Chapter 4- Growing on each other

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It was still pouring and Austria was beginning to lay slightly on me, he seemed aware of every sound that did not sound like the rain's gentle patterns. There was a sudden burst in the rain which made me look up just in time to see the lighting begin to settle in. I felt a sudden weight come off me abruptly which made me look to my side at Austria-Hungary who seemed to have been startled. I put my arm around his shoulders pulling him closer to me in a comforting manner.

He seemed to relax when near me, he trusted me, 'aww~' I couldn't help thinking as I stared lovingly at him. 'Wait- what am I doing?' I snap myself out of my trans and rip my gaze away from Austria.

I stared up at the sky again, I could barely see anything anymore. Looking back at the castle my father owned, I noticed how there was no one outside, 'Well obviously, it's raining hard.' I hit my head with my free hand trying to get myself to shut up. That's when it hit me, 'how are we going to get back inside?' I stare for a hot minute at the castle before beginning my brainstorming.

'We could try running to the castle's back door, but it's raining way too hard for that. Maybe we can wait for a bit until my dad realizes I'm gone? No, he doesn't care enough for that either.' I keep my thoughts as open as I can and begin blocking out the rest of the world.

It was getting progressively late and darker, that's when it hit me. 'The castle has multiple secret doors! We can get in from one of those.' Looking at the castle, I knew there was at least one or two of those doors near where we were and if my memory was correct. "We should probably start going back." I hear a small voice next to me say. I turned my head to Austria who was sitting tensely next to me. "We can stay for longer, to see if the rain eases." I say the ground under Austria, water was coming progressively closer to us as the ground under the water got more and more muddy. I took Austria's hand which seemed to have surprised him. I lift him up and let go of his hand so I can take off my suit jacket.

I carefully place the black leathery jacket on the ground like the gentleman I am and take Austria's hand again. He doesn't ask any questions and lets me carefully sit him back down on my jacket this time so his white suit doesn't get wet or muddy. I sat on the jacket's sleeve so I don't get too muddy either. I feel a head land on my shoulder and see Austria carelessly looking in front of him, his breath calm.

I felt blood coming up in my face, heating my cheeks lightly. 'Good thing that Austria can't see that.' I thought while my cheeks heated up more at the thought of him seeing me blush. It was silent again, but instead a comfortable silence as I could feel Austria slowly falling asleep on my shoulder, 'cute but I need him to stay up.' I thought to myself as I hesitantly took his other shoulder and began shaking him lightly. He grumbled lightly, I saw him lift his head from my shoulder and I smiled fondly at him, forgetting for a second that he was blind. "What?" He grumbled as his head slowly began falling back on my shoulder, yup, we need to start going. "We should start heading back to the castle." I say slowly getting up. I held onto Austria's hand and pulled him up once again, then bent down to pick up my jacket. It was a bit muddy, but not that bad.

I began pondering how we could get to the door, if we ran there would be chances of falling and because Austria is 'blind', then it might be harder for him to navigate himself to one of the doors. I stared blankly at the trees positioned not too far from where we were standing. "I think we might be able to run from tree to tree towards one of the doors." I blurted out blankly as I turned my head to Austria once again.

"As long as we make it inside safely, I'm fine with it." Austria said with a slightly worried tone, probably doesn't want to get dirty. I held his hand tightly in a reassuring way. I positioned myself to begin running for my life with Austria-Hungary's hand still placed firmly in mine.

"1" He breathed in to calm himself, I did the same.

"2" His grip on my hand tightened and I held it as calmly as I could.

"3!" I began running to the nearest tree to us Austria close behind me, we reached the tree in barely any time, my shoes getting muddy in the process. I began trying to catch my breath, Austria doing the same.

"That was so much fun!" He said as my cheeks blushed for some reason. "Ya." I rasped still trying to catch my breath as my throat began drying, 'I need water.' "We should hurry into the castle, the rain isn't getting any better and my vater will probably get mad at me for being out in this weather." I chuckle, he laughed lightly. I began running to the last tree without another warning. I heard Austria behind me scream surprised by the sudden movement. I kept laughing until we reached the last tree which was closer to the castle. We still had to run to the castle to the secret entrance which would lead us to one of the castle's toward. It would lead us to the bottom center of the stairwell which I had climbed later that night.

I stopped to let Austria catch his breath once again, I laughed again as I saw his flushed face. "You meanie." He mumbled under his breath but loud enough for me to hear, I laughed even harder at his comment which made him redden even more. I was wheezing when a flash of thunder hit from far away, the sound was delayed but came in on full power. I jumped and unconsciously held Austria's hand for comfort. I stayed dangerously silent for a bit as Austria took my hand again. "I have a question." I heard him mumble, I felt like he was trying to distract me from my mini heart attack. "G-go on." I murmured trying to calm myself down, I didn't really know it but being with Austria and holding his hand always made me comfortable and helped me forget all the bad in the world. "What should I call you?" He went on while nudging my hand closer to his chest, "What do you mean?" I asked my brain not really processing any of what Austria-Hungary had said. He sighed, "You know, like nicknames." I let out an understanding sound (like an ohhh) "what should be your nickname?" he asked again.

"You can call me whatever you want my love?~" I teased giggling at his reaction, his face red covering most of his lovely face, his mouth gaped slightly perfectly showing those plump juicy lips of his~ 'Snap out of it Germany!' I scolded myself. "Well... I guess I'll call you GE or Germany." He claimed, "GE, never heard someone say that one before." I mumbled under my breath keeping my voice lower than a whisper. "Maybe I'll call you... AH or love or Austria or my prince or-" I was cut off by Austria squeaking surprised at the nicknames I was giving him, "W-wha-what! You will not be calling me that i-in public!" He stuttered while covering his face with his arms. "Alright cutie~" I said seductively, causing Austria to shrink down more and more until he was crouching.

I kept laughing for a bit while Austria kept shrieking at me to stop. I kept calling him names and other things to get him too blush, gosh, I could just squeeze that face and kiss those beautiful lips endlessly while papering him with compliments and cute lovey dovey names. 'What the fuck is wrong with you deutschland?' I think while trying to suppress my sudden urge to want to kiss Austria-Hungary.

I took Austria's hand once again and intertwined our fingers to get a better grip on his hand, "Ready?" I ask, preparing to get into a sprint, "Yup." He said while his face began turning back to its original color.

I gripped his hand tighter and began running once again without a warning towards the secret door. I heard him squeak behind me before running along my footsteps steadily. We finally reached it and I tried opening it, 'locked.' I grumbled. I began fidgeting with the lock and finally got tired of standing in the rain as I pulled on it strongly, the rusted lock finally opening in one shot. I pried it away and opened the door, it creaked open as I pulled Austria closer to me making sure he wouldn't stand in the rain any longer. Austria was my main worry and I seemed to just want to protect him with my life like a mother bear with its baby cubs.

My mouth felt dry as I closed the door and placed the lock back on the door, it was rusted but still usable in some way. "That was fun." I heard Austria sigh amused as he seemed much closer to me than I thought.

"Ya." I simply responded feeling attracted to Austria's sleek and soft features, especially his hair, it was so puffy when we met, now it's just droopy and wet but I loved it nonetheless.

Sorry it took so long, but it's here now and it's a bit longer. Anyways, this is actually the ship that got me into the fandom. Glad I found this fandom actually. It might take a while for the next chapter again because school is a pain in the ass and it's the last stage of the year. Hope y'all enjoyed, this was fun to make. I'm actually going to try and find a way to post my google doc for y'all in case Wattpad decides to delete my story, seen it happen to other writers, just taking precautions. Longest chapter so far.


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