The Truth

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Now they stood at the top of the watch tower, the whole island in view. A sight very few got to behold. Sam rested his forearms against the railing, rubbing the dirt off his hands from climbing.

"Whoa. Quite the crow's nest, huh?"  Nathan says, astonished. Sam gestured toward a building in the distance that was much larger than the rest. "There it is, just on the other side of the river."

Nathan smirks and pats his brother's back. "Well, whaddya say we go...rob from the rich, huh?" He slips out his journal as Sam begins to climb down.

"Hey, is there a path down here?" Nathan shouts as he scales down a statue of an angel.

"Ah, of sorts. C'mon." Nathan follows as Sam asks him, "So, how long do you figure it'll take us to get to New Devon?"

"Well, couple hours. Depends on what or who we bump into along the way." Just before Nathan could finish his sentence, a rocket hits the side of the building, just bearly missing Sam.

"Ah, shit! Nathan! RPG!" More gunfire followed; seemed that the mercenaries were quicker than they thought. "Ah! Shit! You all right?" Nathan called out to Sam.

"Yeah! Come on! Through these windows!"

Nathan jumped down to a railing, but it quickly began to swing away from its original position, and Nate hit the side of the building, the air escaping his lungs for a moment.

"Ahh! Sam, look out! Move!" What remained of the angel statues came crashing down, and Sam narrowly dodged it.  "Jesus!"

"Whoa! These guys love blowing shit up, don't they?!" Nathan screams as another RPG hits the collapsing tower.

"Nathan! Down here!" Sam instructs as Natha quickly climbs down."I'm coming!"

Nathan enters the building, finding it engulfed with flames, "where are you?" He calls out, holding up his arms to block the blistering heat from the fire.  

"I'm down here! Come on!" Sam calls back. Nathan takes a few steps back before running and jumping toward a platform below. His weight causes the boards to creak, and the momentum causes him to run into the glass doors. Nathan hears another explosion and looks up, seeing the roof caving in. 

"Look out!" Sam shouts, Nathan, pushing himself towards the wall to avoid the destruction. 

 "Whoa, shit! Jesus, that was close." Once clear, Nathan jumps again, landing on a staircase, Samuel right in front of him. "Something tells me they've had enough of us," Sam says sarcastically. 

"Really? What gives you that idea?"

"Down here, quick!" 

"Don't wait. Just go!" Another RPG hits the building right next to Nate, causing him to go flying. His back roughly hits the wall, his body going limp as he hurls towards the floor. He rolls over and groans in pain, his whole body in pain. 

Sam runs over and checks over Nathan with concern. "Get up, brother. We gotta go! We gotta go! Now!" He turns to keep running, but another explosion sends them both backward, and the whole tower shifts forward. 

"Oh! Oh shit!"

As the floor begins to give way and the cliff side is now in view, the Drakes throw their hooks and latch onto floorboards from the other buildings.

"Assholes." Nathan curses under his breath. Bullets begin to wizz 

"Come on! Up here! Climb up the rope!" Once at the top, the side of the wall blows up.

"Oh, what the hell?!"

"Don't stop. Don't slow down. Don't stop. Don't slow down!" Sam encouraged, turning to see Nathan jump but too far from the cliff. Nathan clasps the edge for dear life. Sam runs back to pull his brother up. "Nate. There. Whoa."

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