The Twelve Towers

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For those who also don't know car facts, aka me, "sports bar" is that beam-like thing on jeeps without a roof (I suck at description, so maybe look it up, lol) anyway. SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG ENJOY!


The hot sun beat down on my skin, my F/C henley top helping keep me cool. I stood up in the back seat of the jeep, resting my hands on the sports bar, my eyes squinted, looking around the beautiful savanna. 

"What're the satellites saying, Victor?" Sam asks. I glance over to see him tossing a stone up and down. Sully was holding his phone up in the sky for a better signal. "Right now, not a goddamn thing. I lost the signal."

We all sigh in annoyance. Nate looks back at me before popping open the door and hopping out of the car. I follow close behind.

"Hey, y'know what never loses its signal?" Nathan slips the map from his back pocket. "Paper." We gather around him as Nate smooths out the map on the car's hood. "All right, this route right should take us straight to the volcano. Might get a little bumpy, though." Nate explains while dragging his finger across the blue lines he had drawn. I shrug, "Could be worse." 

Nate scoffs, "Don't jinx us."

Sam chucks his rock to the side. "Let's get this show on the road." 

I walk toward the car door, but Sam swiftly comes around and opens the door for me. I chuckle and place a hand on my chest. "Why thank you, good sir," I say in an overly posh voice. Sam uses his hand to gesture into the car, slightly bowing, "Anything for my lady." He says with a wink. My grin widens as I hop into the car. 

Nate and Sully were in the front seat while I sat behind Nate and Sam on my right. A slight rumble emits from the car as Nathan turns the key and drives down the dirt road.

 "So, what're we doing for out here?" Sully asks.

"Well, the map shows all these structures around the volcano. Some abandoned outposts, a handful of watch towers." Nathan explains

"Watch towers?"

"Avery was the most wanted man in the world, so if he was hiding something out here, makes sense he'd heed lookouts," Sam says.

"And one of those towers is right on the volcano."

"With Avery's treasure?" Sully questions.

"Fingers crossed."

I cut in, "I wonder how many pirates we will be able to recognize; we have already seen Thomas Tew. Do you think there could be multiple well-known pirates connected to this?" 

"There might be a few, I don't think too many though." Sam agrees, leaning back in his seat. "I still can't believe that he was alive. The stories say Tew was disemboweled by a cannon shot and died instantly in 1695." 

"Makes you question a lot about history," I say as Sam nods in agreement. 

"I see some ruins up ahead." I look over at what Sully is talking about and notice the remains of what seems to be a house with a broken staircase to the left. Nate pushed on the break, making the car come to a stop.

"Wait here; I'll go take a look." Nate hops out of the car, leaving me, Sully, and Sam. There is a moment of awkward silence before Sam breaks it. "So, Victor, you still do a lot of traveling these days?"

"I try...I tend to pick jobs that get me away from the computer."

"I was telling Nathan. It's shocking how much of the business has moved to the Internet. I mean, I bet you have all sorts of options to get rid of hot cargo now." 

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