A Thief's End

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We walked through the port town towards the ocean.The tension between us had dissipated, but every time I glanced at Sam, he would avert his gaze and stare at the mountain.

"There she is." Sully announced, pointing at his plane.

"It's a long drop. How did you get here?" Elena asked, pointing out how far away we were.

"I hopped down a few of these walls, but... I guess we'll have to find another way around it." We pause as a distant boom rumbles from the mountain.  "What the hell was that?"

"That came from the mountain."

 "It's Avery's traps."

"Hey, that means they're blowing themselves up." Sully tried to joke.

"No, it means they're on the right path," Sam responded monotonely. 

Nate quickly diverted his attention. "Hey, c'mon. Let's just stay focused, huh?

We follow Sully as he leads us towards a platform one floor above us. "Well, I jumped down from up there... but it's too high to get back up."

I rest my hands on my hips, "can't believe you didn't break your kneecaps, old man." Sully lightly smacked the back of my head and scoffed.  

"Give me a hand, Sam," Nathan asked, pushing a cart. "All right."

"Hey, you need a hand?"

"Hey, no thanks. We got it." Every time Sam spoke, the more deafeted his tone sounded. It made my heart ache, but I knew this was for the best. Once they placed the chart under the ledge, Sam turned towards me and offered his hand. 

As we head toward the plane, we come across a long gap between us and the other buildings.

"Anyone see a way out?"

 "Hey guys. Through here." "Whoa. Check that thing out." Nathan points out a platform that hands on a metal bar.

"It's like a skyrail or something." Elena guesses, resting her hands on her hips.

"Think it still works."

"There's no controls, but I bet I could pull the platform with my rope."

"I got an idea... Nathan, give me a hand?" Sam called, gesturing to a wooden beam.


Nathan and Sam push out a beam that creates a decent amount of room for Nathan to jump across.

"Okay. Victor, Can I borrow you for a sec?"


Nathan takes a breath before carefully walking across, pausing before taking a leap to the platform. The boards crunch slightly when he roughly lands. "Made it."

We all grab onto a beam to keep ourselves steady. Nathan pulls his rope, slowly getting us across.

"Well, this is some impressive engineering for a bunch of pirates."

"This is nothing. You shoulda seen the elevators."

"Wait, they have elevators?"

suddenly, the Skyrail moves faster as we begin to swing back and forth. 


"Hang on!"

"You guys all right?" Nathan asked; we jumped off, sighing in relief. Sam stayed on, lying down and reaching out to Nate.

"Yeah. It's like a roller coaster." Elena joked

 "C'mon up, Nathan." Sam encouraged. Nathan slowly climbed the rope, swinging slightly before jumping for his brother's outstretched hand. Suddenly, the Skyrail gave way and was swinging on only one metal beam.

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