At Sea

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I zip up my bag, glancing around my motel room, realizing how empty it feels. In the mornings, usually, Nate would come to check on me, and Sully would ask if I wanted to grab a coffee. 

I never thought I would miss the strong smell of cigars and long discussions about history.

I slip my boots on, tying the lace. Exhaling deeply, throwing my bag over my shoulder. 

Pushing the door, I'm blinded by the sun for a moment. Once my eyes adjusted, I walked towards the parking lot. I see Sam and Nate loading up the car.

I nervously adjust the strap on my shoulder and try to calm my shaking hand.

The crunching gravel under my feet makes the boys turn to me. Sam glances between me and Nate before walking over and taking my bag. The corner of my mouth slightly lifts into a smile.

Nate stares at me for a moment, trying to find something to say but falling short. 

He knew what he had to say, but his pride wouldn't allow it. But I wasn't going just to brush the situation aside, either.

Sam, noticing the tension, cuts in. "We should get the show on the road, huh."

I breathe out a chuckle at his attempt to ease the situation. We hopped in the car, and I sat in the back, looking through our maps as we drove off toward the docks.

(time skip to them on the boat)

I watched as the sun gleamed on the surface of the beautiful blue ocean water. The smell of the salty air filled my senses. There were small glimpses of clouds in the distance. It felt like I had hopped into a painting. 

"Hey, guys!" Sam shouts, making me turn toward him.

"Yeah?" Nate called back.

"Land ho!" Nathan got up and walked over to Sam. As I stayed in my seat and looked over the edge seeing the island faint in the distance.

"You know," Sam announced loudly, making me watch as he grabbed beers from the cooler. "all this running around, surviving by the skin of our teeth..." 

He took one and twisted the cap off, throwing it over the side of the boat. 

"I don't think we've actually taken to step back- here you go, doll." I chuckle as he hands me the open beer, cold to the touch but refreshing under the sun. 

"-And appreciate... just how far we've come." Sam continued, handing Nate a beer as well. "Huh? Sic parvis manga."

"Sic parvis manga."  Nate said while sipping the beer. Sam turned to me and raised his beer. I returned the gesture and then take a swig.

Sam turned and noticed Nate's expression, making him lower his voice while talking to him. I tuned out the conversation, observing the island getting closer and closer.

Once we were close enough to the island, I stood up and walked over to the boys. Sam sighed, "Huh. Somehow I imagined it... bigger."

"That's what she said," Sam spits his beer and coughs with a mix of laughter. He begins to pat his chest with his fist while playfully shoving my shoulder.

Nate rolls his eyes, "yeah, well, we're definitely in the place. I'll find us a spot to set ashore."

"Well. I least there's an island, right?" I hum in response to Sam's weak attempt to look on the bright side. 

"At least there's an island. Just keep an eye on anything man-made." Nate instructs, making me scan the island.

"Ah-ah... you mean pirate-made." Sam chuckles at his own joke. 

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