Graveyard in Scotland

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Nate holds up the map, showing the distance between the Church and the graveyard. This gives us a distinct advantage over Rafe. I adjusted my coat, protecting myself from the cold chill biting in the air.

I hear a rumble, and a giant cloud of smoke emerges from the Church. I huff in annoyance at Rafe's complete disregard for history and beautiful architecture. 

"Well. Rafe's really going all in, isn't he?" Sam says, astonished by the destruction we were witnessing.

Nate glances over at me, chuckling at my irritated expression. "Asshole isn't thinking about all the history he is destroying. If I see Rafe, it is on sight." I declared angrily. 

Nate pulls out his binoculars, "Well, they're all concentrated around the cathedral, so that's good... because we are going to have that graveyard all to ourselves." Nathan pulls out the radio. "Sully."

"Yeah?" We glance over seeing Sully's plane still in the water. The waves were beginning to become more erratic, no thanks to the wind.

"Hey, listen, we're good to go here."

"Okay, kid. Happy hunting."

I lean onto Nate's shoulder, speaking into the radio, still in his hand. "You sure you don't wanna come with us?"

A chuckle comes out of the radio, slightly muffled cause of the static, "Yeah, well, unless you can find me an escalator, I think I'll pass."

"Don't worry, Sully. Y/N will find something shiny for you and have some super long explanation behind it." I smack Nate's arm in a rebuttal of his teasing. Sam laughed, watching the whole interaction, smiling softly. 

"Hey, don't diss my knowledge and interests. You would still be trying to figure out the dates without me." I say, walking away toward the direction of the graveyard. Nathan chuckles before following after me.

"So, Y/N," I turn to see Sam running to catch up with me. "This your first time in Scotland?"

I sigh, "yeah, which is surprising. I've always wanted to visit."

"Why not?"

Nate, behind us, answers for me, "because she is a workaholic who doesn't know how to take time for herself." I turn a stick out my tongue, Nathan doing the same. 

Sam chuckles, "wow, real mature." The three of us laugh. 

Although we were walking straight into potential danger, Nate and Sam's demeanor was calm, almost making me forget why we were there. I always got along with Nate, but since Sam came back from the dead, he has seemed more himself but also more irrational. 

We come up on a cliff we need to climb up. I stretch out my arms as Sam and Nate begin to think of a way to make it easier for me to climb up. 

"Maybe I should climb up first and tie a rope around something up there."

"Is there anything up there?"

"I don't know, but I won't unless I check."

"But what if-"

"You boys coming?" the two of them turn to see me halfway up the cliff, hanging on my one arm, half of my body turned toward them.

"I-wh-how-" I chuckle before continuing up. "I take rock climbing lessons. This is a piece of cake." I pull myself up fully before pausing. Materials scattered the land below me; most boxes had the brand 'Shoreline' on them.


The Drakes walk up next to me, having the same reaction I did.

"What the hell is all this?"

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