Auction in Italy

580 16 19

3rd Person POV

Sam and Nate sit low on a cliffside, watching fancy cars pull up, and people walk into the giant building holding the auction.

Nate looks down at the blueprints of the building as Sam observes everyone walking into the building and looking for Sully's signal.

Both of the Drakes were wearing blue tracksuits over top of their tuxes. 

Nate looks up at his stressed-out older brother. "See anything yet?"

"Just a bunch of high-class, low-life criminals, all cleaned up for prom." Sam pulls the binoculars away from his eyes to glance at his brother. "And no sign from Sullivan yet."

"Well, there's still plenty of time. Looks like the storage room is in the building behind the manor. Looks like the storage rooms in the building behind the manor. You see it from up there?" 

Sam stands up to get a better view of the building. "Just the very top of it. Ooh, I wonder what they got tucked away in there?"

Nate continues to stare at the blueprints. "Let's just focus on Avery's cross, okay?" Nathan was not thrilled to be tossed into the life he had tried so hard to avoid.

"I don't know. You sure you don't wanna pick up something for the wife?" Sam teases. 

Nate chuckles before biting back, "That's cute. Let's just wait for Sully's signal." Nathan folds up the blueprints stuffing them into his pocket. Sam jumps down from his ledge next to his brother.

Sam sighs in annoyance. "It'd be a whole lot simpler if it was just the three of us."


"We could be inside already."

"Yeah. Not cleanly."

Nate walks over to a bench and checks that his shoelaces are on tight.

"Have you even thought about a backup plan in case Sullivan gets cold feet?"

"No, because he won't."

"Maybe he left Y/N in there by herself."

"Sam...he knows the people running the auction. He's gonna schmoose his way right through that party, meet up with Y/N and unlock the window. Then we are in; it's a solid plan."

"Uh-huh." Nathan notices Sam's growing doubt and nervousness.

Nathan sighs. "All right, fine. Go ahead. Say it." 

"What if he stole the cross for himself?" Sam exclaims, almost bursting at the seams.

Nathan looks at Sam incredulously. "Not in a million years."

Sam points toward the building. "Victor Sullivan. The same Victor we're talking about, right?"

"Yes, he's double-crossed people in the past. But not us."

"No. Not you." 

Nathan stands up from the bench, "I know you two have never seen eye to eye-"

"Huge understatement." Sam interrupts.

"But I trust him, all right? He's family." Nate says. Sam's face breaks into a smile, and he scoffs in annoyance. 

"No, no, no, look- I just need you to trust him too." They both sit in silence for a moment before Sam caves. "Fine, fine."

"He'll come through for us...Eventually"

Nate snatches the binoculars from Sam and looks towards the windows. 

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