Chapter 7- Österreich-Ungarn

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Waking up, I saw a bucket placed sloppily on my nightstand. 'what happened?' right, I got sick yesterday. My head felt better from my sleep, I concentrated my mind in staring at the balcony. I was really hungry and could do with two dinners with the amount of hunger I was feeling. The sun was already high up in the sky as it seemed to have reached its peak. 'Is it dinner already?' I almost said it out loud, but I kept it to myself. I slowly turned myself facing towards the door, being careful of my migraine.

It was silent in my room, I brought my hand to my forehead, there was a wet cloth on it. My head burned like there was no tomorrow, 'I really am sick.' The door opened with a slight creek as a small figure appeared at the door frame. The maid that had called me out for breakfast was there and was holding another bucket which seemed to be filled with water. She saw me awake and gave me a weak smile leaving the new bucket on the nightstand and making the turn around my bed to get the old one. Someone else entered the room and I immediately recognized the person as my father. He didn't say a word until the maid left the room holding the old bucket tightly in her hands. She closed the door with her foot, I could hear her footsteps rearing away from my room.

"How are you feeling?" I heard my father ask as he placed some type of tray on my nightstand which I just now noticed. "Good enough." I managed to muster out, something snapped in my mind which had caused me to practically yell out, "Who changed me?" I asked, not feeling the tight, wet fabric I had worn to bed yesterday. "I did, don't worry." Prussia answered, looking at me calmly. I felt myself blush from embarrassment, "What happened?" I felt stupid asking that but I was lost right now, my mind was just not working for me. "A maid came over to me telling me that you looked really sick. So, I came over here and saw you fast asleep. I checked and you ended up being sick." He explained, he cut me off before I could even muster any words. "I guess this is what you get for playing in the rain all night with Österreich-Ungarn/Austria-Hungary" He sneered playfully at me.

"We were NOT playing!" I retorted angrily. "mhm." My father hummed teasingly. "What is it with you and Österreich-Ungarn/Austria-Hungary? You met him once and now you're practically daydreaming about him." My father finished firmly. I let myself sink into my bed, 'What was I supposed to say?' "I don't know, honestly, I guess I just find him interesting." I spat out without making eye contact with my father. "No need to get so feisty I was just wondering."I heard him say, "Well then, you have your food here, I must go now, call a maid or butler if you need anything." he said before getting up and leaving my room. It became awfully quiet, I took a small breath before using my elbow to lift my body up at an angle. I stared at the food in the tray for a good few minutes before sighing and taking the tray in my hands, I was starving.

Not a very creative title but I was desperate.

:D, chapter 7 is here and chapter 8 will be a time skip to the next day if not after German Empire gets better. This book is great fun and lemme point out, 200+ reads AND 20+ votes?! Wow, that is amazing in my opinion. I will try my hardest to make this book fun and all, some of the chapters are just things that happen in life like chapter 6 and 7 were getting sick which is normal. I don't want this book to be only about the fluff, angst, etc and just focus on 1 thing, I want it to include things that happen in life. Obviously this book will not be exactly historically accurate but I'll try my best. Some of the countries that you will maybe see(read) in this book will have a different gender since a whole lot of countries were female before but are now trans males since males were the best treated and all. Countries don't really have a gender in my au anyways. I shall stop my rambling and begin working on what I wanna do for chapter 8. If you have any ideas please tell me, anything will help right now! Also this book does not properly follow my headcanon but I'm just rolling with it. Also the female part is just to help balance things out-


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