The Call

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I am a Man of Fortune, and I must seek my Fortune - Henry Avery.

Nathan and Sam sit on a bench at Jameson Marine Incorporated. 

"No, it's literally unbelievable. You tell me you stumble upon yet another archaeological gold mine... and somehow you managed to walk away... with nothing." Nate laughs at his brother's astonishment. "Yeah, well, it's the story of my life, I guess. But, y'know, I managed to grab a few trinkets here and there."

Sam hums in response, taking another drag from his cigarette. 

"Paid off the car, the house, engagement ring..." Nate pauses before remembering, turning back toward Sam and setting a hand on his chest. "Engagement ring. I'm married. I can't believe— Elena, from the stories? That's my wife. You gotta come meet her. Tonight, dinner. At my place. You're coming to dinner; I can tell her all about you." Sam, expressionless, stands up walking over to the railing in front of them.

"Shit, I gotta tell her all about you." 

"Nathan..." Sam intrupts. "I'm in a lot of trouble here." He looks over to see Nate's confused expression, waiting for an explanation. 

"What? What are you talking about? I kind of trouble?"

"Does the name Hector Alcazar ring a bell with you?"

"Yeah, he's the drug lord. 'Butcher of Panama,' right? Why?" 

Sam doesn't meet his brother's gaze for a moment. He takes a deep breath before saying, "It's a funny story, but um... for the last year, he was my cell mate." 

Sam looks over before continuing, "So this is how I got out of prison..."



"So, Alcazar lets me go, and," Sam takes a drag of his cigarette. "here we are."

"This is bad."

"No, we just pick up the trail where we left off and—"

"Wait, trail? Sam, there's no trail. After Rafe and I escaped, he took his parents' fortune and bought up all the land around the Saint Dismas cathedral. We combed that place for weeks. Avery's treasure isn't there. Not that that's stopped, Rafe. Moron's been digging for years. Still hasn't turned up squat."

Sam nods, "not really surprised." Nate looks at him.

"What does that mean?"

Sam reaches into his coat pocket, pulls out a folded piece of paper, handing it to Nate.

"Well, I just, you know, happened to do a little digging of my own... And uh... Bet you Rafe doesn't have this. It's really amazing what you can find on the internet these days."

Nate unfolds it revealing a printout of a forum post with pictures of the Saint Dismas cross.

"It's just the Saint Dismas cross."

Sam scoffs, "Oh, is it? Because the one we found was broken and hollow, remember?" Nate looks at the cross again, noticing a difference. "Holy crap, it's still intact. Avery made more than one cross."

"So whatever's missing from one in Panama..." " probably still inside this one."

A small smile appears on Nathan's face, "Well, all right. Where is this?"

"Oh, this exquisite piece," Sam grabs back the piece of paper,  "is going up for auction in three days at the Rossi Estate." He folds it back up, slipping it into his coat pocket once more.

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