and bottom of the eye patch, the middle was white and the second eye patch had red and white lines at the left side of the eye patch and the second side was some sort of island with some type of cross on it.

The empire was soon accompanied by another empire, they seemed to be close. The other empire who was accompanying the one who was in the garden had a black horizontal line on the top and a gold/yellow horizontal line on the bottom with a white horizontal line in the middle. The empire with the two eye patches was apparently blind since they seemed to make some wrong turns and the other one had to lead them carefully towards their seat which was not too far from mine. I only heard a few words like, "you have to be more careful." and "watch out." from the black, white and yellow/gold one.

I hadn't realized that I've been staring for longer than I should've had until I felt a hand on my shoulder shake me. I snap my neck towards the source of the shaking, an angry look on my face. "You've been staring at those two for a while now and the dinner is almost served, what's wrong son?" My father asked me, his hand still on my shoulder, a slightly worried expression on his face. I swat his hand away with my opposite hand, "I'm fine." I answer by making straight eye contact with him. He looked hesitant but turned around to announce the beginning of the dinner. "Dear empires and fascists, thank you all for joining me and my son for th-" I zoned out for the rest of the speech as I looked sideways at the empire which I saw in the garden. They... interested me. I see the empire put their hands together and clap, I look back at my father who seemed to have finished his little speech. Servants began swarming in giving out food. One of the servants, whom I recognize as the butler who was talking to my father during breakfast, came over to me with multiple plates in his hand. Since he already knew what I liked and not, he just gave me the food, bowed and left to serve the rest.

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